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Pigeon Magnet First Time I used it 200+


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This is only my second post so please bear with me, anyway continuing from my 1st post, I bought a few days ago a pigeon magnet from

www.pigeon-############## and tried it out today for the first time.


I have looked at the field the day before and picked my spot, just under a tree, I decided to use my DT10 because it fits me better, WRONG IDEA, tell you later about that.


I get up the pigeon magnet, with a few decoys I already had, I was going to throw some bread out from my sandwiches as well to see if I get any action.


Well I did not have time to even open my lunch box, flask or magazine. The first batch came in and missed all of them, never mind. Anyway to cut a long storey short, I never eat, drank or read my mag, but I did shoot 200+ birds, I could not get the tops off the cartridge boxes quick enough. I am so excited I could not believe it, the pigeons were literally committing suicide, and well if I was a better shot then they might have.


Anyway the moral is don’t take a DT10 when you have a semi auto at home and I am sure I would have shot even more if I had turned the magnet on, only kidding.



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Welcome to the forum - do you live near Bicester, by any chance..:lol:


Somehow your post doesn't quite cut the mustard, and I suspect that you are bulls**tting us, for whatever reason..??


As for your 200+ bag on your first day out, I suspect you've got the decimal point a bit wrong old chap, and a bag of about 20+, (i.e. 21), would be nearer the mark...:lol:


As you are a self confessed **** shot, shooting 200+ at this time of year simply isn't on, especially as you tried to lure them in by throwing bread out of the hide...what would Invector say about that little trick..??


Good luck on your future outings...do let us all know how you get on.



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Me and Simmo shot 200 plus on Tuesday :lol:

Only because we used one of these in our decoy pattern. I wanted to use it next week as I'm out on a shoot again, but it has got to go back. Due for the MOT :lol::lol:


PM me if you want to borrow it. I'll kick ya in the nuts if ya scratch it though :lol:




Jonno (1664)

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You can take the p*** all you like, i just thought i would give you my thoughts, i have only shot a few times and i was so excited, i was actually shooting in Thatcham and the only picture i have is on my mobile phone, did not expect to shoot that many. Anyway just so you know i used about 600 cartridges.


If you are all going to be like a bunch of ***** over the day i had then i wont bother in future.


Thanks to thoes who were interested.

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None of us know if woodywoo shot over 200 pigeons and I agree that some of his comments about being a bad shot, throwing pieces of sandwich out to attract the birds, etc., seemed a bit strange in the circumstances.


However, why not give him the benefit of the doubt, it won't reduce our life expectancies, or cause us any similar personal loss ?


I never take a camera on any shooting expeditions and rarely (regrettably) take one fishing, so any of my ( and a few other long term members) field reports, have to be taken on trust.

This doesn't cause me any embarrassment.

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However, why not give him the benefit of the doubt, it won't reduce our life expectancies, or cause us any similar personal loss ?


yes you are right. but seen as he has put it on an open forum surely we are allowed to discus it between our selfs. without having to believe every single word of it.i think it is very astute of a new shooter to be have over 500 shells just in case there are birds a plenty to be had. many new shooters would not carry this many in the motor.good luck to the lad. if he is kidding then he is only kidding himself.

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Catamong, you asked what Invector would say about this post. I find it difficult to believe and would appreciate some photos, or other evidence. As for the bread, ask Will about the client he took out, who bought some breakfast cereals and placed a little heap in front of each deek!! :lol: In fact it might be a good idea to also ask Will if he, or his clients, have shot 200 birds over rape lately?

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In fact it might be a good idea to also ask Will if he, or his clients, have shot 200 birds over rape lately?



People are assuming this bag was shot over rape In fact i dont think Woodywoo mentioned what he was shooting over at all.


So to clear this point up Woodywoo what were you shooting over.



PS good bag

Edited by hawkeye
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