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Are you a speeder...


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This has been doing the rounds somewhat of late.


The problem I have with it, without wishing to subvert the purpose, is it is way too long, it becomes boring. I have not watched it all the way through as in my opinion it is pointless to do so.


It is all made of acted scenes, not particularly well made either.



EDIT: I just skimmed quickly through the rest, OK some of it is actual footage later on... but I still view it as a poorly thought out over done piece.



If it was better done and half as long I might have a different viewpoint.


To answer your question, I used to speed, but I very seldom do now. I got that out of my system on the race track.

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They should put it on national TV.

It might save a few lives


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Yeh I am, awaiting my court notification for being 50% over the speed limit on a dual carriageway from two weeks ago.


And to be honest, I watched most of the video and the accidents can mostly be attributed to not paying attention or poor road craft rather than speeding.

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i think youve completely missed the point mate, by a country mile


No I haven't, not in the slightest. I think it is a really bad way to try to get people to stop speeding, as it is basically so rubbish I doubt very much anyone will see it through.


If you want to know where I stand on road safety I'll tell you. I am a member of the IAM, having passed the Advanced Motoring tests on both motorbike and car, and I keep up with it, rather than just sit on the fact I did it years ago. If it was not for the fact I am way too busy I would go on to do the ROSPA tests as well which are far harder.


Sorry, but I don't think that video will do much good... but I suppose someone will say "if it saves one life" etc...

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It started off well but degenerates into some sort of hollywood-esque movie trailer and completely loses it's power - I found I watched to see if the next scene was any more dramatic than the last. Some of the stunts are more spectacular than watching an action film. Would it stop speeding if shown on terrestrial tv - I doubt it. Unfortunately, especially when it comes to driving offences, people don't usually learn until it's too late or by bitter experience.

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It is all made of acted scenes, not particularly well made either


the corvette that hits the artic towards the end was stolen and being chased by a police car it was on worst police chases or something like that

most of the clips are examples of bad driving not all speed related

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Yeh I am, awaiting my court notification for being 50% over the speed limit on a dual carriageway from two weeks ago.


And to be honest, I watched most of the video and the accidents can mostly be attributed to not paying attention or poor road craft rather than speeding.


Thats exactly what I thought. Who overtakes and roars past stopped traffic at a zebra crossing? Or runs red lights at juntions?? I think its a tad dramatic but illustrates a good point.


I really don't think excessive speed is the major issue in the UK, its **** drivers who have no idea what they are doing most of the time. The thing that winds me up the most on the road is idiots who sit in the outside lane of a motorway doing 65 when the road is actually moving faster to the left of them, meaning you have to thoertically break the law and undertake them to keep up with the flow of traffic at ~75ish. When are these people going to learn that there is NO FAST LANE!


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No I haven't, not in the slightest. I think it is a really bad way to try to get people to stop speeding, as it is basically so rubbish I doubt very much anyone will see it through.


If you want to know where I stand on road safety I'll tell you. I am a member of the IAM, having passed the Advanced Motoring tests on both motorbike and car, and I keep up with it, rather than just sit on the fact I did it years ago. If it was not for the fact I am way too busy I would go on to do the ROSPA tests as well which are far harder.


Sorry, but I don't think that video will do much good... but I suppose someone will say "if it saves one life" etc...

So... the fact you are an 'advanced motorist' is your reason for speeding!


Quote Max and Paddy, "Reason for speeding, Status Quo, I don't think that will hold up in court!"


Speeding is wrong mate, and it is a fact that it kills many many people every year all over the world. The video might not stop you speeding, but for some, they may just think twice.

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I dont think i need to watch the video at the minute, I had a blowout on the outside lane of the motorway today while overtaking a cement lorry. Scared the **** out of me . :hmm::balloon: ( i wasn't speeding)

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No I haven't, not in the slightest. I think it is a really bad way to try to get people to stop speeding, as it is basically so rubbish I doubt very much anyone will see it through.


If you want to know where I stand on road safety I'll tell you. I am a member of the IAM, having passed the Advanced Motoring tests on both motorbike and car, and I keep up with it, rather than just sit on the fact I did it years ago. If it was not for the fact I am way too busy I would go on to do the ROSPA tests as well which are far harder.


Sorry, but I don't think that video will do much good... but I suppose someone will say "if it saves one life" etc...


