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Farmer Wants a Word


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Nothing. Farmer wanted to warn me that we've got dog baiting/fighting in a copse on the farm boundary. One elderly lady heard the row, called from the bottom of her garden, was approached and it was explained that the proceedings had nothing to do with her and she should go away: You can imagine the terminology used. Frightened the poor old soul to death. Her neighbour called the police who responded quite quickly but the ******** scarpered. No doubt they'll be back.

Think I'm going to use a blue filter on the 170!


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The sad thing is with most of these type of scum, the majority of the dogs used for dog fights were more than likely pets taken from loving family's :good:


this also goes with badger baiters.


I hope if they do return they get there punishment. and more :good:

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The sad thing is with most of these type of scum, the majority of the dogs used for dog fights were more than likely pets taken from loving family's :good:


this also goes with badger baiters.


I hope if they do return they get there punishment. and more :lol:

We all wish Dougy, trouble is, scum like that never get caught, and when they do they get a caution! Oh how we love the british judical system :good:

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The sad thing is with most of these type of scum, the majority of the dogs used for dog fights were more than likely pets taken from loving family's :good:


this also goes with badger baiters.


I hope if they do return they get there punishment. and more :good:


god help anyone who ever tried to take one of my dogs!

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wouldn't it be a little odd dog fighting without a crowd, sure they aren't on badgers or the likes

Yep, you may well be right. I went to have a shufti but took the springer with me and was faced with a corner of long seedy uncut grass. As I'd just paid the vet a fortune to operate for an ear infection I didn't want to risk it so I'll try again today without dog.


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Its well worth finding out as if there is any evidence of digging etc you need it recorded in case anyone else thinks its you or the farmer doing it. Dog fighting is highly organised and usually done for money but they usually do it inside in almost custom built arenas to stop the dogs getting out. Whichever way they all deserve a HV to the bonce and disposing of with an extra long reach JCB as deep as possible :good:

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i have actually owned a ex fighting stafford , went to nock about a car i saw for sale and found him chained up poor old boy , the owner was a moronic chav who actually bragged that he had rolled him several times , should have seen the state of him scars and rips all healed up the lot .

Long story short , didnt buy the car and bought digger off the bloke ....... Yes i am a soft **** but probably the best dog i've owned !

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The sad thing is with most of these type of scum, the majority of the dogs used for dog fights were more than likely pets taken from loving family's :good:


this also goes with badger baiters.


I hope if they do return they get there punishment. and more :good:


They would be game dogs trained and conditioned for the purpose of fighting. I don't think family pets would be up to the job.

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OK, finally got to the bottom of it. Turns out a couple of young local wannabe hard nuts were "strenthening the dogs" by pulling them off the ground with one end of a rope in their jaws with the rope going over a branch. Made hell of a din apparently. When they scarpered they left the rope behind which one came back for yesterday and couldn't find it. What he wasn't going to do to the same old biddy (90+) who just happened to be in the garden if he found out that she'd taken it doesn't bear thinking about. Will have to do a few nights rabbiting in the area but I think the farmer has it sorted; he's moved a herd of stroppy Aberdeen bullocks into the field where the copse is.


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So it wasn't dog fighters or badger baiters, it was a couple of kids messing about with their dogs :good:

If that's what you call two 25 (ish) year olds threatening to set a couple of Rottweilers onto a ninety year old lady, then yes. You'll forgive me if I beg to differ.


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