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Best springer?


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Hey, all. Ive got a bit of money from last years harvest and my birthday and am thinking about getting a new air rifle. Ive looked into pcps but ive come to a conclusion that they wouldnt be right for me, although it would be handy for the accuracy :/ But anyway what do you guys think is the best springer for all round shooting (rabbits, pigeons, corvids ect.) My bugdet is roughly £300-£400 and depending if i work alot this harvest will determin what accesories i buy, although i already have a BSA Essential scope which is amazing and i will keep for my new gun :yes: So what do you reccomend!?

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Ooh, springers :good: . For me, it would be between the HW97, TX200 and Prosport . I like underlever rifles.


I have a TX200 Mk2, in 0.177 and if you can live with the weight it's a cracking rifle that with a bit of practice will hold its own with the best.


Springers really are a personal thing though, and you need to devote some time to get the best from them but once mastered very satisfying.

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Never shot an underlever :blush: are they easy to use and how many pumps does it take to charge for a good shot (say 20-30 yrd rabbit) or am i getting underlever confused with a different type of air rifle? also has anyone had experience with the bsa lightning xl? i like the look of it and a mate has one who reccomends it. but im tempted but the tx200 or the hw 97 both look very nice :)

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Underleavers just cock once like a break barrel - I have always prefered them myself.

Thanks. Ive just been watching some videos and reviews and have taken to the Air Arms TX200 :) The cosmetics are just 'right' for me. I can already imagine taking out some bunnies in the summer with one haha! There are loads of HW 97s on guntrader but the tx200 just has it for me at the moment. im sure things might change soon :lol:

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Thanks. Ive just been watching some videos and reviews and have taken to the Air Arms TX200 :) The cosmetics are just 'right' for me. I can already imagine taking out some bunnies in the summer with one haha! There are loads of HW 97s on guntrader but the tx200 just has it for me at the moment. im sure things might change soon :lol:

Don't discount the Pro Sport, I think it's one of the best looking air rifles around.


Edit: Just realised it's a bit above your budget but you could get a decent second hand one.

Edited by FalconFN
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i've owned quite a few springers and i can say without doubt that the prosport was the best by a country mile,i had a walnut one in .177 and it was as accurate as any pcp i have owned and better than a few of them!.i sold it because of the weight,a sling would have helped enormously but i just couldn't bear to drill a hole in the stock to fit a swivel stud.

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The HW97, HW77 & HW80 are excellent airguns, as are the TX200 & ProSport, but they are heavy. The BSA Lightning XL is a light break barrel, but the light weight does add up on the recoil. I also like the Diana 34 Classic Pro.


Except for the ProSport (±£430), all the other air rifles mentioned are below £350 New.

Edited by 1652HCU
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The Prosport is probably your best bet. It is fixed barrel, underlever cocking and the action is arranged so that you can carry it in a conventional sling. I've had HW77s for many, many years and the Propsort knocks the spots off them. Another good thing is that anyone can service them with commonly found tools. Even I can tune it and I'm notorious for my mechanical inability.


£300 would get you a good used one.

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I’m also with the others the Weihrauch would be a good choice. I have shot several different models of airrifles mainly thru club I am a member of. One that sticks in my mind was a Hw90 the guy wanted £200, I liked a lot it was extremely accurate and smooth, it did feel a bit on the heavy side, but it was very well balanced and felt right when shouldered. I was very tempted……but I hesitated and the guy sold it before the next club meet which was only a couple of days. I was gutted.

Just had a quick check and Weihrauch HW57K,77K,80K,95K AND 97k are all within your budget new.


The only Springer I own is a Webley Longbow SE, Would I recommend it to you? Yes I would. Its within your budget new. It is extremely accurate and has a very nice walnut thumbhole stock. The only downsides to this is cocking of the Webley is a tad hard, I have to give it a substantial tap to break the barrel in order to load pellet. After a hour at the club punching paper your starting to feel it and wishing you had a PCP.( But if you’re using it mainly for hunting then this shouldn’t be any problem.) .


You asked about the BSA lightning once again a cracking rifle but looks a bit strange with the barrel shrouded?? Also it feels short… I was really impressed with its ease of use and accuracy. Good value for money in my opinion. One for sale on here second hand for 140 I think. Definitely a Cheaper option!! But I think you would be happier with a Weihrauch.


If possible it would be a good idea for you to go along to a club and there you can try out different rifles. See which one you like. I know at our club the members will be more than willing to let you try their rifles.


Good luck in you quest..

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Webley stingray for me in .22 flavour accurate up to 100 yards on targets(yes including the odd head shot at live quarry)with plenty of practice. Not too heavy, easy to cock and for 300-400 you can get a decent scope with it to. Have a word with Lloyd or Mick at Blackpool Air rifles they will do you a very good deal and will ship using a fac carrier (at your expense though :lol: )


Atb Shroom :good:


Edited to say


The second you can do away with the essential get rid, they are pants mine was fogged up within 2-3 months of heavy usage. So took it back to BAR and they contacted BSA who refunded the total new value of the scope right away.

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Great replys from everyone. some very tempting ones. Its great to hear i can get many of the HWs in my price range new :) im still sitting on the fence though, who can lure me to either air arms or wheihrauch? Im very temped by both and will read lots of reviews soon :) The cocking mech on the pro sport look much easier to work with but can anyone tell me if they prefer that mech or the standard underlever that is place under the barrel? Again thanks for all the replys :D

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All the practice in the world would still make that a 1 in 100 shot. Not cool. :no:


Only if you can't do it consistently :good:


like I said it's not a regular occurance but on one permission all the fieldcraft in the world won't get you near the bunnies hence practicing long shots. Not winged one yet mind, straight headshots and retrieved by the staffy ;)


Edited to say I never take long shots if there is a wind :good:

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Hello again guys. I am pretty sure its between the tx200 and hw97k however i am drawn to the tx slightly more atm. Also the tx200 (beech stock) is for sale at £370 on scottcountry.co.uk Has anyone bought from here before? it is unlikley that i will buy online but it was just a thought as it seems to be the cheapest price for a new one. I will proberbly ask at my local gun shop as they seem to have a fair few airrifles in stock. Just having thoughts that mabey splashing out £350-£400 wont make too much difference than my gamo shadow 1000. i dont want to make any rush decicions but i feel the gamo just isnt accurate enough for what i need. also i am now wondering on what caliber. i have always used .22s but can anyone convince me to convert to .177? again this is for mainly rabbits and pigeons and the odd squirrel or rat. And one last question. Is the hunter carbine any better/worse? i always though a longer barrel meant a more accurate rifle but am i wrong? as i will be doing alot of walking and crawling (stalking rabbits) i dont want extra length if i dont need it :hmm:

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I've had my HW97-KT for a few months now and it's by far the best air rifle i've ever shot. The TX-200's and the Prosports will always get great reviews because they're great guns, but rumour is that Weihrauch's react better to tuning. I shoot at 50 meters with the Weihrauch all the time (Targets only) and if I miss it's not the gun. If you went for any of the above mentioned guns you couldn't really go wrong. .177 for target work. .22 for hunting :good: (Can of worms :lol: )

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