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Personally I find the versatility of a Shotgun very attractive. A relatively simple tool, it requires little maintenance and with a selection of chokes and cartridges/loads you can use one gun to cleanly take anything from a flying dove, to a large stag! :shoot:


They also make excellent weapons for defending one's home, although that's a different matter entirely... :yp:

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if you want to put it like that yes, a freind of mine was in the papas and sas for 11 years and recons their is no better tool for clearing buildings and dence cover.


its not the gun that makes the problems like your infering its the nut behind it! you must relise that guns are guns we use them for our sports and vermin controle but they also have other uses and i dare say the one they where made for!

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I thought practical included slugs?


It does, but they're a minor part of the sport - 70% birdshot 20% buckshot 10% slug. Although there are slug only matches on occasion, very expensive though! :oops:


They would be a rifle then wouldn't they? :rolleyes:


And therefore Section 5 (prohibited) as you would have a self-loading or pump-action rifle <_<



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I have seen a Remington pump action, I think called the "Slugmaster" specially designed for shooting slugs, I think the barrel was as short as legal for a shotgun , no choke and iron sights. Why the guy had it on a pheasant shoot, thats a different question.



:lol: What a tool! Also if it was an FAC version he was breaking the law :no:



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