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How hard/expensive is an RFD certificate?

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I've been thinking recently that I'd like to start a small business trading guns and ammo. A big part of my hobby is trying new toys then selling them on and that's pretty much what a RFD does. What are the requirements to become a RFD? How much does it cost and is it a fairly simple process?


Thanks in advance for any info. This may just be a passing idea depending on how hard it is!

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Not that bad, different areas need different info. basically your looking at improved security levels and prooving you have a working buisness plan / objective and are not just doing it to play with more guns as a hobby. Will probebly be doing it in a while myself just need to get a proper plan together first and i am busy with other stuff. No buisness should be treated flipantly in these times

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Well the alarm wouldn't be a big issue. A mate from school has his own buiness installing alarm systems and he's a keen shooter - I'm sure we could come to some arrangement!


£400 per year for monitoring though, I'd have to take it pretty seriously to pull that back and make a decent profit too. I had a feeling it wouldn't be cheap and I think the setup costs could be an issue. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing you can run part time!

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If you were buying guns at a trade value you might be able to sell them second hand for the same price as you bought them. Where as if you just buy a gun, keep it for a while then sell it on you will lose money each time.


If you are running it as a business you will also have the admin costs also, accountants etc.

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Well the alarm wouldn't be a big issue. A mate from school has his own buiness installing alarm systems and he's a keen shooter - I'm sure we could come to some arrangement!


£400 per year for monitoring though, I'd have to take it pretty seriously to pull that back and make a decent profit too. I had a feeling it wouldn't be cheap and I think the setup costs could be an issue. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing you can run part time!


If you agree to keep the quantity of guns you hold under a set number (12 was suggested) then you may only require an audible alarm and not require the monitoring and its subsequent cost....



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My RFD certificate was supposed to turn up today (AGAIN!! :mad: ) but yet again I have wasted the day waiting.

I shouldnt be surpried really as it has taken almost a year to get it sorted!!!

The process is, or at least should be, simple enough. As a Sgc/Fac holder you already meet most of the criteria (I know one RFD who had never held either). The paperwork is straight forward, less than sgc/fac but they do seem to like to make you work for the RFD. Loads of seemingly pointless visits where FEO left and I seemed to be no further along :mad: Lots of comments and questions about my ''business plan'' which basically was ''buy guns, sell them for a proffit'' (how much detail do they need???!?!!?!? ) Ive been running my own businesses for 15years!!

I had bought and sold too many guns in the past year or two to just carry on the way I was but even that wasnt enough to demonstrate my ''business plan'' :no:

But I persevered and eventually got it.

It seems that the set up costs show you are willing to put in the effort, the security is common sense, 'redcare' type monitoring is not essential if running from home.

And remember that although you can buy/hold/sell any calibre that does not mean you can use them! :blink:





PS look out for my new website www.####.uk coming very soon. (hopefully :thumbs: )

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My alarm system cost a grand 14 years ago ,As for redcare the crime prevention officer insisted on it as well as it can only be installed by an Nacoss or Ssiab approved installer otherwise the police would not issue a unique reference number for the alarm system.

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:yay::yay: Mine has just been delivered!!!!!!!! :good::balloon::good::yahoo:


And any other emoticons you can think of! Long winded process but hopefully worth it in the end :yes:

Dont think it will ever make me rich but making a few quid out of wot you enjoy is surely the best kind of work?!?!?


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I fancy one too, but I dont have the time right now to run it as a business. Maybe in a few years...


Anyhow, do PW members get discounts? :good:



They will indeed! :good:

Just got to find some one to sort the website now as the last person couldnt fit it around their other commitments so I'm back to square one on that but have a lot of other stuff sorted.

Look out for www.####.co.uk hopefully coming soon :good: and I will add a dicount code on here as soon as Im up and running.


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If you agree to keep the quantity of guns you hold under a set number (12 was suggested) then you may only require an audible alarm and not require the monitoring and its subsequent cost....



Hi All

Would that be on top of the 12 i have on my fac/sgc


Edited by geordieh
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Im not sure about all the laughing giggling and grinning emoticons. The point is an RFD is supposed to be a certificate to do a Job, not play around.


I have one, its for doing a job, the usual advice given is that when a hobby becomes a job it loses its fun factor.


Im in the US at the moment as a guest of hornady, leupold and savage and although i get to experience some new things, i know it is all just an extra source of income in hard financial times.


Shooting off crates of ammo is only giddy fun for so long.


That is very true. I was looking at it from a profit making sense rather than a hobby but with the relatively small turnover I would expect to have it just wouldn't make the money. That is unless the low number of guns comment is true locally, in which case it would be an option. I doubt I would ever get back the thousands needing to be spent on alarms and monitoring as I would be doing it as a sideline in the evenings. :no:

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