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Strangest reason for getting banned from a pub / club


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TO BE BLUNT...Unless you have done the job its very hard for an outsider to see the job.....different venues require different attuitudes and way of dealing with incidents


I couldn't agree more leeds chimp, the approach to dealing with incidents will differ depending on whether it's the Ritz in Paris or 'Baa Bars' in Canterbury. Some places attract a pretty grim clientele and in the heat of the moment with adrenaline pumping it's always going to be tough to make the right call. But it still doesn't excuse using someone's head to open a set of double doors.


License lost over CCTV footage and ABH prosecution following on from my complaints to the police (who witnessed the incident). The culprit from the fight 20 feet away was already in the arms of the paid goon being pushed through the door when said drink was flung. 'margun's amazing double-door opening skull' was retaliatory from the drink being flung (caused by the bouncers lack of bodily control and subsequent lack of temper control).

Edited by margun
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I couldn't agree more leeds chimp, the approach to dealing with incidents will differ depending on whether it's the Ritz in Paris or 'Baa Bars' in Canterbury. Some places attract a pretty grim clientele and in the heat of the moment with adrenaline pumping it's always going to be tough to make the right call. But it still doesn't excuse using someone's head to open a set of double doors.


License lost over CCTV footage and ABH prosecution following on from my complaints to the police (who witnessed the incident). The culprit from the fight 20 feet away was already in the arms of the paid goon being pushed through the door when said drink was flung. 'margun's amazing double-door opening skull' was retaliatory from the drink being flung (caused by the bouncers lack of bodily control and subsequent lack of temper control).


Ahhh CCTV....the thorn and rose in many sides....


As said it hard to judge when you are in the situation and have to make a split second decision..

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ok....so the doorlad is throwing a bloke out then gets a drink "split" over him...for all he knew "bearing in mind the OP has said about the venue" that it could have been a glass thrown at him so therefore dealt with it






Oh I see.


So if I'm in a pub and I bump into someone and knock their drink over me I'm then allowed to batter them because I think they might have thrown their glass at me? Even though it was ME who bumped into THEM in the first place.


Hmmm, I wonder how that defence would go down with the courts.

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Oh I see.


So if I'm in a pub and I bump into someone and knock their drink over me I'm then allowed to batter them because I think they might have thrown their glass at me? Even though it was ME who bumped into THEM in the first place.


Hmmm, I wonder how that defence would go down with the courts.


thats is a completely different situation to what the OP said what happened...sorry but you are twisting it now :no:

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As said it hard to judge when you are in the situation and have to make a split second decision..


I do understand that it's hard to judge in fast moving situations, but the guy over reacted. Surely a doorman's licence should imply a level of responsibility and level headedness, just like an SGC or FAC does?


I'm not having a pop at your profession leeds chimp, just a go at the bad apples, like I would if it were bent coppers or dodgy bankers. Being a doorman is one of those jobs where it can lead to situations where one guy who is 'harder' than most people around him could cause proper injuries to people, given the wrong set of circumstances.

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again..full story??......






Nothing too major, spread a couple of noses but there was a lot of blood from one of them. enough to get me a charge of ABH if it had turned out differently though and thats the real point I was making

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I do understand that it's hard to judge in fast moving situations, but the guy over reacted. Surely a doorman's licence should imply a level of responsibility and level headedness, just like an SGC or FAC does?


I'm not having a pop at your profession leeds chimp, just a go at the bad apples, like I would if it were bent coppers or dodgy bankers. Being a doorman is one of those jobs where it can lead to situations where one guy who is 'harder' than most people around him could cause proper injuries to people, given the wrong set of circumstances.


Like all "trades" you get the good and the bad...but on a personal level I can see why he did that if he thought a glass had been thrown at him..


The SIA was brought in to weed out the "bad" ones...now you have people in the industry who cant speak english at all.., no idea what to do if it kicks off and hide in the toilet and wages that have gone to pot due to that many people thinking "oh I have a bit of plastice and can do the job". I did the job for 10 years and have many scars to prove it..including now maybe losing my sight in my left eye due to the job....so it does really get to me when people go on about knocking the job...its simple..dont misbehave and you wont deal with doorman, bouncers call what you want...if not for them you would not be able to go out on a night out. Granted bad incidents due happen and its good to weed them out who just want to scrap...but it depends on the venue to the team you have...I am glad I am out of the industry as its changed so much in such a short space of time,


Again unless you have done the job, people just cant comment on it and always seem hard done by but as said like any industry there are the bad apples but I dont like the fact that now you make a simple honest mistake and everything is on the line :no: :no: ...

