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Are you a speeder...


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Whilst reducing speed in built up areas and outside schools is a good idea, I still think that the old fashioned "stop, look and listen" to keep kids out of the road should be the priority.



Another great point, I also think this needs to be extended to certain parents, some seem to use a baby-laden pram to test if a car is coming when they walk out between parked cars. But 15mph-ish around schools and highstreets is fair I think.

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So... the fact you are an 'advanced motorist' is your reason for speeding!


Quote Max and Paddy, "Reason for speeding, Status Quo, I don't think that will hold up in court!"


Speeding is wrong mate, and it is a fact that it kills many many people every year all over the world. The video might not stop you speeding, but for some, they may just think twice.


I never said anything like that. Read my posts again.

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This type of video will reach a few who will take notice, yes I agree it could have been a bit better and shorter, sometimes the harder hitting message is the only one that gets across.


Trouble is the video is so rubbish most folk will just not bother with it.



I know you say that you have passed the advanced motoring tests in a car and on a bike etc but there is nothing like being there at the scene cutting someone out of a car, van, lorry etc, which I spend quite a lot of time doing, it is very thought provoking. I am glad you have gone the extra mile to pass these advaced driving courses but these hold no guarranties that you won't be involved in an accident. I'm qualified to drive truck without speed restriction on blues and twos (and have training and tests evey 3 years) but it doesn't mean that this will prevent me being involved in an accident it will hopefully reduce the odds by a vast amount, but you can never tell what someone else is going to do that suddenly involves you as a driver.


I have a lot of respect for people like you who have to do that. I know a few, and the stories they tell are pretty horrific. As for the training, it has more to do with defensive riding/driving than with speed, and that in itself I do believe helps to reduce risk.



Keep up the traning :hmm: if everyone did a little extra driver training there would be fewer accidents, but no matter how hard they try accidents will never be completely eliminated. :balloon:


To be honest I wish more people did. The thing is it is really easy to get involved. IAM and ROSPA have groups all over the country full of members more than willing to help. It doesn't cost much either.

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Most of the people who I stop for speeding say they did not know how fast they were going or realise they were speeding.

This I think is the lamest of excuses because they either don't have the balls to admit they were in the wrong or they genuinley have no idea how fast they are going or what the speed limit is. Another great excuse is that they don't know the area so yet again a real good reason to speed. Some people just say sorry and they know that they should not be doing it but they are late or whatever and they are probably the safest of the lot because they will be more aware and alert because they know they are going fast.

Speed does kill but it is linked to so many other factors and yes it is unusual for speed alone to be the cause.

Most people are let down by their poor observations and inability to read the road, which or course is harder at speed. Physically handling the car is the easy bit but misjudging the corner at 80mph can be hard to recover from.

I drive unmarked police cars all the time and see a lot of bad driving. I try and deal with it in the most appropriate way and if people are prepared to listen and learn from it then thats a result. If they want to argue then the video never lies and the court can decide.




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I'm qualified to drive truck without speed restriction


So was I, it was 16 tons of wrecker with a 500+ Cummins sat in it :huh: It would pull a loaded artic faster than it could go under it's own power :huh:


But now I'm all grown up (old in fact) and over 100mph in a truck would frighten the c^^p out of me now :yes:


I once did Newcastle on Tyne from the Birmingham area with a loaded artic on the back, on snowy roads in January, in 4.5 hrs and that was stopping for a sandwich. About 65 tons gross, best part of 75 - 80 feet long and doing over 90mph :o :blink:


Absolutely stupid now I look back on it, I should have been jailed for it. An accident at that speed and weight would have been catastrophic. :huh:

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So was I, it was 16 tons of wrecker with a 500+ Cummins sat in it :huh: It would pull a loaded artic faster than it could go under it's own power :huh:


But now I'm all grown up (old in fact) and over 100mph in a truck would frighten the c^^p out of me now :yes:


I once did Newcastle on Tyne from the Birmingham area with a loaded artic on the back, on snowy roads in January, in 4.5 hrs and that was stopping for a sandwich. About 65 tons gross, best part of 75 - 80 feet long and doing over 90mph :hmm: :blink:


Absolutely stupid now I look back on it, I should have been jailed for it. An accident at that speed and weight would have been catastrophic. :huh:



Now don't lie, you didn't stop to eat the sandwich, you were seen driving while eating the sandwich in one hand and at the same time holding your mobile phone in the other hand :o :good:

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That was something else. I do not, on the whole, speed, years of driving country roads where the speed limit may be 60 but you are a fool to do over 40, combined with to many roadside floral memorials have left me reluctant to try and travel at speed. Also the difference between driving home on the M56 at 80 or 60 is about 10 mins, but a further 150 miles out of a tank. A bit of a no brainer really.

