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2 Weeks Without!


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Well guys you are no doubt getting bored with me by now but it's now 2 weeks without a smoke, that's a real milestone for me! I am not going to say it has been an easy road, It's been far from that at times! I've gone from between 40 and 50 a day to zero with a lot of help from my Doctor and a "Quit Smoking Councillor". I am on Champix Tablets which are working fine but there are some funny side effects with them - My sleep pattern is drastically altered and I am having some of the strangest dreams imaginable, oh for a good night's sleep, but that will come when I've finished the course of tablets. ;)

I was quite concerned about putting on wieght with the "giving up" and found that I was getting through a hell of a lot of "Trebor Extra Strong Mints", especially when I was driving, unfortunately these started causing trapped wind which was a little painful so I have had to restrict the amount of them that I eat. One of the hardest times of all for me is first thing in the morning - My usual habit was to get out of bed, put the kettle on and roll a fag - This is one of the hardest habits to break and I have had to change my routine and have to go for a quick walk as soon as I get up. :(

Another problem that I have encountered is when I am sitting down watching telly in the evenings - I used to smoke quite a lot during this time so to replace that habit I tried eating dried sliced banana and raisins - These are quite tasty to eat and healthy with, it but this has it's drawbacks - They give me terrible wind - Very embarressing!!!! :yes:

Even so, the problems I have encountered are far outweighed by the benefits of not smoking - Firstly, I am not killing myself off - I realise that I have already caused quite a bit of irreversable damage to my lungs, there's nothing I can do about that and I have only myself to blame but at least I am not causing any more now! Another thing is feeling of satisfaction, knowing that I am finally beating this habbit that has been with me for over 45 years - I really feel good about that!!!!! :lol:;):lol::P

Then there is the social side of life - I no longer stink like an old ash tray, the funny thing is that within a few days of quitting I could notice the stink of burned cigaretts in the car and on my shooting gear -That has all been cleaned up and is gone now and I can even tell if anyone near me has been smoking just by the smell which is something that I could not do before.

Finally there is the financial side of things - and this is a great benefit! I was getting my tobacco from a mate and was spending on average about £30 odd a week, this equates to around £120 a month or between 1400 and 1500 pounds per year-now that's a lot of money. I originally gave myself a goal, or target if you like - If I could successfully give up smoking I would put the money by that I was spending on tobacco and when I had enough I would treat myself to a new gun! That idea was replaced by me going out last Saturday (With the wife's blessing) and ordering and paying for an Ex-Demo (Its only had about 200-300 shots through it) CZ 452 Varmint in 17HMR. On top of that I have bought a new set of Bushnell Sportsman 6-24 X 50 IR Scopes to go on it (When I get my FAC back with the variation on it) (That reminds me, I will need a good moderator for it as well) This is a treat/reward that will get put to a lot of use and benefit me even more as it will be the first (Nearly) New Rifle that I have owned and will encourage me to get out for even more exercise.

All in all I am really pleased with myself and determined to stick with it. Like I said, its not easy and don't let anyone tell you that it is - But when you do manage to quit the feeling of satisfaction is undescribable. If you are currently trying to quit please stick with it, if not for your sake for those around you (Family Friends and Loved Ones), and if you are thinking about quitting give it a try. Even if you fail first time round please do not "give up on giving up", have another go, it's taken me 4 or 5 attempts but the outcome is well worth it.

Finally, thanks to everyone that has given me help, advice and support! :( :good::good:

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I know they say theres nothing like an ex smoker who moans about people smoking, I managed it but what also kept me happy or off the weed was when I fancied a fag I used to get a swan vesta match and draw it through my teeth eventually creating a fan shape ,It worked but I had nightmares for years after,I used to wake up in a cold sweat dreaming that I had started again. BE GOOD STICK WITH IT>


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I quit on tuesday....Seems ok so far...well done frenchie...keep it up dude....I'm looking forward to a new .22-250 after xmas with my extra coin... :yes:;)


Smig mate, I am with you all the way. Stick with it, the benefits are enormouse!!!! :(

Hope you get your 22-250 for Chrissy', I have just sold mine as it was not getting as much use as it deserved!

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6 days for me so far - Frenchieboy - I'm using Zyban and can definitely feel your pain on the sleep front - Think there must be some kind of stimulant side-effect as have probably had less than 5 hours sleep every night this week (Having said which, i am not tired, but my eyes hurt a fair bit). On the plus plus plus side, I walked home from the station last night and didn't stop for a breather at the top of the hill, only coughed for about 2 minutes in the shower this morning and feel a lot "cleaner", as well as being about 40 quid up on the week so far!!


Going to JJ's tomorrow and think i might even enjoy walking up the hill there.


Fingers crossed.


Let's keep on keeping on!!

