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Any one else struggling on the rape?


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Is it just me or is anyone else struggling to decoy birds on the rape? I've tried all sorts rotary floaters peckers!! There are plenty hitting it but they just won't decoy. The farmer keeps ringing me because decent numbers are nailing his fields I'm getting drawn with it!!!!

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Don't panic. You are not alone. Many of us are finding the same! Hundreds down before and as you get there then they all leave and nothing. I find that the magnet seems to be working well, even on its own with no deeks! Try it. I generally put the magnet in the middle with two blocks of deeks on either side about 20 meters apart. It seems to bring in some. Still only shoot a handfull each time out. Should get better soon. HOPE

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They stopped feeding on my rape when the maize was first cut but there back on now and are decoying well . they might leave it again now tho as cut more maize and there drilling like mad around me tho its still winter wheat there drilling rather late i know :yes:

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Hi there,


Same here 500+ on one field,walked them off,nothing came back, the few that came past totally ignored the decoys,including a magnet,tried various patterns,floaters etc.

I ended up packing up the decoys and shooting a few coming to feed on ivy berries,they have caned the OSR but wont decoy.

Makes me feel better that im not the only one :/

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Agree with Nick, you need to cover as many fields as possible to keep them moving otherwise they just go to the next field and usually don't return.


Should get easier to decoy in the next few weeks as more crops are available through drilling and the flocks begging to break up.


Don't forget you need to keep Mr farmer happy though, so you need to have these days even when you dont shoot much to keep them off as much as possible.

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I've been up to our syndicate shoot farm on several occasions with Blackla and we've struggled to entice birds into gun range on the rape fields, using a magnet, decoys, floaters and even on our knees begging them :lol: They're in big flocks and when disturbed clear off onto other fields or into the woods so all we've been able to shoot are the odd stragglers.


I've also been decoying over Alfalfa on a different farm and had some success yesterday with several flurries of five to ten birds coming into the pattern.


Roll on the drillings.

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I've been up to our syndicate shoot farm on several occasions with Blackla and we've struggled to entice birds into gun range on the rape fields, using a magnet, decoys, floaters and even on our knees begging them :lol: They're in big flocks and when disturbed clear off onto other fields or into the woods so all we've been able to shoot are the odd stragglers.


I've also been decoying over Alfalfa on a different farm and had some success yesterday with several flurries of five to ten birds coming into the pattern.


Roll on the drillings.


Well, there ain't no drillings in my area, literally everything's been Winter drilled, OK, Gazza's got his eye on a potential field of peas but he doesn't have sole rights on it and there's a couple of guys who'll jump on that field the day it's drilled and keep everything off it by shooting it virtually every other day, so there's no opportunity for us working chaps who can only shoot at weekends.


Phil, if the birds are avoiding you on the rape fields, and you've got a magnet or two working, it generally means you're in the wrong place, you MUST do a recce of the field the day before to find out exactly where the birds are feeding, then try to position your hide as close as possible to that spot.


Don't make the classic newbie error of just turning up at the field having done no recce and then wonder why the birds don't come to where you want them to, they're far too smart for that, particularly at this time of year when they've been shot hard all Winter, it's a real challenge to get a decent bag, but if you do have access to drillings, pick your time well, I always reckon that for Wheat drillings, it generally takes them about 3 or 4 days after it's been drilled for them to find it, then they're on it for 3 or 4 days, then they move on, leaving only a motley collection of Ferals and Stock Doves to mop up what's left. :yes:


Good luck, let us know how you get on, and remember to take plenty of shells. :yes:



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The pigeons round here are still feeding on the rape,well they where last sat,took a fellow pw member out and he had 40+ shots and most of the birds had commited to the patern.Just had 12 fuds on a r patern and the magnet mounted with hyperflaps :good: :good:Edited to add the moderated 410 was used.

Edited by p-a-s
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ive got the same probkem ive bag and rope bangerd feilds set my magnet up with decoys still nothing even worse i was watchin the flight lines all this week seen a great one two libes hitting three trees great so i set up ten feet away from the trees had every thing going apart from the pigions only had two take a interest and one crow try again monday

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Well, there ain't no drillings in my area, literally everything's been Winter drilled, OK, Gazza's got his eye on a potential field of peas but he doesn't have sole rights on it and there's a couple of guys who'll jump on that field the day it's drilled and keep everything off it by shooting it virtually every other day, so there's no opportunity for us working chaps who can only shoot at weekends.


Phil, if the birds are avoiding you on the rape fields, and you've got a magnet or two working, it generally means you're in the wrong place, you MUST do a recce of the field the day before to find out exactly where the birds are feeding, then try to position your hide as close as possible to that spot.


Don't make the classic newbie error of just turning up at the field having done no recce and then wonder why the birds don't come to where you want them to, they're far too smart for that, particularly at this time of year when they've been shot hard all Winter, it's a real challenge to get a decent bag, but if you do have access to drillings, pick your time well, I always reckon that for Wheat drillings, it generally takes them about 3 or 4 days after it's been drilled for them to find it, then they're on it for 3 or 4 days, then they move on, leaving only a motley collection of Ferals and Stock Doves to mop up what's left. :yes:


Good luck, let us know how you get on, and remember to take plenty of shells. :yes:




Hi Cat,

I don't think there's been much shooting over the rape fields during the winter hence us getting permission to shoot there. A problem is it's heavy clay soil and access onto the fields is very difficult because they're so wet even around the margins, just standing water in places. I did slog out onto one field and set up under an oak tree but by the time I'd reached it I'd grown several inches taller and could hardly lift my feet because of the clay stuck to my wellies :lol:


Blackla and I have got stuck trying to get closer to one rape field, his write up of events is in the Offroad section entitled 'Oh, dear...' :hmm:


I've been doing recces and have tried to plot flight lines across them and the sitty trees on rough drawings. There's seven fields in three locations plus other farmer's rape fields in the vicinity so there's no need for the birds to return to where they were disturbed from. There's also several pairs of red kites floating around and it seems when they appear the pigeons depart.


It's too wet at the moment for the farmer to start drilling but with luck he'll start later in the month or the beginning of April when he'll be putting in barley.


Ever the optimist, I always make sure I've got a slab of ammo in the car and plenty with me as you never know what the day may bring :yes:



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A bit of wind helps a lot. :yp:


Over the last 3 days we had a good day (78 + 55), a bad day (14 + 16) and a good day today (114 + 75).


All on rape, birds diving from 150 meters down into the decoys today in flocks of up to 100, yet yesterday they sat in the trees all day an hardly moved.



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2 of the fellas that have posted on this topic were out with me today & found that the birds just wouldn't decoy. I recce'd the field's for the past 2 days & counted at least 2000 birds hammering the rape.


Thursday: Beardo & me were set up in 1 field that i'd pushed 1500 off only to see them all land half a mile away & us only shoot 3 birds :oops:


Friday I did a recce & 2k were on the field we pushed them to on thursday


Today we had 4 hides covering about a mile of rape either side of the road where me & beardo had pushed the birds, with the plan to bounce birds back & forth.


They were nowhere to be seen! The big flocks had gone!


Embarrassingly I was the only one to get any shooting :blush: getting 64 pigeons that decoyed in text book fashion


The other 3 hides seeing naff all :hmm:


Pigeons just don't make any sense :oops:



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Just had three days on the OSR and zero shots for zero pigeons :oops: Every day the same; push a few hundred off the field on arrival and never see them again. I've flagged the fields and on one day had other guns covering other OSR fields in the area and still no pigeons. Went roost shooting; got 8 and they were all full of........................ clover!! :blush:

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