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Deserve prosecution?


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I think we all need to be a bit carefull about how much attention we give to what the press write! We all know that what happens and how it is reported in the press can be two different things. This is the first time I have heard or read anything about this incident and if I were to place all my trust in the press then I would say that there should be an enquiry and the officers involved suspended during that enquiry. However, the job of the press is to sell papers and so often it is a case of the more they can "Hype up" a story or "sensationalise it" the more it gets the attention of the general public, just as it has done with the members on here, and of course the more papers it sells!

Let's be realistic about things, in an incident like this the police know that the press are almost certainly going to get their teeth into things and as such surely the police would make sure that they did things by the book!

I suspect that the report shown on James Marchington's blog is almost certainly "a little inaccurate" as there are far too many things that just don't seem to ring true!

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Bearing in mind they shoot a lot more animals than people it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibilities to have a decent sized rifle and expanding ammo available to firearms teams. It does make a bit of a joke of the licensing system worrying about what we use then using unsatisfactory equipment themselves.



I agree 100%- the Police have little or no idea it would seem - a well place2 308 would have done the job more humanely and as previously stated


dont the Police have access to lists of Deer Stalkers or licensed Centre Fire rifle owners??- what a complete C.o.c.k up :shoot::lol::lol:


May just forward this to BASC - see what they make of it



Les :unsure:

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Les :unsure:


Les, there's some quite interesting evidence to counter the article, written above your post.


Whilst Fuddster is merely an anonymous person, he is carefully treading around some new details, which seems that the info and area details match up with the locals on here.


I think you need to take some of what's written in the press with a pinch of salt.


(Likewise, I am not saying that I'm not taking what Fuddster is saying with a little scepticism, but it's not like anyone ever comes on here to provide a bit of 'insider' knowledge)

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In my previous life as an AFO, up to early 90s anyway, we would have been expected to use rifled slug between the eyes from our Remington 870 standard issue. 25 yards max preferably less.


But ONLY if the public or ourselves were in danger of physical harm. After we converted to 9mm MP5 I have no recollection of what we were officially supposed to do. If you were in fear for your life or someone else's then you would use whatever you had to hand I think...


If you have the animals safely contained then you can afford to wait for the right tool for the job or take other appropriate action.


I will not comment on this case as I wasn't there. It will come out in the wash, but the Police these days are on a loser before they even start... :unsure:





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There is no concrete proof either way, but the Police should be able to account for how many horses were shot and how many shots were fired.


If it took 19 shots to hit the horse - they should be removed from firearms duties. If they hit the horse each time and it took 19 shots to kill it, they should similarly be removed. They are incompetent and not to be trusted with firearms.


If this had been you or I, I suspect we might struggle to hang on to our firearms and evade prosecution. Where do the RSPCA stand on this?

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There's a lot more to this story than has been told so far.

Fuddster were you there or just making out you were there?

This is what people who were watching have said.

There was four horses in a private field.

Two were shot, two were left,

Don't know how they deemed two needed destroying and two could be left alone but I wasn't there.

Apparently Horse and Hound magazine has obtained pictures of the bodies,

One with two shattered legs which took a while to die.

Witnesses have also stated they told the police not to chase then shouting as this wouldn't achieve anything but scaring them.

But they carried on any way.


There were "loose" for days not hours as reported by the police.


Is it just me or does it seem that every time the police draw weapons they have to lie to hide criminal activities?

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sadly sounds like someone with little understanding has had to try and shoot this horse and made an absolute cock up of it. One thing is surprising if the report is right and that is that they had enough ammo as most of us certainly wouldn't go out with that many bullets. The problem is once started you have to finish the job with a horse on 3 legs I wouldn't have wanted to try and get a decent shot at it.

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I wish i knew all the facts about this but i don't.

I hope its all rubbish as its quite sickening to think what has been reported could of actually happened.

I am only going on what was printed in the York paper,and what has been posted on here and a few horse websites.

What has got me thinking the details are spot on are the amount of police officers on this forum and other forums who are saying its rubbish.

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I wish i knew all the facts about this but i don't.

I hope its all rubbish as its quite sickening to think what has been reported could of actually happened.

I am only going on what was printed in the York paper,and what has been posted on here and a few horse websites.

What has got me thinking the details are spot on are the amount of police officers on this forum and other forums who are saying its rubbish.


Evening Hatstand,


You'll note from my comments that I never claimed to be an eyewitness, However, my comments were meant to convey an element of knowledge on this specific incident rather than reporting back from the local rag.


I'll refrain from going into details as public forums can lead to hot water in my position.


Ps. a quick clue from my profile-Eboracum is the roman name for York.





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In Kendal recently the Police shot a cow which had escaped from an auction mart.


