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OK, so once again I am going to attempt to quit this horrible habit. I have promised my girls that it will be my new years resolution as they are at the age where they know it's bad for you, and my youngest is really bothered by it because she thinks I'm going to die and don't care about how they feel about it.

Both my girls have told me many times that I should stop, but it really got to me when I realised how much it bothered them.


So as my new year resolution, I am going to try to kick the habit. So I thought I'd make it public here on the forum and see who else on here wants to give it a go.


Anyone who wants to make it their new years resolution can put their names down on here, and we can keep this thread going when we want to talk about it, whether it's how hard it's been, or whether temptation has got the better of you and you have had one. Lets try to encourage each other, and even if just one person kicks the habit for good, we have achieved something good. I know for one, that I am going to struggle with this, but going public I think gives me something to aim for, in not wanting to admit defeat etc...


I know my good friend DennyEssex will be on his third day now, hope he hasn't had one and puts his name down too.


So first name on the PigeonWatch give up Smoking campaign list:



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OK, so once again I am going to attempt to quit this horrible habit. I have promised my girls that it will be my new years resolution as they are at the age where they know it's bad for you, and my youngest is really bothered by it because she thinks I'm going to die and don't care about how they feel about it.

Both my girls have told me many times that I should stop, but it really got to me when I realised how much it bothered them.


I think that this is all the motivation you will need to quit.


Good luck to you - you could invest the money in more carts. Or patches!

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Good luck guys.


Been off them for nearly five months now with the help of Champix tablets. Don't know how much help they where, only trouble is iv'e had to start jogging to get rid of the stone and half iv'e put on.


Deffo feel better for it tho, so stick at it.

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count me in cosd - I'm going for it in the new year too (and my hgv 1 license :good:) best of luck to you!



ive never been a smoker so dont know how hard it is to stop.


But good luck with your HGV 1 (ive got mine although cant use it at the mo. tis a great job)



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Had a bad chest infection back in October havent had a smoke for 7 weeks now.

Got to say the biggest help for me is not being able to smoke in the pub anymore, don't miss tobacco at all strangely! :good:

Not complaining though :hmm:

Good luck.



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My dad was telling me about my grandad who smoked heavily along with my uncle. One day he went to the doctor (for the first time!) with a chest complaint, the doctor stared at him and said "If you dont stop smoking now, you'll be dead in 6 months"........he didn't touch another cigarette or cigar again.

Same with my uncle, couldn't give up or didn't have the willpower until he was diagnosed with cancer and needed a cystectomy (full bladder removal), after the op he was on a life support machine for 3 days. Once he had recovered he stopped instantly.


You smokers seem to need a BIG shock often a life threatening one, which seems to do the trick :hmm:


Anyway good luck :good:

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The problem with smoking is you have to want to stop smoking; the reasons are all the same.

But if any part of you still wants to smoke no matter how hard you try it will never work as they say once a smoker always one. I stopped for five years not by choice it was because my partner at the time hated smoking, things we do for love :good: as soon as she went smoked again ever since. And as with everything in life, by the time you stop it’s usually too late to worry about when someone tells you there is something wrong with you because of smoking. Anyway enough of the doom and gloom :good: if it’s for your kids that should be reason enough for you to stop! Just think if it was the other way round and they started smoking would you like it :hmm: ?


Good Luck

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Who's got Mungler's Allen Carr DVD at the moment? I'm on 5 and a bit weeks off 'em now on Zyban.


Was talkking to a bloke the other day and the comment i made to him was that i didn't want to cheat this time - Every time i've given up in the past i've had "one fag" to congratulate myself and prove that i was over it - Every time i was wrong. Get the mindset right and the body will follow.


Good luck chaps. :good::hmm:

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This is a briiliant idea!


I stopped smoking a long time ago now, and for sure it's really easy provided you REALLY want to do it. All you need to do is find a reason and concentrate on that whenever you feel you want a ciggy. I found that the "longing" got shoter and shorter as each day went by.


Talking about it really helped me quit. One little trick I found useful was to be clear about the fact that you might WANT a cigarette but you don't NEED one.


Good luck to all who take this on. It's not as hard as you think, really!

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Why bother?


You obviously don't have the willpower to do it so it is not worth the pain and aggro.


Or you could always take up the challenge to prove me wrong :good::hmm:


Totally agree. Typing a few meaningless words on a forum on intent. Bet you wish you never started now? Remember the NHS stop smqoking campaign?


Smokers DIE young!


