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What would you have done?

Evil Elvis

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:blush: Just spoke to the police, they didnt find anyone down there and they said, well it was late and that it wasnt a particular problem!!!! , we dont get too many complaints from that area?


***...why did I bother?


Nature reserve





couples humping


Not a problem? no wonder people have no faith in the police at times.................

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Bazza - You talking about the Warren? I was down there for a good hour yesterday afternoon and didn't see man nor beast the whole time. Having said all that, the area is probably in excess of 99% white - A black guy would stand out like a lump of coal in snow. Will keep an eye out in the future.

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There's a little bit of me that thinks this thread cold have gone a very different way.


Imagine if the OP was telling us how he was controlling rats or rabbits damaging a nature reserve with the owners permission. He was there keeping a low profile, minding his own business when a number of armed policemen turn up and do a lot of frisking!


I would have phoned the police, but this thread could have been very different from the other side.......




They don't control rabbits or rats on any nature reserves I know, and if they did Id expect the Warden to be out doing it, with his shirt with WARDEN on the back. Not some random on cammo. Best thing to do in this situation :good: If he's supposed to be therem then he won't have any trouble :yes:

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:good: Its the end of the Warren at stanford-le hope, and yes when im walking my dogs I have come across several couples bumping and grinding.


Matt, It was about 8.30pm, there were 2 people leaving with dogs when i pulled up and the mad lady with all the little dogs was still there when we were.................. behind the area he was shooting towards.

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A guy with a rifle (of any description) in the open, in camo, where everyone knows 'no shooting', 3 days after what's happened and the police arnt' much concerned? :good:


You definately did the right thing BTW

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I seem to remember someone getting quite upset about having the police called when they were out shooting legitimately, even made the shooting gutter press I recall.


How do you know he was not legally shooting? I have shot on several nature reserves controlling vermin, who is to say he wasn't?

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It really depends on location, but in this case, I would have rung it in


there aint nobody that's allowed to have a gun on a nature reserve, so he aint meant to be there


That isnt always the case, a good friend of mine has permission to shoot on a very well known local reserve to shoot what ever he wants for the pot and vermin control to minimize some damage, he shoots on there with shotguns and a .270 to keep the foxes, chinese water deer, and squirels etc in check. So the guy might well have been there doing the same, my friend does his shooting at times when there are likely to be no visitors, but probably if the park had visitors any self respecting vermin controller would keep away.


defo would never approach a suspicious character, best to ring it in like you did



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Whilst I think you did the right thing it is by no means certain that he was up to no good. He might have been, so a call to the police to let them establish one way or the other , if they could have been bothered! was the right thing to do. But - although they don't shout from the roof tops about it, the RSPB do an awful lot of pest control on their reserves. They shoot a lot of foxes and where they are damaging trees - deer. As part of this and their opposition to lead, they are currently insisting that all shooters, either their own staff or those they employ, use non-lead rifle bullets as part of a "trial".

Edited by Blunderbuss
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You did the right thing, any guy with a gun letting lose a shot with an unknowing lose dog , child and yourself within range of even an air rifle fired in the opposite direction or not is in my book not safe shooter , experienced or not and irrespective if he has the right to be there .

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That isnt always the case, a good friend of mine has permission to shoot on a very well known local reserve to shoot what ever he wants for the pot and vermin control to minimize some damage, he shoots on there with shotguns and a .270 to keep the foxes, chinese water deer, and squirels etc in check. So the guy might well have been there doing the same, my friend does his shooting at times when there are likely to be no visitors, but probably if the park had visitors any self respecting vermin controller would keep away.

defo would never approach a suspicious character, best to ring it in like you did



I also shoot on a large area of ground administered by NE and at certain times of year (tourist season) there's often lots of people about (should stick to footpaths but as often the case they don't) so one has to be very carefull. I would be well ****** off if some **** called the police and even more ****** off if they (the police) respended without first checking with the administrators of the estate as we're all well in touch. Having said that I guess (and here I apologise if this is none PC) a black man with a gun is always a bit suspicious...after all how many do you know that shoot... legitimately <_< and if you don't know the land owner/administrators to call them and ask it's a sure thing you're gonna have to call old bill.

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It really depends on location, but in this case, I would have rung it in


there aint nobody that's allowed to have a gun on a nature reserve, so he aint meant to be there


Never approach a man with a gun!


Sounds like you did the right thing mate, ask your partner if she'd have challenged an armed man in woodland on her own!!


It may well turn out he's supposed to be controlling squirrels to protect a particular bird or something but there's a lot of poaching about so always best to call it in.

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<_< Squirrels? thats all good in theory but its actually reeds and lowland gorse, there are no squirrels. In all fairness, he was in dpm and what looked shooting wellies so looked experienced.. Im going to ring the council and get to the bottom fo this before someone gets hurt. :good: Edited by Evil Elvis
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You have reported the incident to the police, why progress it further with the Council ?

As others have said, the chap might have been legitimate, which means he could be about to get a lot of unnecessary grief.


If he wasn't supposed to be there, then the fact that he knows he was seen is likely to make him keep away in future.


I know you mean well and protecting the safety of children etc., is important, but it might be time to let the matter rest.

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The police should have given you an incident number (unless they’re like most forces trying to keep crime down by NOT reporting it) and you should be able to find out what developments there are by calling and giving that number...I did when we caught a poacher but I can’t say the police were much use in the end so I wouldn’t hold your breath.

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