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What ******* braindead idiot ?

Fisherman Mike

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I don't think Mike has "pent up anger issues", he just has firm views on a number of issues and expresses them, which is his prerogative. :)


Thank you Cranfield..I am infact the most mildly mannered person one could wish to meet. :yes:


I am saddened to believe however that I may the only person who has the view that Shooting a weapon should be curtailed on this one day, once a year.


Whats happened to the Morals of Society these days.


I feel like Henry Fonda in Twelve Angry Men. ! :lol:

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Just got back from a 2 hour walk with the dog and there is some brain dead neanderthal shooting pigeons in a flayed maize field in the valley.


What a total lack of respect.


If I find out who it is I will shove is gun up his *** butt first. What a complete doughnut ! :angry:


That chap out shooting was enjoying the freedom that all those brave people died for,he was doing no harm to anyone.

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Just got back from a 2 hour walk with the dog and there is some brain dead neanderthal shooting pigeons in a flayed maize field in the valley.


What a total lack of respect.


If I find out who it is I will shove is gun up his *** butt first. What a complete doughnut ! :angry:

Yea and saying something and actualy doing it are two different things ,DONT say something just for the sake of it also you are a site supporter and you should be setting an example and to say something like that is defo not pc ,so think before you speak :sly: who knows he could have been out shooting woodcock :D

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Funny old thread this.

Think Mike is entitled to feel the way he does, also think everybody is entitled to think how they do.

As for shoving things up the shooters sheriff's badge, if you were going to do it you would have there and then.

I wouldn't be against shooting on rememberance Sunday, location would have a lot to do with it though.

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Do you not think it is a sign of the times nowadays lack of respect everywhere ?when your driving ? in a supermarket it seems i am alreight jack ******** to you attitude good old fashion values need to come back opening doors for ladies standing up on a bus for someone to sit down . Respect i think goes a long way and good bloody manners :good:

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As is challenging someones lawful right to do so. Sorry mate, I'm ex forces, I've lost friends and so has my eldest son more recently but I can't find the hypocrisy to agree with you. Until there's legislation banning shooting on rememberance sunday I wish the shooter all the luck in the world and hope he got a good bag as a result of others sacrifice to allow him the right to do so. It's his conscience and his alone. :yes:



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Do you not think it is a sign of the times nowadays lack of respect everywhere ?when your driving ? in a supermarket it seems i am alreight jack ******** to you attitude good old fashion values need to come back opening doors for ladies standing up on a bus for someone to sit down . Respect i think goes a long way and good bloody manners :good:

hmm whats driving got to do with a guy out shooting i dont see what he is doing wrong are you saying that he has no manners because he is doing something 100% legal because he is out shooting and doing something he enjoys i think thats what you should respect.What i think is that people should mind there own business :angry: thats what realy should be respected ;) too many old busy bodys that have nothing better to do than moan moan i thought women were bad :lol: .

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OK guys you have your views but I still hold true to mine and that Remembrance Sunday is sacrosanct in my household, its the way I was brought up and Im well aware of the sacrifices made during war having lost 14 family members since 1914 in one war or another so please dont patronise me with the "they died so we could enjoy our shooting ****." I just think that to be discharging weapons on this day in earshot of the village community and the church is insensitive and completely unnecessary and could have been curtailed for just one day 2 minutes silence observed or not.


I still opine that anyone who discharges a weapon on Remembrance Sunday is being rather disrespectful and Im glad to say All of the landowndner on whose estates I shoot do to.


Well Mike if you feel so strongly about it,surely you should have been at your local remembrance service paying your respects :yes: BB

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Dunno about a shooter calling guns weapons. :hmm:


If he's ex-services he maybe more used to refering to firearms as weapons :hmm: However, you're quite right if not, as there is no such thing as a Section 1/2 'weapon', they cannot be lawfully used offensively or defensively - the esscence of a weapon. :yes:




Not happy you can't unsubscribe from threads from your phone anymore, rubbish :/

Edited by Breastman
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I don't think Mike has "pent up anger issues", he just has firm views on a number of issues and expresses them, which is his prerogative. :)

:hmm: where was he going to put that gun again as i said dont just say something to make yourself sound good and was he EXPRESSING them with anger well i will let you decide :good:

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Thank you Cranfield..I am infact the most mildly mannered person one could wish to meet. :yes:


I am saddened to believe however that I may the only person who has the view that Shooting a weapon should be curtailed on this one day, once a year.


