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Sick bastards


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Its just goes to show that there are some real sick people out there. Its like the pics the Sun showed the other week, of the dogs being hooked through the mouth and dragged behind a boat as live shark bait.


Unfortunately, these sorts of things are always going to happen. They should stiffen the laws up and throw away the key to people who cause this sort of mindless suffering.





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There is no way to explain the sick minds of some people. :rolleyes:


However, be aware that there are strong suggestions that the, "puppies hooked through the lips as shark bait" story featured in Sun Online last week and flashed all round the Internet, may not have been the truth and the pictures were faked.


A friend has pointed out to me how stories appear on Sun Online, but do not appear in the daily version of the newspaper.

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Could not agree more,


The revolution seen through one mans eyes is a tonic to another’s, This appalling story and picture is indeed revolting to you and I but to the perpetrators may have been a game!


The sick feeling derived by such atrocities is just the argument that would be turned against the sporting shooter by the anti fraternity and I am afraid gent’s we have to take that on board. Off course what we enjoy is a legal well-regulated sport but to re quote myself,


“The revolution seen through one mans eyes is a tonic to another’s”


a philosophical, pavman

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The picture is sickening, for this country, but consider this every time you holiday in Spain.


In Spain they course greyhounds bought for peanuts from the republic of Ireland. Mainly dogs that haven't made the grade or are too old for the track.


They are bought at auctions and put into cages, like battery hens, and driven to spain with no regard for their needs.


Those that survive the trip are then sold to 'sportsman' who course them for the season.


Those dogs that do well are hung by the neck with there back legs off the ground.


Those that the Spaniards think did not work as hard as they could, are hung with their back legs just touching the ground.


Others are thrown into disused wells or if they are really lucky, shot through the head.


This is a tradition that the spaniards are proud of.






Sick ****s :<






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i,am afraid its no hoax pic ( re-shark bait ), i,m a memeber of the Kennel club and have recieved e-mails asking for every dog lover to help back the RSPCA in trying to fight these ******** , but god knows what they can actually do .

Edited by darren m
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The picture is sickening, for this country, but consider this every time you holiday in Spain.


In Spain they course greyhounds bought for peanuts from the republic of Ireland. Mainly dogs that haven't made the grade or are too old for the track.


They are bought at auctions and put into cages, like battery hens, and driven to spain with no regard for their needs.


Those that survive the trip are then sold to 'sportsman' who course them for the season.


Those dogs that do well are hung by the neck with there back legs off the ground.


Those that the Spaniards think did not work as hard as they could, are hung with their back legs just touching the ground.


Others are thrown into disused wells or if they are really lucky, shot through the head.


This is a tradition that the spaniards are proud of.






Sick ****s :<






Mother *****S if i saw someone do that to a dog I would Beat them within an inch of their lives (if they where lucky) i might just aswell be inclined to hang their twisted *** in the same way.


Furious angry and discusted :<

Edited by mimic
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