Good luck with it though



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I'm now on my fourth week of champix tablets . Got them from the doctors , i go back every two weeks to the "no smoking" club .

These tablets are the dogs !!! No cravings , no second head . I can stand with folks who are smoking , and it does not bother me .

I smoked between 30-40 a day .

I have not had a ciggy for 3 weeks and 3 days .


all the best yis yp :good:

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ive never been a smoker so dont know how hard it is to stop.


But good luck with your HGV 1 (ive got mine although cant use it at the mo. tis a great job)




Thanks, I'm on class 2 at the moment and really enjoy it. I've failed three class 1 tests (about a year ago) it's all nerves, I was good at it - better than most people taking their test according to the instructor but it only takes one silly mistake :hmm: I'll get there in the end though.


There's some heartless people on here :good: yes, it was stupid to start, and in my case even more so to start again after 5 years off them but it's bloody hard to pack it in and a bit of encouragement would be much better than kicking a man when he's down .......

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Thanks, I'm on class 2 at the moment and really enjoy it. I've failed three class 1 tests (about a year ago) it's all nerves, I was good at it - better than most people taking their test according to the instructor but it only takes one silly mistake :hmm: I'll get there in the end though.


There's some heartless people on here :good: yes, it was stupid to start, and in my case even more so to start again after 5 years off them but it's bloody hard to pack it in and a bit of encouragement would be much better than kicking a man when he's down .......





Just think of the pictures on the fag packets now with the images of mouth cancer and the guy with the big **** off tumor on his throat. If that doesn't start the alarms bells ringing well............

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For all of those on here who want to tell us it's our own fault, etc, etc, we already know that; And for those who think "typing a few meaninless words on a forum" is a watse of time, you are entitled to your opinions too. I suppose you would also run into a room of alcoholic rehabs and tell them that talking about it is also a waste of time!


Since I would like to give up, and as others on here would like to also, why don't you give us a break and let us get on with it. You never know, we could end up being perfect like yourselves!

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Thanks, I'm on class 2 at the moment and really enjoy it. I've failed three class 1 tests (about a year ago) it's all nerves, I was good at it - better than most people taking their test according to the instructor but it only takes one silly mistake :good: I'll get there in the end though.


There's some heartless people on here :good: yes, it was stupid to start, and in my case even more so to start again after 5 years off them but it's bloody hard to pack it in and a bit of encouragement would be much better than kicking a man when he's down .......



im sure you will get there, as you say its a nerves thing......i was once told that when you turn up at the test centre you have already passed your test, you just have to convince the examiner otherwise...


as for the smoking thing,


come on guys give these people a break, at least they are trying to do something about it, as i said before ive never smoked so dont know how hard it is to give up, a bit of support needed here i think! :good:



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As you All know ;

Remember and repeat to your self


SMOKING is bad for you.


Why the h*ll do I smoking anyway , bad taste, bad smell, would you like to lick an ashtray !


not to mention the few pennies it costs per packet !!!


I'm a quitter !



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For all of those on here who want to tell us it's our own fault, etc, etc, we already know that; And for those who think "typing a few meaninless words on a forum" is a watse of time, you are entitled to your opinions too. I suppose you would also run into a room of alcoholic rehabs and tell them that talking about it is also a waste of time!


Since I would like to give up, and as others on here would like to also, why don't you give us a break and let us get on with it. You never know, we could end up being perfect like yourselves!


Well spoken mate, some words about trying to improve on your health aren't as meaningless as the words that some write on here, maybe it's because they don't have the willpower to quit themselves!!!!!

I stopped a short while ago. I was in between 40 and 50 roll ups a day and haven't touched one for about 5 weeks now. I did it with the help of Champix tablets and a lot of determination. It hasn't been easy and I still get the odd craving now and then but, contrary to some peoples belief I am able to fight those cravings.

For all of you that are going to try giving up I honestly wish you all the luck in the world, with a bit of determination you can do it. Give yourself a reason to quit and every time you feel like a quick smoke remind yourself of that reason. It soon gets easier!

For all of you that have given up recently, I take my hat off to you because I know how hard it can be for some (Me included) and I say "Stick with it, it's worth it in the long run"!

The advantages I have noticed since I quit are:

I no longer smell like an old ash tray anymore. :good:

I can taste and enjoy my meals. :good:

I feel better both physically and mentally. :good:

I am much better off financially, so much so that I have been able to buy myself a new rifle. ;)

And, most importantly of all I now have a chance of living a bit longer rather than killing myself off before my time! :good:


Good luck all!!! :good::good::good:

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