Whats happened to the Morals of Society these days.


I feel like Henry Fonda in Twelve Angry Men. ! :lol:

TOO OLD for me that one didnt get it :blink:

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Do you not think it is a sign of the times nowadays lack of respect everywhere ?when your driving ? in a supermarket it seems i am alreight jack ******** to you attitude good old fashion values need to come back opening doors for ladies standing up on a bus for someone to sit down . Respect i think goes a long way and good bloody manners :good:



May be thats the root of the problem, No respect, No manners, no courtesy anymore. Perhaps the chap shooting was just ignorant of the importance of the day. If thats the case its a sad endictment of social morals when you have a church full of villagers paying homage to the fallen of two world wars and numerous other conflicts interupted by the pop pop pop of a gun going off in the distance. Call me old fashioned but there is something rather unethical about that.

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May be thats the root of the problem, No respect, No manners, no courtesy anymore. Perhaps the chap shooting was just ignorant of the importance of the day. If thats the case its a sad endictment of social morals when you have a church full of villagers paying homage to the fallen of two world wars and numerous other conflicts interupted by the pop pop pop of a gun going off in the distance. Call me old fashioned but there is something rather unethical about that.


No Mike your talking **** :yes: we all pay our respects in different ways,he could have being taking some time out to think things through,maybe hes lost someone recently?who knows.Maybe you were taking time out walking the dogs to reflect on past events.Its not an attack on you Mike,but the point im trying to make is we all handle things in a different way,it doesnt mean he was wrong,and it doesnt mean your right :yes: BB

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May be thats the root of the problem, No respect, No manners, no courtesy anymore. Perhaps the chap shooting was just ignorant of the importance of the day. If thats the case its a sad endictment of social morals when you have a church full of villagers paying homage to the fallen of two world wars and numerous other conflicts interupted by the pop pop pop of a gun going off in the distance. Call me old fashioned but there is something rather unethical about that.

:good::good: Spot on :good:

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Well Mike if you feel so strongly about it,surely you should have been at your local remembrance service paying your respects :yes: BB


I actually went to two :P .... one at Mid day in Malmesbury one in the Evening in Cirencester and took my young Children to try and reinforce some moral fabric into their upbringing. Thought it only right and proper you know. Try and instill some understanding of why we should make the small sacrifice of cessation of one days shooting in remembrance of all those who died at the end of a gun. From the nuances suggested in your post I would imagine you were out shooting ??

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I actually went to two :P .... one at Mid day in Malmesbury one in the Evening in Cirencester and took my young Children to try and reinforce some moral fabric into their upbringing. Thought it only right and proper you know. Try and instill some understanding of why we should make the small sacrifise of cessation of one days shooting in remembrance of all thise who died at the end of a gun. From the nuances suggested in your post I would imagine you were out shooting ??


Wind your neck in,ive served 27 years and still serving,i dont need to justify diddly to you matey :angry: BB

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A lot of people have pointed out that it's our right, which brave men fought for, to do whatever we want on Remembrance Sunday, or any other day come to that, and indeed it is.


To my mind this is not about people telling you what you can and can't do, clearly that's up to you. I think its about consideration and respect.


It's your right, if you want, to refuse to give up your seat on the bus for a disabled person or heavily pregnant woman. It's your right to beep your horn impatiently if a funeral cortege is holding you up on the way to work. It's your right to bang away all morning with a 12 bore 2 fields away from the old Arnhem and young Afghan vets remembering fallen comrades at the local war memorial.


Whilst it's undoubtedly your right to do all those things, maybe if you believe in manners, respect and consideration it's not right? That's how l feel and I'm not picking a fight with the majority on here, whose views I'm so clearly out of step with, its also your right to take a different view! :)


Maybe its a local thing? If you shoot pigeons 5 miles from the nearest town or village, then it's not an issue. I live a couple of miles from Mike and I know there are few places you can shoot out of earshot of a village church. The idea of decoying within earshot of some old boy stood to attention and choked with grief as he remembers his comrades is not something I'd like to contemplate.


Don't flame me! I can see most disagree, fair do's - I'll respect your views if you respect mine :)

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