Edited by Fatcatsplat
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Remember how pleased you are now having stopped smoking. This is important. In 6 months time you will think you have it beat and will consider having a ciggy as a treat because you will tell yourself you have it under control and can have just one as a treat. Do not fall into that trap and remember having come this far how disappointed you would be with yourself if you ever have another.


They say that after 2 weeks the physical addiction has passed and the rest is in your head.


You are over the worst of it.

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Stick with it mate.


I packed up in '90. I had met a lady who I knew was to be my wife. I realised that, because of some pain I was getting, that the only thing I could offer her would be pushing me about in a wheel chair if I didn't stop. I took me 12months but I did it.


In 2002 I was woken at 3am by an excruciating pain but I put it down to very bad indigestion. Two weeks later the pain returned. I was just sitting on the settee watching telly. This time there was no mistaking, it was a heart attack.

I still get Angina but it's usually mild and a few minutes rest sorts it.


The main thing is that I'm so glad that I stopped because I know that, if I had not stopped, then my wife would have been attending a grave or nursing a cripple.


I know I can't lecture people but when I see young kids with a fag in their mouth then I just want to slap it out of their mouth and tell them not to be so stupid.


Best wishes


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Well done Frenchieboy, I was on Champix Tablets, had some right weird dreams also, slept ok, but kept waking up earlier and earlier...I went for about 5 months, it was a spate of mind numbing 12 hour night shifts with absolutely nothing to do for 12 hours that got me back on the tobacco... :yes:

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Fatcatsplat mate, if you are getting 5 hours sleep a night you are lucky, more often than not it is the derams that wake me! It does seem that this is one of the biggest drawbacks with Champix but the eventual outcome makes it all worth it, especially if you are already £40 a week better off! Another thing that I am finding which I forgot to mention is that when I wake up there is no "taking your time gradually waking for sleep" it is just "bang" and I am fully awake - that takes some getting used to!

To all of the others that have replied, thanks for the words of encouragement, it's good to know that I am not on my own through this, and once again, good luck to all who are trying to kick the habit! :yes:;) :(

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Well done mate!! Keep it up as the rewards for quitting are fantastic, once you get the idea into your head that you are feeling good because of quitting nicotine there will be no stopping you!!! :yes: 6 months and 5 days without a smoke and dispise them now!!

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Its two weeks for Sweepy

And i am so proud of him. I know its not been easly for him.But he is so determine to do it this time.

He was told to give up about 7 years ago by his doctors. But he can be a stubborn old fool sometimes. And in many ways i could sympathize with him .


About ten years ago he was diagnosis with the illness that is going to rob him of his mobility in the comming years.

So he was put on medication which means he has had to give up on some of lifes pleasures.

Smoking being one of them.

Unfortunately Smoking is the one that he has battle with the most.And up to now it has won.


About the month ago Sweepy had a blood clot. And even though we have not said it so much in words . I think it made as both realize where Sweepys health is concern we are sitting on a bit of a time bomb.And its no good bury are heads in the sand and hoping that it will go away . ITS NOT.

So this is why i am so proud of what he is doing . Because he could so easy just sit back and smoke himself into a early grave Like he was.

This used to bug me like hell. That in the way he was chosing smoking over his family.


But Two weeks ago when he went for his weeky blood test .He came to the decision that now was the time to give up.

I dont think he realize how much of the relief it has been for myself and boys.

But if he do get to read this.


At least now we have a better chance at spending are golden years together. :(





I take that all back

His nicked my bloody polos :yes:

Edited by Mrs Sweepy
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Ditto and amen to that Chard.


Hey ho.


7 and a bit months off the ciggies for me. Leaving aside the additional takeaway and red wine consumption that's a saving of £840


£840 That a new gun in my mind, go on treat yourself

Well done to all of you :yes: I never smoked myself but the missus does, sadly she doesn't want to give up


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Well done y,all. I quit in early 90,s. As far as drugs go,nicotine is a rubbish one after all. Not mind altering to any great extent. I just recall having a smoke as filling a void which put you off wanting another fag for a while. Keep it up and deny Mr Darling the revenue.

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Mrs Sweepy, that's exactly why I keep saying"Do it, If not for yourself for your Loved Ones, Family and Friends. Smoking is such an esay habit to start but it can be oh so difficult to quit. At times Mr. Sweepy might become irritable or even downright annoying while he is quitting - Try to tollerate and most of all support him, it will not be easy for him. I wish Mr Sweepy luck.

Regards to you and all your family!

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Well done Frenchieboy. :ernyha:

It's 3 1/2 years for me now and there are still times when I could pick up a fag (not the right word to use on here :P ) cigarette but thank god I don't. It's not easy so stick with it and it will get better, and your right to watch your weight as it's sooooooo easy to substitute the tabs for food (as my 2 1/2 stone will testify).

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