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Innapropriate use of speed and pants driving kills.

Speed limits are generally posted for a good reason. National Speed Limit roads are usually away from areas of higher rist (at least to others).

When I have the kids in the car, my driving is a much calmer affair regardless of any arbitrary limits, than when I'm out on my own on the bike. However, I ride/drive to the conditions of the road and the situations that present themselves and if they dictate that *my* limit is half of that indicated, then that's what speed I will drive at. On the road to our farm is a lane that is a national speed limit, but there are sections that 25mph would be pushing it.

Saying that though there are instances where, on other roads, I have done more than enough to get me jailed (in the current bonkers state of affairs) - for a substantial stretch. On a motorway, at 6am on a Sunday, nothing else on the road, excellent visibility, I could see for about 3 miles, the bike had been recently serviced and I knew that everything that could be checked, had been. So other than any poor so and so that had to scrape me off the road, noone would have been hurt by my speeding *if* anything had gone wrong.

If I had been caught though, it was my choice entirely and my licence/wallet/freedom that would have suffered.

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Now don't lie, you didn't stop to eat the sandwich, you were seen driving while eating the sandwich in one hand and at the same time holding your mobile phone in the other hand :blink: :huh:



Nah, had to stop to take a leak. Brand spanking new truck and they don't like you pi**ing down the steering column on new trucks. :hmm::good:




:huh::huh::yes: :o


And yes, I do know of one driver who used to do that, dirty scruffy **** of an ex guardsman :no:

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Alpha Mule it is not for me to judge anyone for what they do, or how they do it, the courts would decide that (if you are alive) if you take the risk you may end up pay the ultimate price.


But it is a shame that don't have a thought about that "poor so and so who may have to scrape you off the road" as you put it, you don't appear to be the least concened about the life changing effect attending an incident like that may have on them having to deal with the aftermath of a serious or fatal accident.


The incidents they deal with live with them forever, and can be pictured as though they are still at the scene :blink:


You also forgot those you leave behind, do they deserve the years of torcher and the life changing experience that will have on them? :huh:

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the problem with speed is it's exciting, I used to enjoy fast bikes etc but age & working in an hospital gets the message across - it really can happen to you. I had plenty of minor crashes when younger and got away with the possiblevery bad ones.


Now I have to get the message across to my 18 yr son on his motor bike, so far so good but most of his mates have crashed hard, many going from a 50cc to say GS 650 with the ristrictor disconnected :blink:


I put it down to 50/50 experience and good luck - sometimes I make mistakes, sometimes the other guy but not both at the same time.

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Alpha Mule it is not for me to judge anyone for what they do, or how they do it, the courts would decide that (if you are alive) if you take the risk you may end up pay the ultimate price.


But it is a shame that don't have a thought about that "poor so and so who may have to scrape you off the road" as you put it, you don't appear to be the least concened about the life changing effect attending an incident like that may have on them having to deal with the aftermath of a serious or fatal accident.


The incidents they deal with live with them forever, and can be pictured as though they are still at the scene :look:


You also forgot those you leave behind, do they deserve the years of torcher and the life changing experience that will have on them? :sneaky2:


Just to clarify all my following statement are without rancor (Internet forum postings being misconstued and all that).


I do think of those that have the messy jobs of cleaning up: I mentioned them straight off and I know a couple of lads and lasses who do have the job: A paramedic, a fireman and police. I appreciate the results of attending one of these 'events' can be life changing. I have been messing with bikes since I was 15 and have only been without one for about 3 years, so that's over 30 years, where with the exeption of the last 2 years - I rode virtually every day (19 years of which was spent playing with the London traffic). I have lost mates in both car and bike crashes. I have my opinions about who was to blame in the majority of these incidents, which believe it or not is not one-sided. I do understand that statistically most accidents involving bikes are not the bikers fault, but bikers ALWAYS come off worst.

I have had low speed spills and high speed spills. I have walked away from all of them, but have come very close to dying a couple of times. I've been under an artic trailer - head on at a closing speed exceeding 100mph. I was certain I was going to be a mascot on his radiator, or a splat mark beneath his wheels. I smashed a shoulder once - that hurt!

I digress: I have seen things which will stay with me for the rest of my life, which also still give me nightmares occasionally, but I still ride a bike. I have slowed down since I became a dad, but I still play a bit harder than the law states it is comfortable with. However: I do so where I believe that it is safe for me to do so, both for myself and for others.

