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dog wee... and grass....:(


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does anyone know of a way to stop my dogs wee burning holes through my lawn ? hahaha


i have been vigorously "shoo'ing" him off the lawn when he feels the call of nature, but sodds law as it is, the second my backs turned he's piddling away.... the result is several ugly dead spots dotted around my new lawn despite me trying to hose down any patches asap etc etc ................:blush:


are there any old wives methods ? feeding him anything with his meal to stop it? any kind of product available at the pet shop etc etc etc... :rolleyes:


i was gonna get fake grass for this reason but before i spent the 650 quid it cost, i thought id try 50 quids worth of turflands finest...which as it happens is now a beautiful lush lawn apart from the piz burns....


any sensible suggestions are welcome...

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well the friggin bender pizzes like a girl anyhoo... he dont cock his leg... somthing to do witht he fact he had his knackers off before he was at the age when they start leg cocking....hahaha


ive heard the tomato sauce one before.... got to be worth a try...dont think he'l object either, that dog will eat anything put in front of him. (just like me!)

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I looked into this a while ago for my mums dog as she was having the same problem, I found this advice. :rolleyes:


"A tablespoon of apple juice or apple cider vinegar added to a dog’s water will help alter the nitrogen levels in urine. Dog Rocks® are another available product that will help protect the grass for many months when placed in a dog’s water bowl. These rocks are found in a quarry in Australia and have strong paramagnetic properties that alter the ion exchange in water, reducing the nitrate level and thus lowering the amount ingested whenever the dog drinks from his or her bowl."

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Surely just keeping up with the training whenever you can catch him will work? Do you leave the door open for him to go in and out freely? If so then maybe you could make it so he has to get your attention for you to open the door so he can go out, then you will know evey time he needs to do his thing and then you can correct him.


Dog training expertise: 0 - just my thoughts :rolleyes:


May also be worth looking in 'Dogs and Dog training'.

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I looked into this a while ago for my mums dog as she was having the same problem, I found this advice. :rolleyes:


"A tablespoon of apple juice or apple cider vinegar added to a dog’s water will help alter the nitrogen levels in urine. Dog Rocks® are another available product that will help protect the grass for many months when placed in a dog’s water bowl. These rocks are found in a quarry in Australia and have strong paramagnetic properties that alter the ion exchange in water, reducing the nitrate level and thus lowering the amount ingested whenever the dog drinks from his or her bowl."



I second this, had the same problem with my dog a few months ago, and gave them a splash of apple juice with there meals, problem solved.

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I have three dogs and its a constant battle to keep the lawn looking good......give the lawn a good feed four times a month, also get some good grass seed like Canada Green to overseed the patches, its really the only thing you can do...........when you have animals as pets......you have responsibility to look after them,

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We had this with our dog too. Tried tomato soup in her biscuits for about 3 - 4 months and she still scortched the lawn. She squats but lifts her leg as well (I think she's a bit confused about her sexual orientation).


We also tried cider vinegar in her water but she didn't seem too keen on that. Just resigned myself to that fact I'll never has a manicured lawn. All we do now is water it down with a watering can kept handy. Aparantly it's to do with the level of nitrogen in the urine that causes the grass to burn. By watering it down you end up with dark green clumps of grass growing quicker than the rest of the un-p'd on grass.

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Tomato ketchup in their food.... :good:


Thats an old wives tale and dont work.Tried it years ago along with tomato juice.


Theres nothing you can add to their food or water to prevent grass scorch and only way around it is:


a)Water the area copiously after he's pee'd.

b)Train him to go in a particular place.

c)Accept the fact you're lawn is gonna forever look napalmed.

d)Have it all paved.

e)Buy a gerbil instead.

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I think it all depends on your dogs urine..if it is of a high acid content then you need an alkali balance..according to our vet thats where the ketchup does work, It did work for our springer.or it may of been he drinks more water now he is on steroids for cancer... :hmm:


:hmm: I have just been shown some artificial grass from one of my carpet surpliers :good: £10.99 m2 that would sort the problem :good:



Edited by jasper3
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have a word with your vet,heard that there is an injection you get for your dog that will get him to pee like a dog and not a bitch.



how in the heck does that work :hmm:




we do leave the door open and he comes and goes as he pleases.. allthough i do supervise at **** time... if he wee's on the grass i move him on and give praise when he goes on the gravel area near the shed where he uses for poo's....

ill try the rocks, ketchup, applejucie etc...

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