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The Black ones


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I don't get many of these, probably only ever had about 6 or 7 but I was at a Garden Centre on Tuesday, when this chap and his mate turned up...both black, the other didn't stick around...and other than a pigeopn who decided to land in the wrong place at the wrong time he was all I got all night!!



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No never seen a black squirrel but one farm I shoot on has a legendary black rabbit, my shooting buddy and a mate of his have both missed it when it was a youngster. I've seen it once while we were deer stalking a couple of months ago but never had a shot at it.


My mate has been offered some ferreting in the Outer Hebrides later in the year and apparently they're mostly black round there.

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No never seen a black squirrel but one farm I shoot on has a legendary black rabbit, my shooting buddy and a mate of his have both missed it when it was a youngster. I've seen it once while we were deer stalking a couple of months ago but never had a shot at it.


My mate has been offered some ferreting in the Outer Hebrides later in the year and apparently they're mostly black round there.


Do y'all have rabbits or hares mostly in the U.K?

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Some of the foxes round here are virtually black. Not that suprising if they have been eating black rabbits I suppose although most of them live more on KFC bones and pizzas.

Some of the squirrels on our local golf course are very dark, if you see a young one in the early morning you think its a red squirrel. I have been waiting for someone to report sightings of red squirrels in the local paper.

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I've shot various different colours over the years from sandy to such a light grey that is was almost blue, shot a black one after last harvest it was more like a tame rabbit when I skinned it out, paler flesh and not as firm, made me wonder if it hadn't been an escapee from someones garden

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I've shot various different colours over the years from sandy to such a light grey that is was almost blue, shot a black one after last harvest it was more like a tame rabbit when I skinned it out, paler flesh and not as firm, made me wonder if it hadn't been an escapee from someones garden


Ours are all the same color.

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plenty of black rabbits round here - and i've even seen one golden one

I've noticed a couple that are a rich golden orange colour on one of my shoots recently! They both seem to be living in the same burrow so it suggests a touch of "inbreeding" might be happening. I have not had a clear and safe sot offered on one yet, but it will happen, then I will post a picture!

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Ours are all the same color.


As you move around the UK you come across all sorts of different hues, the vast majority are the standard grey but there is a lot of variation ( sometimes only subtle ) as said I have seen them varying from a light sandy colour all the way through to black, sometimes the variation is quite localised and I figure must thow back to escapees but others seem natural. I'd be willing to bet that though they all look the same in your neck of the woods if you move any distance and make a direct comparison you may notice some variation, even if only by size or colouration... we're all at the mercy of the gene pool ya know

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it was the normans that introduced rabbits here in the uk after 1066 sometime,they were not for the peasants and were kept on islands for the nobility to hunt as they were seen then as a delacacy,but nature (or poachers) found a way and we now have them in great numbers. mixy is not man made,its found in rabbits in brazil and was man introduced here to kerb the population but as there, they started becoming imune. but to the point ive never seen a black rabbit down here in the south west...........well done all you that got one!!

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