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when i got my sgc delivered, the copper who did the interview and went through the forms with me brought two pcso's around with him to show them how to inspect my cabbinet. he said it was going to be part of their job from now on.

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The pcso in my village is a bit of ooooffttt !! Around 30 I say,slim build, blonde, seems really nice and very surprisingly is single, shame I don't think she'd go for a 21yr old haha otherwise I work at the same place as another, an he's a complete ****

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Most of the PCSO's round this town are OK.


There is one who's mid to late twenties, slim blonde and good looking but a total headcase.

Last summer there was a chap sitting on the windowsill of his first-floor flat swigging a can of beer and just chilling. He wasn't abusing or harrassing anyone.

Sure, he might have slipped, he might have been a distraction to motorists but, as far as I know, he was on private property and not breaking any laws.

She was shouting at him from the other side of the road to get off the sill and get back inside. When he initially refused she started shouting that she was going to come over to see him.

When he still refused her exact words were "Right, get back inside now or I'm coming back for you"!!


He could see she was off her head and it wasn't going to be worth the hassle so he got back inside. As she walked off to the copshop round the corner her parting shot was, "Right, now behave or I'll be coming for you"!!


Don't think I'd like her checking me out for anything. :no:

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Due to the cuts our great Goverment have made to our police force some areas are traing PCSO to do basic security checks they will have No input to what you can have on your ticket. I think it is a good idea if it speeds up the time my Ticket spends in the office awaiting the a security check.

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Oh ye perfect beings. Why does this site attract so many bitter,bigoted self rightious/opinionated losers.

I take it your a pcso then


as thats the only way you can stick up for them

direct quote from local bobbie about the pcso " dont worry about him he aint a real copper"

so they boys in blue wont even stick up for them :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Why are many of you's against the police?


May i say what would you do if you were a policeman or in charge of the police?


PCSO's aren't Police they're just busybodies, even coppers regard them as useless.


I don't want every tom **** and harry sticking their noses into my business, I want one familiar firearms enquiry officer who knows what they're talking about to provide the service that I pay for :yes:

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I take it your a pcso then


as thats the only way you can stick up for them

direct quote from local bobbie about the pcso " dont worry about him he aint a real copper"

so they boys in blue wont even stick up for them :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


hardly surprising as they probably see them as responsible for their overtime being reduced.



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If it were down to my pcso to what gun I could have I think I could take my pick, she's a cracking lass and works blxxdy hard especially with all the flak she gets off the regular police.I think their only role would be to have a chat and rock the cabinet, crikey even some of you here could do that ( then maybe not) :lol:

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my neighbour has just passed as a pcso, i actually feel sorry them he got the job as he wants to do something worthwhile which i probably why most of them do it, he's left another job to do it too.


they're there as a professional witness so if there is only one copper there they can make an arrest with a pcso as a witness, they've not got any rights or powers as such although apparently they might get more in the future. the other thing that gets me is they don't get any form of protection other than a vest yet are are expected to Turn up at domestics, fights, football matches and basically do a coppers job for less pay, less respect, more abuse and in more risk as no one respect/fears them and they don't get anything to protect them selfs.


on the sgc/fac side of things it wouldn't bother me having one come check my cabinates or even fill out paperwork for a renewal or ammendment they'd only be doing paperwork not making any decisions so whats the problem?



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Yes you are right a lot of PCSO's want to do a worthwhile job, but their lack of powers mean they can do virtually nothing. Also a Police Officer on their own does not require any witnesses to arrest anyone, let alone a 'Professional' witness , if that's what PCSO's are being told they are ! They only get vests and nothing else because they are not sent to Domestics, fights or football matches, in fact any situation with conflict means a Police Officer is sent and not a PCSO. Yes they may become involved in a conflict situation but they are supposed to back off and await an officer. On the Firearms side,due to cutbacks/lack of funding, i can see more and more Forces employing them to do checks etc.

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Can a pcso be an flo


FLO/FEO...define by region?!


A PCSO is a PCSO, a FLO is a FLO, your paper boy could be a FLO but I don't think part time PCSO's exist and I'm not sure the Police tolerate moonlighting!


Many FLO are civilians these days...cheaper! :yes::yes:

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