I understand that you have a professional obligation to point out the error of my ways and probably privately believe this too, as you obviously have to deal with the consequences of poor judgements more regularly than I do. You made a choice to follow your profession and must have thought that you could deal with the anguish that you would be put through dealing with RTAs or you either would not have made it to where you are now, or would have found another department to serve in.

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Whilst reducing speed in built up areas and outside schools is a good idea, I still think that the old fashioned "stop, look and listen" to keep kids out of the road should be the priority.

I agree with 20mph speed limits outside schools but only during term time. I. know three seperate lots of parents who have had their children involved in accidents, not one of then when asked had ever given their own children any instruction in basic road safety at all. I would ask all parents on here , to be honest and ask themselves the same question. There could be quite alot of shamed face parents around.. Most will say "they get it at school", I say not good enough. from Auntie :look:

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I agree with 20mph speed limits outside schools but only during term time. I. know three seperate lots of parents who have had their children involved in accidents, not one of then when asked had ever given their own children any instruction in basic road safety at all. I would ask all parents on here , to be honest and ask themselves the same question. There could be quite alot of shamed face parents around.. Most will say "they get it at school", I say not good enough. from Auntie :look:


Here here! (or is it Hear, hear?)

I've had parents barge past me outside the school as I'm holding my pair by the hands ensuring the actually do look and actually do listen, not just go through the motions and trust that as someone else has walked onto the road they are safe to too.


Soapbox time: Folks who park on the yellow zigzags outside schools should have their licences revoked - immediately!

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I agree with 20mph speed limits outside schools but only during term time. I. know three seperate lots of parents who have had their children involved in accidents, not one of then when asked had ever given their own children any instruction in basic road safety at all. I would ask all parents on here , to be honest and ask themselves the same question. There could be quite alot of shamed face parents around.. Most will say "they get it at school", I say not good enough. from Auntie :look:


Can we add to that educating the parents not to park their ******* great 4x4 on the double yellows and zig-zags around schools at dropping off and picking up time too? I live near a school and find the number of witless bimbos who insist on creating a very real hazard to safe crossing with their dolly trolleys unbelievable. When I wind down the window to remind them that those double yellows apply to them too and for good reason I usually reply a torrent of expletives and a finger or two. Nice.


For my part I don't think speed alone kills, inattention and bad driving kill. However as we are ALL guilty of lapses of concentration from time to time the speed limit is there to limit the damage caused when a distraction or poorly made decision causes an incident. Combine bad driving with contempt for speed limits and you are virtually guaranteed a fatality eventually.

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No idea if the link will work...



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Should be shown in schools.

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Excellent driver...The problem arises when some half wit who reckons he can do the same drives like a nutter down country lanes that , unlike the rally , have not been closed to the public. Halfway round a bend he meets a tractor/ oncoming car/horse riders....carnage ensues.

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Excellent driver...The problem arises when some half wit who reckons he can do the same drives like a nutter down country lanes that , unlike the rally , have not been closed to the public. Halfway round a bend he meets a tractor/ oncoming car/horse riders....carnage ensues.



Oh yes, a most excellent driver. The car also held the record up Pikes Peak for nearly 20 years I believe. When you look at something like that you realise just how limited your own vehicle control is. :look:


God rest group B, the all time motorsport class. Gone just because some team had to cheat (blowed if I can remember who it was now but the car burst into flames burning the driver alive, if you will use the cage as a nitrous tank what do you expect)

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I am a driving instructor and am constantly amazed by how my students and I are treated on the road - I do my utmost best to convince the kids the safe way is the best, really work hard to change the attitudes of the wannabe Button/Hamilton, which I promise

is really really difficult!


In my opinion, courses like IAM are very good and make anyone a better driver if they want it too, IAM (am a member) is very basic, ROSPA is a true test of skill and knowledge and one that you have to be assesed on regurlarly making it far superior then the I "passed the IAM in 1978!" brigade, although I totally respect anyone for taking part in it!


I think speeding is an issue especially with youngsters, but in my (again) opinion its the complete and utter lack of knowledge of the road and laws that are a real problem, I would like to see some kind of eye test and theory testing brought in, perhaps every 2 years or so?., with perhaps a 3 attempts and your out, going onto retesting.


Ps: while I am moaning - It bugs the hell out of me when parents moan about lesson prices, one student the other day was whinging, I know she has guitar lessons at £25 for 30 minutes, she is not going to be killed potentially by playing a bleeding guitar!

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