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how fit are you


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just a thought while reading the alchohol thread and thought isn't personal fitness decieving

me myself i only drink very occasionally i don't have caffeine or sugar i eat mainly meat/fish/fruit and veg ..never gravy or cakes and pastry and i swim upto 40 lengths of olympic pool mon-fri mornings



oh nearly forgot




i am approx 9 stone over weight too


my old doc reckons i was the fittest fat ****** he ever met


books and covers hey :lol: :lol:

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just a thought while reading the alchohol thread and thought isn't personal fitness decieving

me myself i only drink very occasionally i don't have caffeine or sugar i eat mainly meat/fish/fruit and veg ..never gravy or cakes and pastry and i swim upto 40 lengths of olympic pool mon-fri mornings



oh nearly forgot




i am approx 9 stone over weight too


my old doc reckons i was the fittest fat ****** he ever met


books and covers hey :lol: :lol:



What's that old saying?


You can come and dig my garden if you like, burn off some of that podge. It needs doing before winter.


Oh, that old saying, eat right, stay fit, die anyway.

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Great but be aware that regular exersize is no great measure of fitness once your used to it. I can walk for miles in the hills because i do it a lot, 40 lengths of a pool might kill me though because i only swim when i fall in these days :yes: Could i carry a nine stone pack around with me and get up and walk the next day? no chance

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I am 18st 12lb, 5ft 10" and i admit i am carrying too much weight.


Doc says i should be 11.5st. At 16 when i was playing no 14 for school rugby i was 13.5 stone. That was when i was at my fittest. How the hell am i going to get down to 11.5?. Just not logical



Never smoked, rarely drink these days, just eat a bit too much **** but was still on the farm todat lifting and carrying..


As long as BP & Cholesterol are ok, keep on doing what ya doing :rolleyes:

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18 month ago i was fit my most peoples standard i could fell run 5 mile with out much problem and even had the startings of a six pack :blink: i was 13stone and build like a brick **** house! i had to get my jeans re-fitted by a local taylior as my calfs and thighs were to big to get into jeans that fitted my waist.


then after a break up from my ex,,, a bout of cronic depression and some big time eating binges with no fitness at all means ime nearly 16 stone have stretch marks and wobble and weeze every time i go to the fridge for anuther cold sausage

not to mention fighting of depression once more


so no ime not too fit :lol:

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I do a gud bit of excercise at home

Can run and run and run.......have done many running events..London marathon in a couple years I hope. Do a gud 5mile a day and a 10miler on a Sunday.

I can't lift much weight (i am abit of a weed :/)


On the negative side...I smoke approx 10 roll UPS a day :/ doesn't stop me though.


I eat plenty and drink plenty of water.


Underweight apparently but I have started having an extra meal a day since been told last week

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I am 18st 12lb, 5ft 10" and i admit i am carrying too much weight.


Doc says i should be 11.5st. At 16 when i was playing no 14 for school rugby i was 13.5 stone. That was when i was at my fittest. How the hell am i going to get down to 11.5?. Just not logical



Never smoked, rarely drink these days, just eat a bit too much **** but was still on the farm todat lifting and carrying..


As long as BP & Cholesterol are ok, keep on doing what ya doing :rolleyes:


Dont forget your sugars, Type 2 got me at 40- lucky for me early diagnosis without symtoms ever occuring - they dont call it the silent killer for nothing :good: Was picked up at a well mans clinic then monitored till i went over full diagnosis level a few years back. That right i was called and tested because i didn't go to the doctors much :yes:

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i'd say quite fit,but fat too.i'm 6'1" and 18 stone.machine driver by trade,and also do alot of groundwork when not in the cab.when we're kerbing i can string kerbs out along the road without getting out of breath,1 kerb weights just under 11 stone,and when loading i may need to walk 50 or 60 feet with a kerb.i grab them a pull them up onto my chest,sometimes mess around and pretent its a guitar whilst singing and even lean back a bit and balance one on my chest/belly and let it just sit there a bit whilst not holding it!..................................so i would say yes i am quite fit,but also a bit stupid! :good: :blink:

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I'm a little over weight but nothing serious. 5'6" and 13st. Doctor said my heart rate is slow and strong, blood pressure is perfect. I do a fairly physical job but wouldn't call myself fit. Running kills me, and having to drag a Roe Buck any more than 500-600 yards up steep ground will probably see me stopping for a rest!


