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Red Nose Day


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I'll be attempting to persuade the public that sending me and a camera crew on a £10k trip to Africa to "show the poverty" is justified and tell you "how every penny you give makes a difference" as its vitally important to have a famous person reporting not just a clip from a mobile or a webcam, but oh yeah I forgot I'm not Lenny Henry* (*other celebrities are available) and I don't have publicist who's job is to revive a flagging media career or promote my new record/film/tv series



Perhaps I'm cynical :good: but you never see Cheryl Cole or Take That performing their "greatest hits" to the noble charity supporters in the audience do you?

Edited by Willxx
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Nice to see the government spending the tax increases already, they have given £10 million to this poxey waste of time. just airdrop contracetives on the 3rd world population and stop them from producing children that will end world hunger and starving no starving if there is no one to starve. The logic must escape them. Either that or do what they do in other country with vermin and pests, put contraceptives in their food.

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Some shocking comments, and TBH, some of you should be ashamed. Its up to you what you do with your money, and thats fine, but you really cannot spare a couple of quid so that a child can have their eyes fixed? REALLY? I donated, and im proud of it. Some people just dont have a heart.

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I know times are hard but not as hard as they have it,


When was the last time you had stomach cramps because your so hungry how much food do you through away every week,


I do think charity should begin at home but looking at those innocent kids starving' What is the world coming to when we can buy guns and bombs to kill each other but cannot supply food to the world.

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i used to love red nose day years ago, but between then and now i have actually been to africa and i have also had friends of mine go to work on aid projects out there, one of which turned out to be a house for the village chief instead of the school they went out to build.


so based upon these personal observations i now donate to uk charities only.

Edited by artschool
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It may be idle rumour but doesn't about 10% of what they get go on administration - I can fully understand people who decide not to donate because the money goes out of this country - I can understand MM's point of view as it may appear some are being rather hard hearted.


For my bit, I would be more motivated to donate if I knew the money stayed in this country - the picutres of little kids in 3rd world countries are heart breaking and have me in tears but (and here comes the xenophbic part of me) I would still rather have my money go to kids in this country than kids in Africa. As a parent, part of me feels ashamed to say so, part of me says, Hey what's so wring in wanting to sort out this country's problems first.


What disgusts me is that we pay millions to these countrys in the first place as part of the EU aid pacjage and most of it seems to go into the pockets of scumbags like that toe rag who runs Zimbabwe. It's a shame we need to try and save lives by having to further subsidise via red nose day.

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The thing is you cannot as an individual put the world to rights, no matter how much money you chuck at it. Its just that when there is s&*^ going on on your own doorstep, how can you worry about things miles away. If this country was perfect then worry about others. Did any one see that program recently about workers from the UK doing their job in other countries?

The last one was about a midwife in an african country, one woman she helped give birth tried to give her one of her many children, after giving birth to yet another baby, yet her husband left her 2 years before. Work that one out!! and then they want money off of us to look after them.

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Never mind the people saying we are not on for choosing not to donate.


what about the people and kids in this country that can't get the right cancer treatment because they live in the wrong postcode.


To my mind that's a disgrace.


Africa is one of the richest nations on earth I'd like their governments sort them out and ours to see to us instead of having it shoved down our throats every year.


To see anybody suffering is horrible but let's put our own house in order first.


ATB figgy

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It annoys me the way presnters etc. say " for good causes here at home......and Africa"

All we see is how the poor kids in the 'other country' are suffering (and it is indeed terrible) but what about "Charity Begins at Home!"

And why do WE need to send money to countries when the rulers of the same live in unashamed luxury whilst holding out the begging bowl?

And just how much of my donation will actually be used to feed a child?

No, my money goes to British Legion and Help the Aged :good:


One of my old favourite songs, has stuck with me all these years....



Edited by jacksdad
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I gave to Live Aid and after that I said stuff em - let them starve and die - it is not my problem - things have gone from bad to worse here and they want us to fund a load of idlers who can only do one thing - well let them get on with it. As said if the money was being raised for this country then count me in but otherwise up theirs.



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I agree completely with a lot of the comments on here.


