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Pigeon Watch Addiction.

Jim Sarakun

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Out with ozzy518 yesterday, on the Pigeon pest control, naff day by the way, plenty in the air, but they would not decoy, well we started talking about PW. and how we are both addicts, though Ozzy confessed he is also addicted to Red Tube, whatever that is.


As you probably know, Ozzy is one of PW's contributing Police Officers, so I get his personal view, then I get his view in the eyes of the law, both of which can often be contradictory, but quite funny too, when we talk about some of the posts on here. Like all other officers on here, I understand the burden you carry when you make a post, anyway I digress.


Back to the addiction. It often starts first thing in the morning, check the weather, us outdoor types always do that, then have a quick look at what's new on PW. But then you unwittingly click onto that 5 page epic, where someone has posted a link, which you follow, but there's another link, probably totally unrelated, so you follow that, and then another, so before you know it, your breakfast is cold and you are late for work.


Then there is that funny thread, or wind up thread, so you skip the weather and go straight to PW to see how it has developed and before you know it, your breakfast has gone cold and you are late for work.


Then there is that thread with a topic that you are passionate about, and if wassisname keeps ranting on about thingmyjig, your gonna be ready, and give him some stick, all in the best possible taste of course, but this time you skip breakfast and are really late for work, and if he hasn't posted, you try to get on the works computer to check if he has.


Now us addicts all have favourite posters, and click straight onto their posts when we switch on, if we see they have posted. This can be fatal. Once you have a substantial repertoire of "favourites", just check the time when you have read the posts, 4,5,6, hours have passed and your late to bed, and your gonna be late for work.


Then there is that post you made, which during the day, you wonder, was I a bit harsh, should I really have said that, did I get my facts right, so foot down, speeding fine, and as soon as you get home, PC on and check it out.


Presumably we are all normal, we hold one of the most difficult tickets to obtain in the whole of Europe, but there is always that poster who we think is not, that total and utter idiot, in our own personal view that is, of which there have been a few, whether by design or poor gene pool I would not like to guess, but us addicts, have his posts sent straight to our phones. We hide in corridors, waiting for that text, in the toilet, anywhere, we must see his next post. The boss just can not find our hidey hole.


Like true addicts, this is the point where we lose our jobs.


PW is a fantastic site, and I commend the guys whoever they are, who started it. Oz and I love it like our mums love soaps.


Do you fit in that slot? Are YOU an addict?


Oh, before you make the obvious comment that helps us addicts in no way whatsoever, and all us addicts feel is "so last year", yes, we do have a life, a very comfortable one in fact from now on in, why only this week, I won the lottery.


Probably post my future life changes on that one later...

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Yep, total addict here. I'm retired, so I can't be sacked ;) . My home PC is on from 'wake-up' until 'go-to-bed' whenever I am at home and I always have a separate page open for PW. I enjoy the banter and the (Often conflicting :good: ) information available, there's always a laugh going on. Keep up the good work, moderators, and oh, by the way, when are you going to let me spell my nearest town of S****horpe without seeing it as a swear word? :D

Edited by Bloke
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Yep, complete addict here.


It is a strange one though. There are plenty of shooting site out there but most lack something or just "don't work" for whatever reason - maybe they are too big, the moderating doesn't work (too strict or not enough) or the content is too dull (which would mean that the site members / users were too dull).


For whatever reason it works.

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I think its **** but gives you a break from work :good:
exactly the same here,just something to pass the time at work,or wen she's got eastenders on! there are quite a lot of closed minds on some of the posts here,with people unable and unwilling to accept any other point of view ,which makes for good entertainment! It can be informative as well,but ude be a fool to follow as gospel anything written on here.especially when ure firearms certs at risk if u do! Still I like it. The trading post is great!
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Just because my PC is permenantly linked up to Pigeon Watch it does not mean that I am adicted! Pigeon Watch is very much like sex - I can take it or leave it and I will totally give it up one day, just not today if it's all the same to you!


P.S. What does adicted mean please, I can't find it in my Pigeon Watch Dictionary?

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Phew! That's reassuring, we not being the only ones I mean. We must be REAL men to admit to it eh? I agree with you Mungler, this site has a "personality" if that is the right word, all of it's own. I think it is because the members actually socialise with competitions and meet ups etc.


But the cure. Do you think, that as the perpetrators of the site are unwittingly responsible for our addiction, bit like cigarette companies, that we can expect some kind of rehab from them? You, I understand, having some experience with legalities, may know if we can hold them accountable for some kind of, how can I put it, therapy.


The only thing I can think of that would help me throw this addiction, has something to do with naked bronzed female bodies and copious amounts of coconut oil, alcohol and V8's.


What are, if you know, my legal rights in this nanny state, regarding this, laid down by the big fish from Brussels?




Incidentally, I just had a look on the "board statistics" page, and I see names on there that I see every day. I think that maybe, there are more addicts than are prepared to own up. Look at this as "PW anonymous", come and talk to the group, your secrets are safe, we will not tell a soul.

Edited by Jim Sarakun
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Well done Gary, come in and join the group.


Now Gary, what are your thoughts on therapy. We are angling on an exclusive kind of therapy, and await from Mungler, the legal responsibilities of the site owners.


This exclusive therapy involves naked bronzed female bodies and copious amounts of coconut oil, alcohol and V8's.


What are your thoughts Gary, do tell the group.

Edited by Jim Sarakun
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Looking at the post counts of some of the self confessed addicts, is it true to say you are addicted to reading rather than posting?

I would sort of expect 'the usual suspects' to appear in a thread like this, but the majority of you aren't - it's quite interesting...

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Looking at the post counts of some of the self confessed addicts, is it true to say you are addicted to reading rather than posting?

I would sort of expect 'the usual suspects' to appear in a thread like this, but the majority of you aren't - it's quite interesting...



Yes thats a fair comment! Unfortunately i run my own forum ( A motorcycle club ) and so i have a lot of my online time tied up with that as you yourself will know the admin side can tie you up a bit! So i don't post on here as much as i would like, but i read a lot ;)



I'm a PW lurker :good:

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Total Addict here-


I even have Pigeon Watch with me in the field ( mobile phone) just in case I need advice on anything Pigeon related :good:


Driving to Scotland this evening be off line for week- can this be considered as cold Turkey or should that be cold Pigeon??




Les ;):D

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Looking at the post counts of some of the self confessed addicts, is it true to say you are addicted to reading rather than posting?

I would sort of expect 'the usual suspects' to appear in a thread like this, but the majority of you aren't - it's quite interesting...


It's a load of old **** I wouldn't waste my time on here :good:

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