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As an enthusiast (maybe the wrong word) of the Vietnam war and it's history, I personally can really see the attraction. Although personally speaking would go for a 5.56 deact. At least then I can put it with my collection and not hide it away in a cabinet.

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My nephew has one of them in .22lr semi auto. He is 15 years old and it is on his own ticket. He uses it at the range and for competition and sometimes when he is out shooting with me. I don't see the difference with him using this or a 10/22 at night lamping from the truck. Infact it's very short and quite handy for use in the truck. It's like the bottom one in Dr Scholl's picture.



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.22 lr is the way to go if you want to target shoot. It's a lot easier on the wallet.


Easier on the wallet maybe,but some of us like to shoot old military rifles at targets so 22 is out.


Its like saying everyone should drive a Smart car because end of the day-it does the same job as a BMW! Its all down to personal choice and how we shouldnt have that taken away from us.If shooting a semiauto .22 AK or M16 floats your boat then the last thing anyone here should be doing is critising them.I think everyone needs to pull together.

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to all you gun snobs who never go to a target shooting club and know nothing about precision, these military look alikes are not for serious target shooting,they are seen as fun guns,some people have a old historic gun like a long lee or a stevens others have an old winchester pump,or some have one of these.i had one it jammed like hell and was in accurate to a fault,and quite honestly so are all the other military look alikes ive seen people shoot.,we do not run round like rambo so grow up and get a life. if people do have them on their ticket for vermin control (dont know why they would) they would need serious help if they took it out during the day for people to see. so try and use some common sense. p.s. i was at the game fair in newark and i saw only camo dressed vermin/deer shooters buying these military guns,and no one else.....food for thought.........

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Easier on the wallet maybe,but some of us like to shoot old military rifles at targets so 22 is out.


Its like saying everyone should drive a Smart car because end of the day-it does the same job as a BMW! Its all down to personal choice and how we shouldnt have that taken away from us.If shooting a semiauto .22 AK or M16 floats your boat then the last thing anyone here should be doing is critising them.I think everyone needs to pull together.


Oh I agree with you. Aside from the AR-15's, one of my favorite guns to shoot is my Ishapore Lee Enfield, which is basically an Indian made No.4 chambered for 7.62 NATO instead of .303. But it gets expensive quick when 100 rounds of 7.62 NATO costs $70 and 500 rounds of .223 cost almost $200. .22 is a good alternative if you wanna save a little money.

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Oh I agree with you. Aside from the AR-15's, one of my favorite guns to shoot is my Ishapore Lee Enfield, which is basically an Indian made No.4 chambered for 7.62 NATO instead of .303. But it gets expensive quick when 100 rounds of 7.62 NATO costs $70 and 500 rounds of .223 cost almost $200. .22 is a good alternative if you wanna save a little money.

hey doc, make us all jealous. how much are .22lr's going for across the pond these days?

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Oh I agree with you. Aside from the AR-15's, one of my favorite guns to shoot is my Ishapore Lee Enfield, which is basically an Indian made No.4 chambered for 7.62 NATO instead of .303. But it gets expensive quick when 100 rounds of 7.62 NATO costs $70 and 500 rounds of .223 cost almost $200. .22 is a good alternative if you wanna save a little money.


Here 100 rounds of 7.62x54R military surplus costs around £27 (either heavy or normal ball) and new stuff is around £47.Big difference between them though is the milsurp has corrosive primers so gotta take great care with cleaning the Nagant afterwards,but its very accurate for old ammo (i currently have some dated 1954!).Im after a K98 Mauser next so my point is-i prefer old service rifles because i like the character they have and dont really have an intrest in rimfires,but do respect that others might even when they're AK or AR clones.

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My nephew has been driving for about 3 years and is stopped by the law on average once a month. I have been driving for about 25 years and in that time I have been stopped 3 times.

I tend to drive off the shelf company car saloons and tatty land rovers.

He drives road scraping Golfs with big exhausts and a boot full of bass speakers.

He cannot understand why the law keep singling him out. They rarely do him for anything, as he isn't really doing anything wrong, but it is a lot of hassle having to keep visiting the station to produce his paperwork.


Any similarities here, do you think?

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  • 1 month later...

Why does there have to be so much infighting :good: The shooting community needs to STICK TOGETHER. Just beacuse you don't like or understand something doesnt mean it should not be allowed.


These kind of guns are almost exclusively bought for club shooting and they don't look out of place there. Most people will have more sense than to go wandering around the fields with them when the public are about. A bit of tolerance and understanding is what this community needs.

Edited by pbickerd
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i must admit they do look fun. but not very practical



yes if youre 14


I agree with most of the posters when I say lets not get involed in gun snobbery- I prefer good old blue and walnut but at the same time will defend any shooters right to own what ever they like - so long as its on ticket and perfectly legal


Les :good:

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The question is not why would anyone want one....the question should be ..why shouldn't you have one if that's what you want?Perfectly legal and loads of fun.I nearly bought an AR15 in .223 a few months ago....and why shouldn't I?they're legal and I'm a law-abiding person so what's the problem?

Has everybody forgotten the murders in Cumbria were committed by the two most popular civilian owned firearms in this country....namely the humble.22rf and a double barrelled shotgun?

Armed response will arrive at the mention of the word 'gun',not what type of gun.

I can appreciate they're not everyones cup of tea,but each to their own eh!Let's all try and sing from the same song sheet. :good:

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Why does there have to be so much infighting ;) The shooting community needs to STICK TOGETHER. Just beacuse you don't like or understand something doesnt mean it should not be allowed.


These kind of guns are almost exclusively bought for club shooting and they don't look out of place there. Most people will have more sense than to go wandering around the fields with them when the public are about. A bit of tolerance and understanding is what this community needs.


Wise words mate :good: . It wouldn't be my cup of tea (I'll stick with my bolt action .22lr) but its each to their own and I certainly wouldn't criticise someone for owning one.

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as for the general public being freaked out at those kinds of rifles i had a woman scream when i walked past her with my AIR rifle i just looked at her with a raised eye brow as i walked past (where live I'm pretty much on my own in rural cumbria and walk past my neighbors house to get to my shoot so I'm guessing she was a southern friend of my neighbor who doesn't understand that MOST of us "hillbillies" have guns in some way or another... like that guy that said Derick Byrd had a "what looked like a whopping great telescopic sniper rifle. it was like a movie prop from James bond") i think the longer the gun the more threatening to the general public... as for the assault rifle look-a-likes they look cool (but I'm a military nut so i would) would i own one yeah if i was target shooting but as I'm varmint hunting i would like a ruger 10/22 maybe with tapco stock its like them old English type shot guns with the engraving I'm patriotic but i personally would rather a pump action (I'm not big into my shotguns).


also as for bolt actions i would have a .308 Steyr SSG 08 or a Roedale Avenger II but then again i wanted to be a sniper in the marines but due to health couldn't get in :wub:. I'm not a maniac just like what i like i cant help it.... sorry. :shoot:

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This has run it's course and should be left in peace, and many have lost sight of the original post....


I am not trying to be cynical or abusive or clever...but can someone please tell me why they would ever buy the like of this...which was doing well at the Phoenix recently...


...and put there own slant on it, few (but some) have understood the question!


ATB!! :shoot:

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