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First Foxes With The New Hmr.


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Had a trip oot to an old reservoir late yesterday afternoon just before dark.Usually get a good number of ducks coming off and the chance of a goose going going on.I get to the far right of it and if the winds good it can be good sport.The wind was in their tails coming off and i managed a mallard and a widgeon and there were hundreds of widgeon come off but slighty to the side and high.Just a wee pic of the water from the hill.




Then headed hame and picked up Mac and the rifle and a few munchies for an all nighter at the foxes.Got to the MILs at about 6 and got everything organised to be able to get a shot at both baiting areas if anything came.This mean opening the windows so minimum noise and backing up the sills with pillows for a good rest.Then its lights oot and waiting with the binos.Aboot 5 inches of snow and a decent moon meant we could see anything moving over 100 yards away with just the eyes but its much easier on them using the binos.The lights had only been oot about 10 mins when we saw a fox away to the right,and not interested in the bait.I thought he would come in to it come time,but instead he went into a block of trees but it got the heart pumping.At twenty to seven another one came walking in from the opposite direction but carried on past the bait and was going away to our right.I was already set up and on him,so just before the ingo would restrict the shot i gave a squeak,and pulled when he stopped.Great thing with the .17 is that on the shot you see the result,and he just collapsed on the spot.I ranged him in the morning at 110ish yards so a good result.

Next action was at twenty five to nine at the top area,but it molloched about for tweny minutes before coming straight into the dug in pheasant burley.He wouldnt stop long enough so a wee squeak halted him and the pill hit bang in the chest.Again straight down at roughly 90 yards.

That was the last shot,but 20 mins after the second one another fox came doon it,looked at the dead fox and then started legging it in circles and zigzags and also rolling in the snow.I was on him the whole time,but a shot was impossible and he just dissapeared.

A dog and a vixen and fair chuffed with the 455.Minimal disturbance and pretty lethal used sensibly.















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well shot mate...


Cheers fella.


fantastic right up and what beautiful scenary to be shooting in. top stuff! your lads a very lucky chap! :good:


Ta fella.Top place with top sport.The wee man is very lucky indeed,as i could have made him hold the foxes with straight arms. :lol:


Nice one dave. Like the idea of being kept warm with the central heating on


Cheers Craig.The heating goes off about midnight and the place is ******* freezing.I have a wee gas stove i kindle up and that makes a huge difference along with the press ups to stop freezing to death.Its the Miser in laws place afterall.


Good do fella :good:


Ta fella.

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Brilliant stuff! Lovely pics.


Cheers fella.I know how much story a picture can tell when im reading other posts and hope likewise.


looks too cold for me to be out... :good::lol:


Freezing fella.It was -3 when i was at the ducks with a strong wind and who forgot to take a jacket?I only had a Deerhunter thermal underwear top and it was baltic.Luckily there were plenty ducks moving so kept the mind off it a bit.


Well done Dave, I agree Mac is a very lucky lad!! The pictures say a thousand words, the snow is beautiful and the outcome was great. I am in envy of your blind, sounds comfortable. Looks like the .17 is potent on fox.


Cheers Timothy.The snow is good,but only in moderation.The last two winters have been severe here and taken its toll on some of the wildlife and then its not so fun.The "hide" takes a bit of beating,and the major downside is the fag smoke smell..17Hmr used in its limits is excellent and a superb pill for the foxes.


Nice one mate :good: A great write up and lovely pics.A nice retrieve by the little dog that's one for us cocker boys or is it a springer :hmm:


Cheers fella.Rabs a springer.


cant beat the 17 its a cracking round and like you said you see very clearly the end result.

looks like your getting hit with the weather then. what temp you got?


I think its a superb wee calibre fella,and ideal for shooting from the hoose with minimal noise.Like all calibres,pill placement is important.Weather been baltic since Saturday,and the lowest has been -5,but with the wind chill its well lower.

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Another cracking report :good: Looks cold up there :yes:


Ta fella.Milder today and sitting at 1,but below zero forecast tonight again.


Great write up. :good:


Those look like big fox (if a little stiff :lol: ) you shot there.


Cheers fella.The dox wasnt that big but the vixen was big for a vixen.


Well done again :good:



How long do you bait an area before hand? And do you plan it with bad weather coming in or what?



Need to give this a go soon!





Cheers fella.I try to bait all year round but it comes into its own during the harder weather so i up the feeding and check it more regular.Once they start almost without fail they will visit every night.I dig a wee slit with the spade,and put a wee bit of pheasant,rabbits,roe puds ect in the slit,close it and stand on it.This way when they come they cant just grab it and go so you have more time when they are digging.The only thing is struggling to stay awake,as when there are a few coming it can be any time of the night.Ive seen me sack it and get the heed doon at 6am after watching all night,and in the couple of hours till daylight a fox has been.Its probably the most effective way of culling them,and ive seen 7 foxes in one night,5 coming to the bait and another 2 keeping a distance.In the summer i just position the Jeep and stay in it as its only for a few hours.

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Thanks for that! I'll give that a crack over the next few weeks. HMR will be going back on my ticket soon as well. Even with the .22 I miss it. Just point and shoot :good:


Cheers again!


Forgot to say fella,anytime around the full moon is best,as no lamp is needed.Just scan with the binos as long as its not too cloudy and you will see everything,and then pick him up with the scope and alls good.Even better when frosty or a bit of snow on the ground.

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very nice right up.


but there are people out there who think the HMR is no good for fox.


i hope some are reading or at least read this post,


nice to see a bit of real country side (Scottish that is :) the homeland.




Cheers Bob.If pill placement is good there shouldnt be any probs with the Hmr and too many folks make up for it by saying a bigger calibre should be used.Top country here,and the place in your pic was good for a laugh too.Was stationed in Hohne from 88-93.Is Mic Macs still on the go?


Dave well done mate fantastic result bud! looks like you and your new set up is working well!! :good: :good:




Cheers Alex.Very impressed and with the Nightforce on the rimmy its superb for night work now.



nice shooting :good: hopefully some cold weather will come down this end of the country, amazing scenery!


Cheers fella.I think we have a load forecast for this weekend so im sure we could all see some.

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