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one eye open or both

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hello all


went to the big show at newark and invested in one of those easy hit beads for the end of my gun but as i was testing it out on the stand

the trainer said you will get better results shooting with both eyes open.

for years i have shot with my left eye closed and using my right dominate eye.

so the question is to you all why shoot with both eyes open iv had mass result with pigeon shooting with one eye closed probs got into the habbit with using airrifles for years such a young kid.


so one eye open or both


thanks for your time sam

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bit like you. first time i used a shotgun shut my left eye.................got told off :good:

now shoot both open, amazing the extra amount you can see with both open. :hmm:

had to keep thinking about keeping both open to start with but not any more :lol: you'll soon get used to it.

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Definately an advantage with both eyes open with a shotgun...


You dont aim a shotgun , you swing,,,,,,not poke,,,,swing.....


We have binocular vision, ie distance judgement , if one eye is shut, this is not working...


Also two eyes have a wider field of view and can judge distance in relation to size etc....

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ps those easy hit beads for the end of you gun

put it in the bin :lol:;)

if your looking down the gun at the bead then your not looking at the thing your going to shoot

put it in the bin :hmm:


ps and if your looking at the bead it would mater what eyes you want to use :good: your still going to miss

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bit like you. first time i used a shotgun shut my left eye.................got told off <_<

now shoot both open, amazing the extra amount you can see with both open. :lol:

had to keep thinking about keeping both open to start with but not any more :o you'll soon get used to it.



It sure is you can see twice as much :o :o :o sorry could not resist :o

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The main underlying point in this post has been missed i think?

From what i was told the main aim of the bead is to correct cross eye dominance.

If you dont suffer from this problem you may not be aware of its effects.

My master eye is to one degree or another my left eye but I mount my gun onto my right shoulder.

The effect of this is that if I keep both eyes open i tend to look across the barrels & I shoot to the left of the target.

I struggled for years as a youth before the problem was detected. I was advised to either adjust lead to take into account the effects or close my left eye just before I'm about to fire.

For me a lot of my natural coordination which is fine for most other sports is inhibited by these methods so if this bead idea could help I would be happy to give it a go.

I cant see the point however for people who dont have a cross eye dominance problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The main underlying point in this post has been missed i think?

From what i was told the main aim of the bead is to correct cross eye dominance.

If you dont suffer from this problem you may not be aware of its effects.

I have cross dominance left eye right handed and i have tried an easy hit dry mounting and it didn't seem to help so havent stuck it down yet. I have a tendency to rifle the gun but with both eyes open i am way off the mark.

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I have allways shotwith both eyes open . I shoot a scoped rifle with both eyes open and used to shoot pistols with both eyes open . Shooting with both eyes open will give you better vison as you are not straining the shooting eye by closing the other eye . If you have not shot a scoped rifle with both eyes open then give it a try . Its a technique that is easily learnt and I believe you will agree with me that is the better method .

Harnser .

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I have allways shotwith both eyes open . I shoot a scoped rifle with both eyes open and used to shoot pistols with both eyes open . Shooting with both eyes open will give you better vison as you are not straining the shooting eye by closing the other eye . If you have not shot a scoped rifle with both eyes open then give it a try . Its a technique that is easily learnt and I believe you will agree with me that is the better method .

Harnser .



What about your third eye Harnser?


What do you do with that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
ps those easy hit beads for the end of you gun

put it in the bin :good::good:

if your looking down the gun at the bead then your not looking at the thing your going to shoot

put it in the bin :hmm:


ps and if your looking at the bead it would mater what eyes you want to use :no: your still going to miss


Thats not the point of it or how it works. It's not a sight as such more of a visual stimulator.



As far as I'm aware the idea of the easy hit bead is that you do not look at it. You focus on the target with both eyes open as a non cross eye dominance shooter would.

The bright fibreoptic bead subconciousley causes your right eye to take charge. You should not be looking at it or be aware of it.

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As a novice, I have been struggling to decide why I could not hit some shots for love or money, and I wasn't sure whether this was an eyesight problem, or just lack of experience/beginner's mistakes . I shot competetive archery a few years (maybe a bit more than a few :) ) back and was definitely tested as right eye dominant. I was particularly struggling with high house/right crossers. after careful scrutiny, the instructor said 'you are way behind with left to right crossers, but in front with a lot of your right to left clays, are you sure you aren't left eye or centre dominant?' I said that I wasn't a few years back, but as I had an eye test booked for shooting glasses, I had the optician fully check and sure enough, I am now between centre and left eye dominant.


To cut a long story, I am not a fan of gadgets, but tried a friend's gun with an easyhit on and it helped. I had one fitted to my gun yesterday and with the combination of new glasses, I have consistently increased my average from 9/25 to 17/25 over 200 shots in the last 48 hours, shooting both eyes open. As I said, I am a beginner, so that is a big jump for me. Was it the glasses or the easyhit? I don't know, but I would say if you aren't sure, get your vision tested, it may be worth the £30. :lol:

Edited by Bloke
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hello all


went to the big show at newark and invested in one of those easy hit beads for the end of my gun but as i was testing it out on the stand

the trainer said you will get better results shooting with both eyes open.

for years i have shot with my left eye closed and using my right dominate eye.

so the question is to you all why shoot with both eyes open iv had mass result with pigeon shooting with one eye closed probs got into the habbit with using airrifles for years such a young kid.


so one eye open or both


thanks for your time sam

i was told both open but in my case things are a bit strange, i am normally right handed but i shoot left handed, i did not know why until i found out that i was nearly blind in right eye. so for years when it came to picking up and air rifle ive always picked it up with the left hand. i started 12g shooting 12 months ago and i am getting better at hitting the targets. but i do have a really tuff time trying to gauge distances etc, i put this down to the duff eye ( but i am not sure). so really i am shooting with one eye even though both eyes are open.

but the worst thing is i've sh.t out on 3d films, i will never be able to see a 3d film in 3d.........all say ahh! lol

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