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Carp fishing - but a bit different


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I'm sorry, but bow fishing for carp is a stupid sport. There is no skill in it, and the carp either get dumped or sold as pet food, it is literally shooting fish in a bowl.


"invasive species"!!!


let them have their fun, I doubt you give off at people shooting grey squirrels, and then not eating them.



besides, bow fishing looks like great fun :shoot:

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I'm sorry, but bow fishing for carp is a stupid sport. There is no skill in it, and the carp either get dumped or sold as pet food, it is literally shooting fish in a bowl.



What?!?!?!?!?!? no skill??? you reckon? I cant hit a barn door with an arrow nevermind a fish in the air!!


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There are quite a few places in the world where carp are not a "native species" and as such, not welcome.

I believe in Australia if you catch one you have to kill it by law.

In the States they have ruined a lot of excellent trout fishing and are considered "trash fish", a lot of rivers and lakes have been netted to remove them and turn them into fertilizer.

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I'm sorry, but bow fishing for carp is a stupid sport. There is no skill in it, and the carp either get dumped or sold as pet food, it is literally shooting fish in a bowl.


personally i would be glad if they dumped them as they have done soo much damage in the lakes and rivers abroad as dont have hardly any predators so they have desimated places...like the USA crayfish over here

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She is a fine looking lady and no mistake. I am not overly sentimental about carp. They probably think the same about what we do to their grey squirrels. I was catching carp aplenty on the Murray River near Adelaide. Felt a bit strange to be killing them and throwing them to the pelicans at first but I rapidly got used to it. Pristine Common Carp but eating their species into extinction. You have to be practical.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those of you that think it is a stupid sport that requires no skill, tell me when was the last time you had to aim taking in a reflection rate of 20 %, or for that matter hit a moving target with an arrow? You will slander a sport here yet go out and shoot 150 rabbits in 2 hours there, something that many would like to shooting fish in a barrel.


Yes I happen to bow fish here in Canada when it is in season. I shoot carp and pike. The pike are brought home cleaned and eaten, some of the carp from the cleaner waters are brought home and smoked, (very tasty), while the ones from some of the dirtier, meaning polluted, water are buried. Carp are considered a pest here destroying spawning beds for trout, perch, and walleye, aswell as stripping the vegitation from the lakes and rivers. It also happens to be an enjoyable day out supplying not only sport but some very good eating.



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its been doing the rounds in one form and another for a while....


cant say i like it to be honest.... if you are going to kill anything for food quickest is bestest in my book, shooting with a Bow at live fish when it can be a hit or a miss or a badly placed shot which is a very high chance i would think is not respecting the quarry at all is it

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I can respect the fact that you dont like it. But there is everybit as much chance of a hit, miss, or badly placed shot when you squeeze the trigger on your rifle as there is with a bow. You will find that most of the people that use a bow whether it is for animals or fish spend hours practicing so that they do not miss. A fish brought on in on line is dispatched the same as a fish brought in on an arrow, and I can assure you that I respect all quarry.



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