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Pheasant hanging!

Ireland's Finest!

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Depends on the weather; last winter when it was freezing we were sometimes hanging them for 5 days, when the weather is mild I will hang for 2/3 days because I don't fancy my pheasant to walk and meet me :hmm: . I hang all my birds by the feet as it gives a cance for blood to drip out of the beek/bill.

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7-10 atleast... anything below and you may aswell eat a tasteless cheap chicken.... or even better eat Korn..





I don't like my meat too gamey, i tend to whip the breasts and legs off pretty much right away, still much more flavoursome than any chicken, even fresh and unhung!


Its all down to preference as you can tell, if you have two, hang one for four days and eat the other fresh to get an idea of the range of flavours.


For the fresh one, i suggest cut the breast into strips, fry onions and mushrooms until brown, cook the strips of breast until cooked and nicely browned,, chuck in some white wine a little at a time, add plenty of black pepper and pour in a small tub of cream.


Serve on pasta or rice, brilliant and not too gamey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a brace of pheasants on the first day of the season last year, the wife was insistant on hanging them for a few days, it was quite warm. When I went to prep them they were fly blown and minging,it was her request, I usually leave em over night max when there is no frost. If the weather is cold then they can be hung for a while but I always pullout the crops. Apparently the wifes mates old grandad hung his birds till the heads fell off. :blink:

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