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rabbits amd rossers!!


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had a call from my pal who is a macanic/green keeper for a golf course tonight asking if i wanted to go for a bit of shooting? quick as a flash i except and he comes and pics me up at about 8 o'clock.

we set off to his house wich is just the other side of some woods to the golf course, park the car and walk through. we walk through the golfcourse carpark and say hi to the workers, straight into the garage pic up a gator load the gus and we are off. we drive the first few holes and see not alot a few bunnys but there off. we take 2 or 3 in the next few fareways plus a crow but then the rain sets in, so we shoot off back to the garage and have a fag and wait for it to pass. after about 10 mins we decide to set back off, only this time another pal had turned up and there was 3 of us, by this time it had started to get dark and the gators lights came in very handy and we took about 11 more bunnys across the rest of the course.

now the rain starts again and we head back to the garage, as we round the corner into the carpark we come across a police man who imediately stops us and asks us who we are and what the hell are we doing in the gator with guns? the keeper replys with who he is and that he has permission and that they are air rifles etc etc etc.... to wich the copper replys "ohhh shall i stand down the armed response then" my pal says yes thats probally a good idea, then a dog unit arrives and another copper jumps out asking whats going on? we tell him whats going on to wich he replys "get much???" a few we reply and we show him, he then says " can i take a couple for my larson trap? as it saves me looking for some on the road?" of course you can buddy il bag em up if you want!

the look on the first coppers face was a picture as we started talking shooting and guns, we was showing of the rifles and having a good old laugh> the chef (who phoned the police) turned up and apoligised that it was him that called as he didnt know it was us out there.

so every thing was good in the end and we actually had a giggle with the dog handler (belive it or not).


now the thing i never knew is that the police gave us a card with a number to call every time we go out, so they know that we are there (or any other permission) incase they get called again, they said we have to do it? has anyone heard this before?


any ways enougth talking heres the pic of the soggy bunnys minus the 2 the policeman had, as you can see we had a good few hours <_<


john boy



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Firstly, well done on the successful nights shoot, even with a visit from the plod (they're just doing their job and it's a positive in my book that they arrived so promptly after a call). Secondly, I do and don't call the control room when I go out. If it's in daylight or with the hummer I always call. If at night with the air rifle or tutu sometimes I just don't bother. It does depend on many factors for me, location, rifle choice, time of day. It's probably best to always call in advance, although I'm not so sure you actually have to call, provided you have permission and aren't breaking any laws.

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Firstly, well done on the successful nights shoot, even with a visit from the plod (they're just doing their job and it's a positive in my book that they arrived so promptly after a call). Secondly, I do and don't call the control room when I go out. If it's in daylight or with the hummer I always call. If at night with the air rifle or tutu sometimes I just don't bother. It does depend on many factors for me, location, rifle choice, time of day. It's probably best to always call in advance, although I'm not so sure you actually have to call, provided you have permission and aren't breaking any laws.


You dont have to inform them at all, so long as youve got permission etc no probs.

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sometimes i call in sometimes not, depends on location situation etc.

if i'm lamping i generally do, as invariably someone will phone the police on some of the farms i shoot - i just then get a call from the police asking if it is indeed me, i reply 'yes', they say carry on.

end of story. no armed response, no helicopters.


good shooting btw.

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Well done on your nights shooting <_< … you should call the police and let them know your out at night with a gun of any kind and lamp, they will give you a ref number that can be given if you are stopped!! Which saves so much time trust me?


Foxbuster is right if you have permission and as Swiss.tony saying paper work it’s a matter of showing that too them and it’s done… they will always respond to a call but if you have this in place trust me it helps.


I was stopped once coming home from lamping and I hadn’t called in, I was on the road side for 2 half hours in the end I had to ring my permission at 3:45am asking him to tell the police that I had been shooting on his land that night, thank god he understood.


So from this time onwards I always call in… and hendersons is right they in what he is saying.

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The way it was explained to me is that it is not a legal obligation to phone and let the police know where and when you are going to be shooting but it is advisable! I have had the police turn up once while I was out shooting as a local "Furry Friend Hugger" had decided to try to cause trouble by phoning up and saying that I had been firing my shotgun on the road. After quite a bit of time the matter was cleared up (The person that made the complaint eventually ended up being warned about wasting police time as they did a similar thing on 3 different occasions) but the police told me that if I hadn't have phoned in it might have been a different"situation" as the ARU might well have been launched.

I also had a phone call from the police on another occasion while out shooting saying that someone had reported a "suspicious looking person dressed in camo gear and carrying what looked like an assult rifle walking about in the old quarries" and asking if it was in fact me as I had phoned them and told them I was going to be shooting in that area. Once again it could have been a different matter if I had not phoned in to the police!

I think it is up to the individual to decide if they want to phone in and let the police know they are going to be shooting but I always prefer to (especially if I am going to be lamping or if I know that there are a few Tree Huggers living close by that might like to cause trouble) even though it is not obligatory as it can save time and trouble if a "concerned member of the public) phones in and reports a shooter with a rifle walking about! I would also add that in light of the recent "situations" in Cumbria and with Roal Moat it is highly advisable as some members of the public might be even more "jumpy" where shooters and guns are concerned!

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And you would be fairly dumb to call in if you don't have permission. <_<


i've noticed on some occasions, when i phone in the Police contact centre ladies ask "do you have permission?" - i reckon that's to catch out the odd armed trespasser <_<


most of the time i get "good luck and happy hunting"

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i've noticed on some occasions, when i phone in the Police contact centre ladies ask "do you have permission?" - i reckon that's to catch out the odd armed trespasser <_<


most of the time i get "good luck and happy hunting"



Next time try saying "No, I am just hungry" and see what their reply is.

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Personally I don't where I shoot usually because reports are rare and I don't want to have to get into the habit of calling them all the time when its not an obligation. Like you I had a reasonable plod turn up after someone got the hump I was having a decent day. Funnily enough according to the farmer they know which house it was as they've done it before, however they have been thanked by a few of the other houses for me bashing a load of rooks as they have stopped being woken at 4am by the noisy ******** on their roofs <_< so you win some you loose some

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just been onto the phone to my pal whos the green keeper. its caused a big fuss on the course as insurance was brought up etc and my pal didnt have any.

im BASC insured and i think im now being signed up as the main shooter up there and he is typeing up permission letters as we speak.


so fingers crossed it all goes through. <_<


john boy

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sometimes i call in sometimes not, depends on location situation etc.

if i'm lamping i generally do, as invariably someone will phone the police on some of the farms i shoot - i just then get a call from the police asking if it is indeed me, i reply 'yes', they say carry on.

end of story. no armed response, no helicopters.


good shooting btw.


I do the same since having had a helicopter buzz over me on my mates shoot adjoining the M25. :yp:

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