This type of video will reach a few who will take notice, yes I agree it could have been a bit better and shorter, sometimes the harder hitting message is the only one that gets across.


I know you say that you have passed the advanced motoring tests in a car and on a bike etc but there is nothing like being there at the scene cutting someone out of a car, van, lorry etc, which I spend quite a lot of time doing, it is very thought provoking. I am glad you have gone the extra mile to pass these advaced driving courses but these hold no guarranties that you won't be involved in an accident. I'm qualified to drive truck without speed restriction on blues and twos (and have training and tests evey 3 years) but it doesn't mean that this will prevent me being involved in an accident it will hopefully reduce the odds by a vast amount, but you can never tell what someone else is going to do that suddenly involves you as a driver.


I have always said (and the clip re-enforces the message) that it is not always the speed that causes accidents it is the standard of driving, some of the accidents in the clip are not high speed accidents and possibly well within the speed limits for the roads. The problem is the standard of driving, and judgements made by those drivers that have caused the accidents, and not driving within their capabilities and the circumstances they find themselves in.


Keep up the traning :hmm: if everyone did a little extra driver training there would be fewer accidents, but no matter how hard they try accidents will never be completely eliminated. :balloon:

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Soeed in itself does not cause accidents inappropriate use of speed does! even then its only responsible for about 3% of all accidents, human error and carelessness are the biggest factors in road accidents, so when do we worry about the 97% not caused by speeding? oh I know that will be when we can get a revenue out of it?



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You can go and do as many tests as you like, get advanced motoring qualifications, be a totally safe driver. Unfortunately we have to share the roads with others who do not posess the same skills or sensible attitude to driving. Its the nutters out there that cause the collisions innocent folk just get caught up in them.

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I dont care what anyone says speed DOES NOT kill














but the sudden stop does

I think you should have a little conversation with my friend's (who died) dad, The speed ripped his leg out of his socket when the car hit him on his bike and he bled to death. That wasn't the stop that killed him!

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I think you should have a little conversation with my friend's (who died) dad, The speed ripped his leg out of his socket when the car hit him on his bike and he bled to death. That wasn't the stop that killed him!



sorry to hear that

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I got to the one where the girl was sat on the wall with her boyfriend standing facing her. Then the car crushed him and she had to sit and look at him because her legs were trapped. I couldn't really watch after that.


Generally speaking I don't speed. If I do it's not my much and it's never in built up areas or at busy times. I'm by no means perfect but when I see people racing along bust streets or through housing estates it makes me so angry. I've had several friends either die or have been killed by someone elses stupidity and there's no need for it. I think if you get caught doing 70mph in a 60 zone at one in the morning and the road has good visibility then that's bad luck. If you get caught doing 50mph in a 30 zone at school closing time you deserve to have your nuts removed!

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I have gone out on runs with the IAM (Bike) many a time and there are always those few within the group that push on well beyond the speed limit / safety margin.


I often got the impession that these few 'thought they had a licience to etc' because they had passed the advanced test. As they say a little knowledge / skill can be a dangerous thing. I am all for making good progress, but when it is safe to do so and for the conditions that prevail at the time.


Speed can be a factor, but I see so many (low speed) poor examples of driving when I'm out and about every day its mind boggling. My road craft has kept me out of an accident on more than one occasion, especially on roundabouts.


Im not saying Im Peter-Perfect when it comes to driving, but I do make an effort to drive well and be considerate to other road users.

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I totally agree Marcus, I know a chap who does IAM every year, and he drives like a ****, but when you tell him to slow down, you always get the same answer, "I am an IAM member, I know how to drive like this."


IMO, speed should be kept off the road, there is much safer places to go fast. If you crash into a tree for example, at 30 MPH, its going to hurt, but chances are, you will not die, hit it at 60 or 70, and it is one hell of a different story.


Like I say, my mate got hit by a car which was doing 65 MPH, in a 50 limit, and it tore his leg from the socket, and sent him 50 yards into the field, he was doing 40! Speed does kill people, no matter what excuse you use for speeding, it is wrong. If everyone stuck to safe speeds, there would be a lot less casualties from it.


I just hope that one day, none of us hit someone and kill them, because that would be one hell of a memory to live with, but please feel free to correct me if you think I am wrong :balloon:


EDIT: Oh, and the worst part about it, the police are no better. I was over taken by a copper just the other day, going up a blind crest on a hill, and before you ask, he had no blues and twos on! Is that what is called, leading by example?

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