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Shooting Malapropisms

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Three from this site that really hack me off.....



Shotty - SHOTGUN. It's a flamin SHOTGUN!!!!!


Pigeoning - Pigeon Shooting


Of - Have (You should HAVE known better)



Following on from that.


Rimmie = Rimfire


Permission = land I have permission to shoot on

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My mate from Aus always refers to the cold weather as "Nipply" instead of Nippy. Mind you he's often right!

:good::birthday: Outstanding, forgive the pun!


My father in law cannot stop with them, my favourite last year was the tennis player Andy "Roderick".



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that always wound me up - here's one i made to show my annoyance...




:birthday::shoot: :shoot:


I always try not to be pedantic about grammar, but I can't help getting irritated by the to/two/too thing


It's so ******* easy, but people just can't be bothered to think it through.


I am going to London.

I have two balls

He has two balls too

He is taking his two balls to London too

I too am taking my two balls to London

We are going to take our two balls to London and Saaaarfend too :good:


Oh and I don't get the lose/loose thing either. A lot of allegedly intelligent people get this wrong, including most journalists


I'm going to get me a loose woman

When I find one, I mustn't lose my loose woman :good:

Edited by Chard
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I've also seen rectile on here.



You can't shoot them, they're out of season. That goes for all lizards and snakes :good:









I'll happily admit to being a pedant but the mis-use of the above always gets me.

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it bugs me when people say pacifically instead of specifically :good:



I used to work with a guy who did that, there was no way in the world he could ever get it right.


Arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg, my boss does that! Really annoying, along with all his other 'ism's' that drive me up the wall.

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