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Do guns really appreciate the beaters

Crouch valley

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Do the guns really appreciate the beaters. I have keepered the same game shoot for the last 13 years over the last five years we have gone commercial. I have seen many teams of gun from all over the country and it is always good to see the guns thank the beaters for what they have done for them throughout the day and appreciate no beaters no driven birds. Surely its time for all teams of guns to say thank you after a driven day. My beaters have now become close friends who take time off in the week to beat for me and help on the shoot. So come on guns more appreciation please I think gone are the days of them and us on my shoot we all mingle together and eat in the lodge together. SO PLEASE SAY THANK YOU. :good:

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In the 5 seasons I've been beating on the local estate none of the beaters have been approached or thanked by any of the guns, they really think they are a class apart :good:


Bearing in mind they are there shooting any number up to 500 birds & they are all there on a free shoot, you'd think they would show a bit more appreciation to the people that have taken time of work to put that amount of birds over them , they even struggle to give a "good morning":P


The boss of the estate all ways comes in to the beaters shed at the end of the day & thanks us all. The headkeeper is very appreciative of us as well.


We do get a bloody good beaters day at the end of the season plus clear up days :good:



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I think a lot of it boils down to the type of guns at the shoot. When the shoot is small and usually a syndicate then yes the guns do appreciate the beaters. But as soon as the shoot becomes commercial and the guns are paying a lot of money to shoot or they are the "city boys" who have more money than manners then they do not appreciate the beaters as they do not have a clue what goes on in the beating line.


As a beater myself and occasional gun I will always thank the beaters and other people who have helped on the day, Picker ups etc.


You will always find out who appreciates the beaters when you see what guns turn out to beat on beaters day. Normally not many

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some of the guns thank us at the shoot i beat at and 2 guns buys 500 shells for the beaters to use on beaters day :angry: but i think where they dont give a thought for us is that we usualy finish for lunch about half 12 and the guns mayabe only need another 30 birds to make up their numbers but yet we still stop and then its 2pm before we go back out instead of going on to the next drive for the 30 birds and forgetting about lunch, it would mean finishing about 1pm and would leave us beaters to get home and get out for a few hours shooting urselfs

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thats probably the best thing for guns to remember monkeyboots, its fine for them stopping in the pub for an hour or two at lunch but on a wet day it doesn't half irritate the beaters. I beat on two shoots one a syndicate / family shoot and the other a small farm syndicate and the former you don't get appreciated as much but you do get paid more and have a far better beaters day. The small farm syndicate they provide food and eat with us at lunch and the banter is pretty good but then the shooting is far less serious.

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Now I may be throwing a curved ball here and will get my tin hat on but looking at the things said

no beaters no guns ?? well you could argue no guns then no beaters :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol:

I am lucky enough to have a gun on a small shoot but have done my fair share of beating and I used to go because I loved working the dogs, being out in great country side with like minded people ie guns and beaters. At no time did I go " to make sure the toffs had a good day" I did it because I enjoyed it and felt I didnt need thanking for something I was doing for my own enjoyment,

Having said that most days were great with beaters guns land owners all getting on and enjoying the day, someone mentioned they wanted everybody to skip lunch so they could get home earlier :angry: Whats that all about, beating or shooting I would never want to go home, if you feel like that suggest you are doing it for the wrong reasons.



Ok tin hat on but it worries me that some maybe beating for the money, (small as it is. and thats just the wrong reason


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doc its only an issue if the beaters are wet and cold that stopping for long for lunch is hard on them and dogs. Like you I do it for the enjoyment and banter first then the extra shooting opportunities and a very long way down the list is making sure the toffs have a good day

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well i work and this time of year it is our busy time at work i go to work in the dark and come home from work in the dark, so saturday is my only day to get out and do a bit yes i like to watch my dogs work and get out in the fresh air and a bit of crack with the other lads, but i also like a shot as well and the point im making is for the sake of another few birds in fact 2 weeks ago we sat about for nearly 2 hours just so the guns could go back out for 18 birds :angry: now a bit of come and go with the guns would be a good idea where the shoot captain could say go on till the next drive and let the beaters get on home to go for a shot themselfs now that would be the guns showing a bit of respect to the beaters i get a tenner and free stew and 2 tins of beers a beaters shoot and pigeon shooting in feb so im not complaining just making the point of the guns messing about for 2 hours for a few more birds different if they still needed 50-60 birds then yes i understand stopping for lunch



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All I can say is if I had paid a lot of money for the day and was enjoying it, I would want to go on to the very end. Sorry to say my first thought wouldnt have been Oh just paid £200 for this day I will go home early so the beaters can go shooting" and I think thats reasonable

just my thoughts



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If you are paying between say £300 and £1000+ a day (I don't!) then I would think it's more for the shoot owners to appreciate the beaters rather than the guns. That's not to say a bit of common decency is not in order and the beating team should be acknowldeged on a drive where plenty of quality birds are put up as a matter of courtesy.


The problem on my syndicate shoot is the disparity in the effort put into beating by each team (we shoot one beat one like most DIYs I assume). One team consistently gets better quality birds put up for them than the other. There are a few regular "beater only" regulars but not in sufficient numbers to make a real difference.


On the final drive at the last shoot, we emerged from the woods to find one of the guns walking away from his peg leaving half a dozen downed birds in front of him. Really not on. There were no "beater only" folks that day (shocking weather). Wouldn't be so bad if the said individual actually put any effort into the beating - let alone picking up our shot birds for us.


If any Essex based beaters or picker-uppers are about this Wednesday then please PM me, you would be most welcome :lol:

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Where I beat on an estate family shoot there is always a thank you at the end of the days from most of if not all of the guns as well as the estate owner.


I think earlier posts hit the nail on the head.....Pepole what I call with 'New money' are the worst to associate from that prespective I think.


But then again most of the guns on these types of shoots only shoot as guests among the elite and never buy any shooting.

You will find talking to keepers the best tips come from people who buy big shooting days.

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Of course the guns should thank the beaters, pickers up, keepers and everyone else who made the day.


However they have paid the money for the day and in my eyes get to make a day of it if they so wish. They could all be billionaires or they could have saved all year for one special day.


It may be that the guns are old friends and this is their one meet up each year. The get together and the day as a whole (including the 2 hour lunch) should be the reason to go on a shoot day.

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