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Pointless PM Posting

The Essex Hunter

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Having been on PW for some time, I am a little perplexed, as to why people post, that they have sent a personal message to the person who is on that particular forum. There is no need to state you have made a PM to that person, as they will see it in his or hers inbox. I can only assume this is a way of increasing their over exaggerated post tally



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I think it's helpful in sales threads in terms of who got in there first. Sometimes things are better taken to PM's and a poster may be seen as ignorant not replying to a direct question, but 'I'll PM you' clarifies things.


Also some don't seem to get there!

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I think in the for sales section it lets others know that you've already been in contact. There are after all a lot of cases of "I posted first" etc so it does cover you for that.


Why people can't just take the sellers word for it I don't know? I tried to buy some dies yesterday and posted first on the thread, but someone had already beat me to it. Perhaps a "PM sent regarding dies" would have saved me the bother? Who cares? The seller said they'd already gone so I was too slow. Oh well, never mind! It's all good, why get worked up over it? :good:

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Not everyone has the pop up enabled, so that when they log in, a box appears informing them they have a PM. Some people just go straight to the thread to see what replies have been made, and only then are they made aware someone has been trying to contact them. :good:

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