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Shopping for guns


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Sent 5 emails off yesterday to 5 local to me gunsmiths to ask what their best prices on the shotgun I wish to buy as i don't particularly want to drive to each of them to ask face to face


I have not had a single reply, I know I will have to go into the shop to collect it, but surely you can ask for the best deal via email


If not, What is the point in them having a email address or contact details on their websites for people to contact them on, :angry:


I know don't know if I want to deal with these shops if they can't be bothered to even reply even if it was to say can you please call me to chat :sad1:


I guess if they don't reply I'll have to do some ringing about instead :rolleyes:

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It may be better to have a face to face with the dealers.


At least when you get a price it may be worth considering going to the other dealers stating such and such is quoting this amount for this gun what can you do.


You may end up spending a bit of time travelling to these dealers, you never know you could make a big saving



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I'll give a little while then I'll get the phone out, it's a brand new gun, so they all need to order it in, but there is £125 difference in price between the cheapest and dearest


Thought a email could be a good start to negotiations, obviously not :(

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No chance, only way to deal with them is face to face!


actually I hate emailing anyone for prices on anything - get them face to face, gives them less chance to research the market and work it out, especially if you go pre-armed with the information!

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I did the same at the weekend, asked for best price and availability, plus should I buy two guns whether there would be a deal to be had.... Replies 0


Went to Euroguns yesterday spent half an hour waiting to speak to someone, was told I'll be with you in a minute, then ignored... Shame for them as I had £1400 cash in my pocket to place order for my gun... Hey ho, their loss!

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Most of the gun trade is owned/ran by people who didn't grow up with computers, let alone email and i suspect most of them just put an email address on their sites because 'you have to these days' but they have no intention of ever using it :rolleyes:


As others have said, its got to be F2F or over the telephone. Give it 30 years or so and the industry might have finally caught up with the 2011 times :lol:



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Euroguns, I think they was the most expensive on the advertised prices, even more than Yorkguns, so i didn't bother including them in my email :lol:


I'll give them till after the weekend and then phone, as i don't fancy the drive for 2 hours to come back empty handed to have to do it again a day or two later when the ordered gun comes in


With the lack of replies, I am expecting to have to go for the free items thrown in, such as gunslip, cleaning kit, cart bag


I suppose driving across the boarder towards Manchester area for the cheapest price, i have to take into account the fuel etc and the wifes shopping bill as they are close to Manchester Trafford Centre, well Cheadle Hume area


@ J@mes, no offence taken, didn't think it was directed at me, but since i am waiting on mine I could be included :lol:

Edited by NickP
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Some are good at replying but most not, I've emailed thought guntrader and got nothing! I've also had them refuse to give prices over the phone as they think I'm the competition.... :blink:


At least face to face you can see the stock (be wary of those advertising them cheap but with no stock on the shelf) I would say go to the cheapest advertiser as they are advertising at best price and go from there.....

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Two cheapest are Northallerton Shooting and AB Gunsmiths


Northallerton, I phoned to see if they have one of two guns in stock, got a chap who seemed to want to speak to somebody else than me and said he didn't have either in to look at


AB Gun smiths, phoned them also other day, didn't have either in, but was more helpful, saying he could get one in, (when ordered) in a couple of days etc, come down have a look at the other guns, good range of new and second hand etc etc. I said i wanted to compare both together so would see if there were any dealers with both in stock and he was fine with that...


Still have to get my SGC, since only Yorkguns has it in stock (and most expensive), on display and demo stickers all over it, i don't fancy that one and would prefer a new order..... so i have time on my side

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I'm sure York guns would order a brand new one in for you if you wanted, but really you need to hold it feel it and shoot it before buying, as your SGC hasn't arrived you have plenty of time get down the local clay grounds and keep an eye out for anyone using a semi and have a chat.

Edited by HDAV
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Seems to me most gunshops see email as a post sales tool rather than a pre sales tool


My advice would be, particularly when you are looking for your first gun and possibly are still waiting for your sgc to come though, visit all the gunshops you can, see what advice is proffered and see what guns you are offered.if nothing else you will get an idea for what sort of gun is worth what !


when i'd aplied for my SGC i visited just about every gunshop in kent and in one, after being shown a miroku that was in my budget and making a comment about how i liked it as it was basically the browning i really wanted but couldn't afford i was shown the 325 grade 1 in reasonable nick apart from a couple of "stonechips" in the blue. it was then that the dealer started eroding his ticket price(by £150) to what i could afford and throwing in a slip and one or two extra's, the deal was done!.

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I have a trip to Coniston in a week or two, going on a free Land rover Experience and shoot a few clays there and they are stockist too so I am hoping they will have one to try


I have held one, just not found one to shoot yet, but i keep my eyes open at the shootground just incase

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Me' i'm a bit of a funny ****** when it comes to that kind of thing.

I was in retail for quite some years and allways served customers with a smile and appreciation and thanked them for there custom, something that seems to be a bit of a rare thing these days, if i were you then, simples they dont get my money, if i go into a shop and i get ignored then i walk out. If it was'nt for your money they would soon be out of work. :good:


Another hate of mine is the "wonder shop" or magazines printing "POA" yep !! dont bother with then either :no: If they are good on price they will let the whole world know and not keep it a secret :good:

Edited by Dougy
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When selling guns on here a PM asking for my "best price" always rather irritated me. My "best price" would be the asking price. What the sender meant was "lowest price". I think the best negotiations would be face to face in a gunshop, you'll often be able to negotiate some goodies into the bargain as well so don't take the emailed price as a definite. For all they know you are the competition trying to get some market intelligence.. Enjoy whatever you get !

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When I get the responses, I'll try do it face to face and keep chipping away at the cost to buy


End of the day if I dont get the deal im looking for I'll walk away, I dont mind a bit of a travel to do deals face to face, but don't want to go too far out of my way and then go back a few days later

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