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Essex & Herts Sporting Championships????

Evil Elvis

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Yes a good and tough one. I had a very bad day and just didn't get into it; one of those days and things.


Nice to see some tough and rangey birds as well.


Bazzer shot very well and so did the old dog Bob who still has it in him (and not in the Suffolk sense).

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Perhaps he didn't do that well :oops:


Well, what can I say..??


After being harangued over the guaranteed £24 entry fee by all of the Essex "Know Alls" on this forum, I paid the princely sum of £36 to enter. :yes:


No real surprises there, just read the early posts from me on this thread.... :good::good::)


It was 10 stands of 10, always a bit of an endurance test, a typical John Dyson layout, some very good birds, technically an excellent shoot IMHO, I started OK, but had a complete doomer on the last stand (5) at the bottom of the field, (an orange incomer followed by a white quartering away on report), I missed 5 on there, that was deffo the low point of my round.. :blush: :blush: :blush:


Still, as always, I gave myself a stiff talking to :oops: , and endeavored to grind out some sort of score from that disaster, I got up to the stand over the lake, (a longish high L/R curling midi off the tower followed by a R/L quartering orange standard ending up in the bullrushes), this was truly the graveyard of many good cards. There was a mega queue of perhaps a dozen shooters, the cursing from most of them would have surpassed even the best from MC.. :oops: :oops:


Well, I went on there and straighted it, well pleased with that.. :good:


I went on to drop a couple each on two of the final stands, (a bit sloppy.. :blush: :blush: ), to finish on an 83, not a good score, but it could have been a heck of a lot worse, and believe it or not, when I left the ground, that 83 was the closest score to Diggy's mega 96.


I'm sure plenty of others arrived later and shot better, I reckon a 90 was on the cards for anybody that had their wits about them. :yes:


Still, roll on Hodnet, that'll be a goodun. :yes:




P.S. - I took some photos of the scores shot yesterday, they'll be on here tommorow, I was a little bit perplexed by one score from an "A" class shooter that was missing, obviously somebody waved a wand, and.........lo and behold.........the card ended up in the bin..........tut tut, after all that sandbagging, now even more skullduggery.. :angry: :angry:

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I have to say WELL BLOODY DONE for straighting the stand at the lake. I never found that high crosser. I also had a mare of a stand on the last one (Orange incomer, White Crosser)


Although Bob300w straighted that one and couldn't see what the fuss was about.


I thought it was a very testing shoot and must admit I wasn't expecting the 10 birds to a stand.


83 was a good score, 96 however is absolutely mindblowing.


Better an Essex know all than one from Herts though. We were only relaying what we were told on the phone. Still when we have been in the game as long as you we may have learnt something (Or died of old age)

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Just for your info the whole 3 year old CPSA classification was explained in tedious length to Mr. Dyson when we booked in and the cards were issued and he rolled his eyes and wrote "U/C" on the card. So that is I believe that concludes that.


Anyhows, I had a very poor day out, a large hangover which I blame Mr. & Mrs. ME for and shot badly. There we go, it happens.


Do keep us posted as to what you win.





I am not sure what you are getting at Cat but I gave my card to Bazzer with all the other cards. Whether it went in or not I don't know; I'm not in the CPSA and so it's meaningless to me.


I certainly wouldn't have won anything; it was a nice day out with 10 mates for some shooting. You should try it.

Edited by Mungler
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Well shot Cat, I'm surprised you hit any on the first couple of stands, I'd be incandescent after paying £36 for a hundred birder and only 10 stands - unbelievable.


From what I've read here in the past your Southern compatriots don't always appreciate you and I think it's only your contribution which will prevent a Northern whitewash next Saturday :good::good::)


Mr Potter

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I have to say WELL BLOODY DONE for straighting the stand at the lake. I never found that high crosser. I also had a mare of a stand on the last one (Orange incomer, White Crosser)


Although Bob300w straighted that one and couldn't see what the fuss was about.


I thought it was a very testing shoot and must admit I wasn't expecting the 10 birds to a stand.


83 was a good score, 96 however is absolutely mindblowing.


Better an Essex know all than one from Herts though. We were only relaying what we were told on the phone. Still when we have been in the game as long as you we may have learnt something (Or died of old age)



Looks like you have a fan Cat :good:

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Well shot Cat, I'm surprised you hit any on the first couple of stands, I'd be incandescent after paying £36 for a hundred birder and only 10 stands - unbelievable.


From what I've read here in the past your Southern compatriots don't always appreciate you and I think it's only your contribution which will prevent a Northern whitewash next Saturday :good::good::)


Mr Potter



We wouldn't appreciate you if you never had anything good to say and came accross as an arrogant know it all ****.


Northern Whitewash?


LMCO at that one

Edited by MC
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:good: I hit a couple of those high birds over the lake, took me too long to find them....Shot them on the drop!! The last stand I hit 9. Shot the orange just before it hit the ground....number 9's all the way!!! :good:


Id like to have seen someone straight that lake stand!! Well done Cat :)

Edited by Evil Elvis
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Anyhows, I had a very poor day out, a large hangover which I blame Mr. & Mrs. ME for and shot badly. There we go, it happens.


That's a new excuse for the book ! :good: I felt fine on Saturday :good:

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Well done Cat, top score on that layout :good:


In defence of Mung I know all the cards remained together and were handed in at the end. Still, given that we rarely ever shoot registered comps and therefore don't get anywhere near the exposure to the birds on offer here I reckon we all did OK and had a good time into the bargain :)


As for Diggy - bloody outstanding.


PS - I shot a massive ONE on the stand over the lake :good:

Edited by Bagsy
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