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Cartridge safety

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I was out today on the rape and took a newly starting shooter out with me, setup the decoys etc pigeons started taking them and we got 10, i then said to break his gun and i would go and pickup what we had shot and make it look abit neater due to wings sticking up, i was then looked at in horror when i put 10 carts loose into my pocket and took my pump action with me just incase i needed it as i also needed to change the banger rope in the field behind the tree line, i was told you should never put cartridges into your pocket loose as they could go off.


Question is i have always done this and havn`t bothered getting myself a cartridge belt as all i ever see are brown leather ones, are cartridges really in danger of exploding loose in your pocket?? never given it any thought and have walked around for years with loose carts.

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I have always either put carts loose into my clay vest pockets or if i`m pigeon shooting i put 10 or so loose in my camo jacket pocket for ease of loading.

This chap was like having a cross between my mum and the health and safety policeman from hell, i think someone had been telling him porkis as i have never heard of cartridges going off in pockets but thought before i disown him for eternity i would check to make sure he was well and truly wrong.

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I can confirm that keeping cartridges in your pocket can be quite dangerous, I injured myself once.


I got home from work and put on a coat so I could go out with the dog. Unfortunatly I'd been shooting the previous day and the right pocket was full of .410s. I was playing with my dog and I threw a ball for her. As I did this the momentum from My hips caused the jacket to swing around and the pocket with the cartridges went crashing into my privates. Hurt like hell!


True storey!

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I allways put 10 or 12 cartridges in my pocket then if i leave the hide to look for a long dropper i have some cartridges with me there is nothing worse than looking for a pigeon in a wood and birds flying by in range i've put cartridges in my pocket for more than 40 years and i've not blown up yet.

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<_< Me thinks i would leave this"CHAP" at home to read his comic's.i have had a few newbies out with me and all appeared to have done some research into what they are engaging themselves into.get away shooting by yourself or with somebody who's got some grey matter between their ears,it makes life a lot easier and safer :lol: ps;the lads i do take out are all my good friends now and safe!
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The only time I have seen cartridges go off out side of a gun was on a shooting range where cartridges were dropped on the concrete floor . I have seen 9 mill pistol round go off when dropped , .38 special and .22 rimfire . No damage or injury was caused when this happend .

Harnser .

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you may want to avoid 9v batterys in the pocket as well as the same time as cartridges.



Is there anyone out there with the nads, or lack of brains to give this a go and then report back.


I saw in a previous post tonight that our favourite Irishman has been drinking vodka, maybe he should go and interfere with the smoke alarm them play with his cartridges! :lol:

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