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Has anyone been shot

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Not sure what happened to this day, but I'll be honest.


I once shot the gamekeeper in the face with a shotgun, well to say we where ferreting either sides of a hedge, I fired about 20 meters in front of him. a Single pellet somehow rebounded and struck him underneath the nose. He swore and spat the pellet out in a pool of blood, after picking it from where it had lodged in his gums.


Other than that he was a rather good sport about it, and never brought it up again. We have shot many times and even he recons it was a one in a million affair.

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I have no issues when people are using a back stop when using rimfires for shooting birds out of tree's i have been unfortunate not just to have been shot but have scene an aray of gun shot injuries i was lucky and was hit in the leg until the bullet hit the bone and climbed up and stopped 4 inches below my crutch.

The other reason i was asking as i met a guy in the waiting room when i went to see my specailist he had been shot in the back he was walking his dog on a public foot path he said he could hear shoots and then he felt like he had been punched in the back this happend 7 years ago and he is sill in a wheel chair he is no having the same operation as i had to try and reduce the chronic pain he now feels in his lower back and legs.

I asked him if they ever caught the person and he told me the nearest people shooting were about a mile away and they could not prove anything and was put down as an accident.

It Just Makes You Think..

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Like several above, shot by air rifle as a kid. Gang of idiots out for fun. Anyway, had the guilty pleasure of seeing the shooter shoot the tip of his finger off later. Not the brightest bulb in the box! :lol:

Had a couple of near misses on a range where a couple of bullets decided to come back at me for some reason. I suspect I hit everything except the target!

Also hit in arm by clumped shot at a clay shoot ( I was walking across other side of the field,to the next shoot, supposedly out of range). No big deal. Stung a bit. Reminds me of a story (true) about a certain landed gentleman who used to have his butler shoot at his back across a field. He would gradually back up toward the gun until it got too much. I think the idea was to work out the effective range for a variety of vermin and game. They don't make 'em like they used too!

Edited by MartB
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I had the horrible experiance of seeing my dog get shot with a .410 at very close range.

It made a hell of a mess. The dog didnt make it.

A Good friend of mine lifted his gun on a pigeon perched on a low branch in a wood only to notice movement behind the bird, yep his mate had the same idea and my friend got a facefull of no.6, doctors reckon his glases saved his life.

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As a youngster I was shot in the arm by an .22air rifle, I had put my arm up to protect my face, lucky. It was half my fault as I was having an air weapon battle with a neighbours son. We would wear levi jackets and jeans ( red tag of course, remember the days) and shoot at each others *****,the gat guns didnt hurt much.The other chap decided he would outgun me with his dads bsa after getting a 'little' excited ( think I had about 499 pellets more than him).

A mate was out with his son and a cousin trying to bag a pheasant, the lad was beating the otherside of the hedge and a bird flew out low, don't know full story as I wasnt there but the youngster caught a pellet in the eye. The pellet ended up inside the lens of the eye but didnt go right through. After lots of operations over the last 10 years the lad still only has 20% vision in that eye and looks a little opaque.

There are many shooting accidents every year, most of the victims are the ones not holding the gun, we owe it to everyone around us to always shoot in a safe manner, alot easier than living with the guilt of being stupid even if its only just once.

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I shot at a running rabbit and hit the farmer who was driving a combine at the time, about 80 yards away and at an angle from the bunny. Pellet had enough energy to break the skin after deflecting off what I presume was a flint.


I caught a few pellets myself at about the same range on a driven day, the neighbouring gun decided to shoot at a pheasant as it was landing midway between us. Did not break the skin, bounced off my jacket and just stung my legs. I diod see it about to happen though and turned my back just as it happened.

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My brother was round a mates house when he was in his early teens and they were messing about with his elder brothers air pistol but couldn't find any pellets. After a period of putting rolled up leaves etc up the pipe to no great effect they found that his chinchillas pelleted food was almost exactly .177. Judging by the lesions on his legs they were quite a potent projectile.

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Was shot by a airgun pellet in the right leg when I was about 10


Hit by shrapnel in the lower back from a car bomb in northern Ireland...that really hurt, also hit in the left knee from a ricochet bit of a 7.62 round in training..just a flesh wound really..

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I had a very good grounding in safety from my Dad, thankfully. It might have helped that my Great Uncle Harry had an eyepatch, and I was told that he had lost his eye when out shooting. Someone had shot through a covert at eye level at some bird or other and Uncle Harry copped it in the face. So I did not join in with the school idiots shooting each other with airguns.

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Been shot at numerous times in my job some lucky some not so for friends..but the most unusual time was when i was having a shower in iraq i heard a bang and thought one of the lads outside was having a play buy throwing a rock on my roof..thought nothing of it and carried on showering..wasnt till i looked up and seen a small hole above my head...looking down i then seen a hole below near my feet..once i got dressed i pulled the boarding from under the shower to find a 7.62 nato head..funny now looking back but imaginge that while showering.. :no:



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As a kid, I found some of those 9mm brass blank cartridges for the Hilti nail guns.


I bashed it with a brick.... as kids might


I never did that again, it took half an hour to dig the brass fragments out of my leg, I was lucky not to get blinded.


Not 'shot' as such, but it hurt some.

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A guy at the club was using a combro chrono and holding it and shot through his thumb :)



I also got shot at 50 yrds while sitting in my hide pigeon shooting, a bloke without permission to shoot that day thought he would drive round anyway shooting out his window and shot at a rabbit in front of us resulting in our hide being smashed and the two of us lying flat on floor shouting. The bloke was almost sick but his lads found it funny while my friend and I was shaking in shock

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My mates customer was duck shooting and they both jumped up for same duck :( he blew his head off


bloody hell :o should never have two guns shooting near each other - people obviously havent ever heard of not having two in a hide etc etc. Hope he lost his licence

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bloody hell :o should never have two guns shooting near each other - people obviously havent ever heard of not having two in a hide etc etc. Hope he lost his licence



It's perfectly safe to shoot together in the same hide, as long as you follow simple, preset rules, and you state your intention to shoot at all times.


When shooting with another, we take turns, making sure that we are certain in advance who's turn it is before shooting. The other persons gun is otherwise broken.

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When I was 9 in Johannesburg during an attempt to kidnap my brother (5 years old at the time)I got shot on the head by a yob with a wesson ppk (or so I was told it was). The bullet bounced of my scull. My brother was taken. He was rescued by the army two weeks later.

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When I was 9 in Johannesburg during an attempt to kidnap my brother (5 years old at the time)I got shot on the head by a yob with a wesson ppk (or so I was told it was). The bullet bounced of my scull. My brother was taken. He was rescued by the army two weeks later.

:o bloody hell Harry, thats a bad one.

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bloody hell :o should never have two guns shooting near each other - people obviously havent ever heard of not having two in a hide etc etc. Hope he lost his licence

I think if you had shot ur mates head off I'm sure you would never shoot again without losing sgc.

I shoot 2 or 3 in a hide but take turns or call your shot

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