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Anyways, this topic is derailed and I can't help but feel responsible!


SO, an on topic strange tale of getting slung out of a club....many moons ago on a night out a close mate foolishly went into the toilets in the club with a pretty rough girl that we knew(she was at least 6' 2" with massive feet and hands, think of Sally Solomon off 3rd Rock from the Sun but without the redeeming body and good looks). Midway through a fairly undignified and inappropriate (lets not forget she was 6' 2" and pretty darn ugly) sesh with this bird in the bogs, they were predicatable marched to the door. Whilst pleading his innocence and begging to be allowed back in, the doorman said something along the lines of


'You're out because you overstepped the mark and our rules, and to be honest you deserve it to teach you a lesson. She's a wrongun - don't do it again!' :lol:

Edited by margun
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Anyways, this topic is derailed and I can't help but feel responsible!


SO, an on topic strange tale of getting slung out of a club....many moons ago on a night out a close mate foolishly went into the toilets in the club with a pretty rough girl that we knew(she was at least 6' 2" with massive feet and hands, think of Sally Solomon off 3rd Rock from the Sun but without the redeeming body and good looks). Midway through a fairly undignified and inappropriate (lets not forget she was 6' 2" and pretty darn ugly) sesh with this bird in the bogs, they were predicatable marched to the door. Whilst pleading his innocence and begging to be allowed back in, the doorman said something along the lines of


'You're out because you overstepped the mark and our rules, and to be honest you deserve it to teach you a lesson. She's a wrongun - don't do it again!' :lol:




TBF i have done a very similar thing myself ! I`ll leave this thread now :blush:

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i was kicked out for the same thing pulled some trog in a pub straiggt to the toilets as we were at it knock knock can you come out please, lead straight out theres sll me work mates asking whats going on the manager shouts hes been caught sha gging that bird in the toiket so hes barred, i got a big cheer from the whole pub it was z grwat night too

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No night out is complete without boffing some rotter in a rank bog :good: .


Another mate on another occasion pulled a German girl with this prominant moustache, he was caught (on mobile phone video)by the cleaners and a couple of the lads who were searching for him, giving her a lesson about rear gunning in a cubicle. We all rofled!

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Guest cookoff013

i used to work for a scientific research establishment, on site there was a phenominally huge amount of germans.

the pub situated 50 yards recently got aquired by arrogant landlord, who banned all germans from entry there.


he kicked several out. just for being german


the whole research groups, rallied together and boycotted the pub.


his business didnt last too months.

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quite liked reading all this...ive been a doorman for 8 years and could write down some storys about all the stuff ive seen/done i only do for a bit extra pocket money as im a manager for a pharmasutical company


i have often had to explain black eyes as rugby accidents and broken fingers as slipping over on the ice...its a tough job working on the doors ive been shot at twice and almost stabbed and this is in Manchester...some doorman are bullys and on a power trip but they tend not to last in the industry...


we have to watch our backs 24/7 as we dont no who has followed us home and that does happen...i try to be as polite as possible to the punters but somtime that isnt enough and things can get out of hand in less than a second or two...we all try to do our best to make your night as safe as it can be and often put ourselves in danger..


but saying that ive had the best time of my life working the doors but will be calling it a day soon...


but yes i have been throw out of a cub for telling a guy i wasnt gay and to leave me alone next thing jumped on by 2 doormen and dragged out on my ****....i just walked off and didnt say a word to them...i wanted to tho.

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Not very exciting compared to the stories above but many years ago the sales team, about 10 of us, were having a lunchtime pint and a bit of grub in the local as we did every after every weekly meeting. The sales manager (old school Scottish gent in his 60s) was having a bacon sarnie, he asked the barmaid for some ketchup and she told him they didn't have any. In mock outrage he said "What! No tomato sauce? what sort of a pub is this?"

The barmaid fled in tears, and we all looked at each other in amazement. 10 seconds later the landlord turned up and very aggressively threw the lot of us out of his pub for upsetting his staff, and loudly barring us all for life.

So good as gold we all trooped out of the pub and assembled in the car park, wondering where to go next, when the landlord scampered out and collared the sales manager, saying "you haven't paid your bill!" He said "can we all come back in an finish our drinks and food?" "No, you are barred" said the landlord. "In that case" said the sales manager, who was well known for his old fashioned politeness, "you can stick your bill up your ****" And we left, and never went back.

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