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best not carry an orange juice carton


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seems that a 6ft 3" copper with his tags removed (wonder why :shoot: ) can be easily frightened by the said orange juice carton, just as well he gave a small woman a backhander followed by a couple of whacks with a truncheon, nice to know we are safe in the hands of thugs like smellie.and the ***** that felt his thuggery was reasonable ., yet another step down the road into a police state me thinks? he also felt isolated and threatened even with another copper feet from him, oh well another one gets away with it.





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Kudubya you'd have been fine in that situation as you would have done as asked and not kept shouting at him and trying to get in his face, she was acting in a deranged way. Personally I too would be worried about a cup like that as at best it could be urine at worst acid. They were there to cause trouble not protest peacefully so I've no problems with his actions and wouldn't ever get in that situation as I tend to do what I'm told by the police

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Hit first,and then again and again,never give in,never stop,thats what i have learnt from 30 yrs martial arts,get in my face there gonna be no hesitation and as much as i dont agree with sgt smellie getting away with it because he was well hyped up and over the top,but would you or i have done any different,i wouldnt have waited to see what she had in her cup or what she gonna do next,that would have been my decision not hers,dont confront a 6' riot cop with his batton out if you dont want to play,simples.

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She should have been at home cooking her husbands tea or ironing his shirts . Sorry no sympathy from me . These scumbags have caused alsorts of violence over the years and there are several in prison at the moment for serious violent assauts on people . They all need a touch of the baton .

Harnser .

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She should have been at home cooking her husbands tea or ironing his shirts . Sorry no sympathy from me . These scumbags have caused alsorts of violence over the years and there are several in prison at the moment for serious violent assauts on people . They all need a touch of the baton .

Harnser .





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Sergeant Delroy Smellie was captured by one of the major TV news channels on a succession of CCTV cameras going from place to place just looking for [and getting involved] in a number of fights . He had also removed his identification tags and rank badges from his shoulder epaulettes [which I understand is totally contrary to police procedures].


Yes, just one incident is understandable and yes it is possible that an orange juice carton could contain unpleasant substances other than juice but this man is no more than an out of control thug , who is a disgrace to the Metropolitan Police Service. Sadly, there is a very small minority of police officers who think that wearing a police uniform is reason enough to beat people up - remember the anti hunting bill demonstration in Parliament Square. There are a few rotten apples from ex Commander Ali Dizaei [now in jail] downwards who think that they are above the law and Sergeant Smellie is in the same category.


It saddens me greatly that he was acquitted; we dont know why Nicola Fisher did not testify in Court - maybe she was scared and having seen images of Delroy Smellie both in action and at Court, I cannot blame her.


I do still respect and admire the police service,would be the first to defend them, and have many friends who are serving or retired police officers but incidents like this, where justice has not been done will do the police no favours at all.

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She got what she deserved, only there to cause trouble, any decent person on seeing trouble starting would make moves to get away from

the trouble-spot. If you want to get face to face with the Police in that way accept the consequences.

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She got what she deserved, only there to cause trouble, any decent person on seeing trouble starting would make moves to get away from

the trouble-spot. If you want to get face to face with the Police in that way accept the consequences.

And you apply that to all the people from Countryside Alliance, BASC, NGO and the Hunting Organisations who got beaten up in Parliament Square by the Police when protesting against Labour's Hunting Bill?

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