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Shots fired in Cumbria?


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Guest topshot_2k
It sound like he had a shotgun and also some sort of high powered rifle. On bbc website it says that two weapons have been recovered and one witness said "he had a long gun that all most touched the floor with a big scope on the top", and others have said he had a shotgun.


.22 rifle apparently

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condolences to all those family and friends on this sad day


the next thing that could come out of this is a yearly doctors evaluation to go with your sgc/fac and if deemed not sein then revoke your licence as your licence is valid for 5 years or they ( the goverment ) will make the feo do a yearly checkup


just hope i dont start another debate



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Well.... the first (sort of) good comment made by a member of Parliament being interviewed by Anna B.. in light of the Home Sec brief tomorrow pointing out that it is an indepth and arduous process to get a FAC and that we have some of the tightest gun laws in the world... they both then went on to say that if someone wanted to get a gun they could do it illegally, as they do in the inner cities (sic) and then go on their rampage and that it was impossible to legislate against instances such as these.


Let's hope those with their finger on the button have the same sensible views!!!

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I think we can only look at this one way, thank god that its over and no more people were heart (wish i was not saying it like that thou) , and show as a community our condolences to toughs people involved


its a sad day for all :good:

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What with the police chasing him all over the county, and God knows where the nearest SO19 unit are based, the only thing I could see putting an earlier stop to this (as awful as it sounds) would in fact have been another armed member of the public?

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With regard to the comments about the way the news is reporting this, one thing we can be absolutely sure is that the gutter press of this country is going to do everything it can to whip up a frenzy over this.


Anyone remember the paediatrician getting filled in when the Scum did it's name and shame thing over sex offenders, and the mouth-breathing groupthink mongs just lapped it up and broke out the pitchforks?


Frenzies sell papers. Voices of reason do not.




you cannot legislate against stupidity

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Heartfelt condolences to the families who’ve lost loved ones only I wonder how long it will be before someone calls for a ban on guns! :good:


After Hungerford we lost semi auto rifles/shotguns.


After Dunblane we lost handguns.


After Whitehaven...???:lol:


And by the way Bazooka Joe it was a Tory government that banned hand guns in a knee jerk reaction following Dunblane. :good:


Hopefully this coalition crew will keep their cool and realise that no matter what you ban you’ll never be able to account for nutters, they’ll always find ways to do themselves in. I just wish they’d leave the innocent others out of it and crawl into a dark corner and top themselves alone. :lol:


What's left to ban besides pumps and semis? Nevermind, it looks like .22's are on the list.

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I was going lamping tonite but I think I will give it a miss, after all this as it was after dunblane every member of the general public who see's anyone out with a gun with get their collar felt as everyone will have the jitters.


I reckon this will be the lot for me with shooting if they start another load of old pony woth SG & fac, I ain't putting up with no more red tape.


These incidents happen all over the world on occasion and unless you invent to perfect individual you aint going to stop it either, guns or no guns........

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My condolences go out to all the people involved; not only the victims and their families but the emergency services that dealt with this tragic pointless act.


I was going to take the .243 out tomorrow but think it might be better if I leave it in the cabinet.

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This is a very dark day for our country, my condolences and deepest sympathies are with the families that have been affected by this. And while I don't want to speculate on what the future holds for us license holders, as now is not the time until we have all the information. One thing is for sure, the spotlight will be on us for months now and we must be whiter than white.



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Bill Harriman hit the nail on the head...banning things doesn't work (surprised the BBC gave "shooting groups" a say). What an awful thing to happen, I can't imagine what people in those communities are feeling right now.

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My heart goes out to all of the innocent victims and families, this selfish ******* of a man did this, all for no apparant reason! Why didnt he just do himself in and leave it be?

If this comes of anything, we may aswell sell our guns now, whilst we still can!

I can only explain todays events with one word, UNBELIEVABLE!!!



EDIT:Just read on tinternet, there was definitely a rifle and a shotgun involved, and he was a shotgun certificate holder, and an FAC holder. This isn't looking good for us chaps!

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Guest topshot_2k
EDIT:Just read on tinternet, there was definitely a rifle and a shotgun involved, and he was a shotgun certificate holder, and an FAC holder. This isn't looking good for us chaps!


link? the police hadnt confirmed anything yet

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