It took five shots before it was dead and one bullet hit some scaffolding where builders were working. :drool:


I personally would not arm the Police with pencils.

:hmm: bit like the bullock that got loose from the cattle market in mold, north wales, it ran up the high street and into a field at the edge of town, the police 'marksman' got his colleagues to go behind the animal to bring it in closer, from say 120 may be 140 meters into about 60 or 70 meters, he then missed with 2 or 3 shots and hit it with the third or fourth, one of the missed shots ended up going through a nearby office window, behind the office is a large chemical plant :ernyha: , this was to the right of the animal, behind the animal were 3 officers :lol: , shocking, at the time there was a video showing the 'marksman' and the 3 other officers in the field

Edited by Paul223
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I wish i knew all the facts about this but i don't.

I hope its all rubbish as its quite sickening to think what has been reported could of actually happened.

I am only going on what was printed in the York paper,and what has been posted on here and a few horse websites.

What has got me thinking the details are spot on are the amount of police officers on this forum and other forums who are saying its rubbish.


The thing is, we don't know the facts and it is unlikely that the press do either. I'll give you an example; We had a police dog in training that wasn't much good, but we had no alternative so the handler was made to persevere. The dog scraped through its course then once on the streets threw the towel in. It just wouldn't work. The handler was given a new dog and had to re-home his useless one. Quite by chance a local reporter took it on and the handler made a few remarks about how bad the dog was at police work. The reporter ran an article based pretty much on the truth, but slightly embelished. That story was picked up by other local papers who copied it and embelished a bit more. Then the nationals got hold of the story, then it went international. I was taking calls from the States, Australia and Hong Kong. By the end of the week the story was that the dog had fallen asleep when sent to chase a burglar. The dog had never seen a burglar let alone chase one and only one reporter had actually spoken to the handler. The reporters don't care a toss about the truth, just the story.


I sent my dog after a car thief and he disappeared out of sight. By the time I had handcuffed the second one to the steering wheel and set off after him I found that he had detained the thief just as a reporter and his mate who had heard the crash came runnng out of a drive the other way. They had all collided. The reporter had a camera. He was there when the dog took down the thief. The dog was holding all three against a wall by barking at them. The reporter never got a photo and in the next evening's issue he got the road name wrong, the car model wrong and even the number of police dogs wrong. There was only one, but the headline read: "Police Dogs Loose in Maltby"


You can't form an opinion based on press reports. Thy are bigger liars than politicians.

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Evening Hatstand,


You'll note from my comments that I never claimed to be an eyewitness, However, my comments were meant to convey an element of knowledge on this specific incident rather than reporting back from the local rag.


I'll refrain from going into details as public forums can lead to hot water in my position.


Ps. a quick clue from my profile-Eboracum is the roman name for York.





Hes a rozzer you dope i have told you all on here for months they watch these sites some times i wonder how some have fac or sg certs lol

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Hes a rozzer you dope i have told you all on here for months they watch these sites some times i wonder how some have fac or sg certs lol




thanks for taking time out from playing your banjo, to make a personal comment regarding me.


My daughter has now finished with her year 5 english language book covering basic comprehension-would it be any use to you before I bin it?


I suggest you line your hat with tin foil-this should prevent the rozzers from reading your mind.


night night



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thanks for taking time out from playing your banjo, to make a personal comment regarding me.


My daughter has now finished with her year 5 english language book covering basic comprehension-would it be any use to you before I bin it?


I suggest you line your hat with tin foil-this should prevent the rozzers from reading your mind.


night night





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Where I work if an animal is injured in an RTA then we have a list of people we can call out to dispatch them.

If an animal is on the rampage or causing a danger to people then usually a call would be made to the armoury to get a rifleman out with a big gun. We have very large calibre guns suitable for the distruction of buffalo so a horse would be no problem. We do not invite members of the public to shoot animals running around in public places.

When we have dangerous dogs loose they are dealt with by shotguns. A mate shot one with some very big shot and the dog got back up. The second one put it down and the third and forth made sure it was dead quickly and that was at very close range. The dog in question has just eaten through someones wrist and attacked a policeman.

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Where I work if an animal is injured in an RTA then we have a list of people we can call out to dispatch them.

If an animal is on the rampage or causing a danger to people then usually a call would be made to the armoury to get a rifleman out with a big gun. We have very large calibre guns suitable for the distruction of buffalo so a horse would be no problem. We do not invite members of the public to shoot animals running around in public places.

When we have dangerous dogs loose they are dealt with by shotguns. A mate shot one with some very big shot and the dog got back up. The second one put it down and the third and forth made sure it was dead quickly and that was at very close range. The dog in question has just eaten through someones wrist and attacked a policeman.

:hmm: What! after being shot 4 times

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