I wouldn't give a penny to any charity that concentrates it's efforts on lining the pockets of celebrities and sending money abroad to throw in bottomless pits!

Climbing Kilamanjaro is a holiday of a lifetime, but last year we paid a group of celebs to do it and donated money because they had a nice holiday. :no:


Red nose is a commercial enterprise that is thinly disguised as a charity. How they sleep at night is a mystery to me. Anyone who goes to sleep at night with a warm gooey feeling because they gave a fiver to red nose is deluded. I would love to hear as a fact how much percentage wise actually reaches the "needy" children.


Charity begins at HOME!!!


Rant over. :rolleyes:

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I know times are hard but not as hard as they have it,


When was the last time you had stomach cramps because your so hungry how much food do you through away every week,


I do think charity should begin at home but looking at those innocent kids starving' What is the world coming to when we can buy guns and bombs to kill each other but cannot supply food to the world.

every day the last 3 ******* weeks! its been eather i eat or the dogs depending how well i shoot!

when have mony to give i will but i do think we should help our own country first :good:

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I agree completely with a lot of the comments on here.


I wouldn't give a penny to any charity that concentrates it's efforts on lining the pockets of celebrities and sending money abroad to throw in bottomless pits!

Climbing Kilamanjaro is a holiday of a lifetime, but last year we paid a group of celebs to do it and donated money because they had a nice holiday. :no:


Red nose is a commercial enterprise that is thinly disguised as a charity. How they sleep at night is a mystery to me. Anyone who goes to sleep at night with a warm gooey feeling because they gave a fiver to red nose is deluded. I would love to hear as a fact how much percentage wise actually reaches the "needy" children.


Charity begins at HOME!!!


Rant over. :rolleyes:



So, in one breath you say we are deluded for donating, yet in another you dont even know how much goes abroad. :rolleyes: Do your research. These poor kids do not ask to be born into this. Kids are kids. Let em all starve? Talk about savages abroad, what about the ones at home. Shamefull.

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I would love to hear as a fact how much percentage wise actually reaches the "needy" children.




So, in one breath you say we are deluded for donating, yet in another you dont even know how much goes abroad. :rolleyes: Do your research. These poor kids do not ask to be born into this. Kids are kids. Let em all starve? Talk about savages abroad, what about the ones at home. Shamefull.



I've seen enough of Africa to see where your money doesn't go. :yes:

As I said I would like to know how much gets to them, but as it's not my money I won't be doing the research.


Savages abroad? :hmm: :hmm: Very colonial!


I think people denying the starving kids by taking big fees for appearing are higher on the list than those who won't donate because of them!!

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people will give a tenner to big nose day and feel like they are saving the world, yet if a homeless guy knocked on the door and said he was starving, could he have a sandwich, they would say "#### off or I'll call the police"

The same sort of people will give money today, whilst the elderly neighbour they sometimes see is freezing to death on their own...

This whole 'Charity' bilge needs banning! :angry:

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Again perhaps i'm cynical but I'm pretty sure that some of these people asking for our money work in an industry that manipulates expectations and perceptions as part of their daily business.


Its a nice sideline if you can do some tax deductable "charity work" and bump youself up the honours lists innit? Don't forget these "celebrities" won't be PAYE and will have an accountant to make sure they don't lose out.


I've nothing against supporting worthy charities either here or abroad but having it rammed down my throat so a TV actor gets a new series or a knighthood really ****** me off.


What is also quite worrying is that these begging evenings are now considered mainstream "Events". This makes it so much easier for govt to back away from supporting these projects and call me old fashioned but i consider looking after our own people to be quite an important part of government.

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Birth control would sort it


I'll third that.


Rather than blindly throwing money at the "effects" of the problem(s), more should be done to focus on the "causes".


If you can just about manage to feed 1 child then have 1, don't have 10.


If you don't want to catch AIDS then you will need education and condoms which are a lot cheaper than the expensive combination anti viral drug treatment.


Most of this sits with the historic Catholic stance of contraception being an absolute no no.... I digress.


Anyhoos, if people want to give and feel better, that's upto them but don't try and make me feel bad for not.

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