I think fitness is at a whole different level to what bit used to be. We travel in cars and have enough money generally to eat much more than we should. And the access to processed food really doesn't help.


Just recently I've been trying to eat more fruit and drop fatty snacks. Fruit is actually really nice, and fatty food is starting to taste wrong to me unless it's decent quality. A good baker made pasty is fine but this mass produced tat - I just don't like it so much these days. I used to love it! :hmm:

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Like a beer, smoke, drive a van all day, eat whatever I can get be it KFC or something from the garage so no not in the slightest bit fit. I do have a mountain bike that I sometimes jump on when the urge takes me but usually need a portable defibrilator by the time I've reached the end of the road.

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im a bricklayer, so i would say im strong but not very fit! With the new hunting season upon us il be walking with the terriers most saturdays and i usually lose a stone and a half by christmas. i used to play rugby to county standard and that kept me fit, but smoking roll ups and still eating what used to eat when i played rugby has taken its toll!

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18 month ago i was fit by most peoples standard ...


...then after a break up from my ex... ...not to mention fighting of depression once more!



You need to get back out exercising dude. Not only will it get you back in the shape but it's also proven to help the mental state, so will help you fight the depression. :good:

Edited by -Mongrel-
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Pretty fit, I walk a lot, lift weights, train on a speed and heavy bag and eat pretty much a whole foods diet with some meat and fish. I do believe that your attitude about yourself influences how you treat yourself ie. diet, exercise. I take no medications and everything seems to work like it should. I do grow my own veggies, and try to catch and kill my own meat. What you can buy over here is severely tainted with growth hormones, insecticides, you name it. Maintaining an alkaline ph is a big deal and everyone should educate themselves on the benefits of it.

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Once,i could do 100 sit ups and 70 push ups in a 1 minute and was quite fit,now its all gone and hidden its self under a layer of winter protection coating :lol:


I can do a hundred sit ups with ease. two or three hundred was the point I used to get bored when people told me to prove it! Push ups though - you've beaten me there! 10 hurts and I couldn't do 50 if my life depended on it! :oops:

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just before I finished work at 55 I had cause to chase a 20 year old man around three hundred yards. I had a pocket book in one hand, a police helmet in the other and wearing about three stone of body armour and PPE. After I caught him I marched him, well dragged him as he was knackered, up two flights of steps and a further three hundred yards to the station.


Now that wouldn't have happened six years ago. No. Back then I'd have sent the dog after him.

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Depends how you gauge fitness, 18 months ago I could run 10 miles a day, but wasn't that strong.


Now I can lift above most people I know but my cardio fitness is very lacking atm.


Hoping to start back boxing and keep doing the weights and get a nice balance of the 2 :)

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I'm 8.5 stone at about 5 foot 6. Work isn't hugely manual being in a workshop, the most physically demanding things I do are pushs cars onto the trialer, removing/fitting engines and carrying large parts, but that hardly happens all day. School isn't too physically demanding, as I no longer have to take part in sports in sixth form. Otherwise the most active thing is walk everywhere as I suffer from asthma. Still, doctors say nothings wrong, so I'd say i'm fairly fit! :lol:

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I'm 3 stone overweight but can bench press my own weight and run 10K in 52 minutes.


That's fine for me!



All this over weight stuff is rubbish mate! Long as your body fat % isn't excessivly high to make you un healthy your doing fine!


You could be 14 stone and 25% body fat or you could be 17 stone 10% body fat ... which one is going to look "over weight" ?

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