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The Gay Gene


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Are people born gay or do they become gay? Thats the question. I often hear gays talking about being 'born gay'. I must admit i dont believe it and there is absolutely no evidence of a 'gay gene'. I think things happen during the upbringing of a man and maybe confusion sets in, or a fear of women or something. I am pretty sure that its akin to a mental state like for example anorexia develops due to a mental state, which then manifests itself as an anxiety towards food. If people want to be gay then thats up to them and i know quite a few gay people and several have been with women but prefer men.


The reason i think its a choice is because the amount of people who say they are gay seems enormous and i just cant believe that so many people are wired this way. If this post offends then i apologise but maybe the forum could be the place to convince me otherwise.

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i don't know, might be something to do with how they were treated as a child, one of my youngest daughters friends has just come "out" and he's now camper than a camp thing on a camp day, i don't mind the guy, it's just that he spits when he talks so i try to avoid too much conversation as i hate to think what he's had his chops round...

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I use to know a guy, who was a hit with the ladies...good looks etc but at about the age of 16 decided that he was gay and as been ever since....so i am not sure you are born with the gene unless it is laying dormant.....maybe a loud noise like the sound of a gun brings it out :lol:

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I don't think you become gay and suddenly start fancying the same sex. So yes i think you are born gay.


You say about listening to gay people talking. Its not as liberal here i don't know any openly gay people, admitting you are gay here is a no no.

Edited by ordnance
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Are people born gay or do they become gay? Thats the question. I often hear gays talking about being 'born gay'. I must admit i dont believe it and there is absolutely no evidence of a 'gay gene'. I think things happen during the upbringing of a man and maybe confusion sets in, or a fear of women or something. I am pretty sure that its akin to a mental state like for example anorexia develops due to a mental state, which then manifests itself as an anxiety towards food. If people want to be gay then thats up to them and i know quite a few gay people and several have been with women but prefer men.


The reason i think its a choice is because the amount of people who say they are gay seems enormous and i just cant believe that so many people are wired this way. If this post offends then i apologise but maybe the forum could be the place to convince me otherwise.


You got something to tell us?


And yes, you're talking absolute ********, of course you are born gay, it social pressure,stereotype and lack of understanding of 'migrating' sexuality that prohibits young people from making an informed choice of preference.


Nobody chooses sexuality, unless you want to loosely couple bi-sexual people who 'choose' what they 'fancy' whenever.


And sexuality is a mental state? You are treading on thin ground, is that how you akin your sexuality? I presume not or you wouldn't be asking, are gay people mentally programmed to like cock or muff (using homosexuality as a whole dimension, not just gay blokes that you seem to single out)?


Of course not, they are programmed to like cock or muff just like how any other sexual orientation prefers cock or muff....how can you differentiate that?


Look into 'diversity courses' on the interwebs.

Edited by kyska
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Just had a quick flick through some abstracts for journals online and it seems there is evidence and data pointing all over the place. Some have found links between certain genes and homosexual tendencies, whereas others dispute this. Our knowledge of the deeper functions of the human genome is still in its infancy relatively speaking. Sociobiology is far too full of assumptions for my liking and this kind of emotive topic needs much more investigation.


The Journal of Evolution and Human Behaviour contains work claims the genetic factors predisposing to homosexuality may increase mating success in heterosexuals......


There are links between family size, number of siblings and homosexuality. These recent developments are only small pieces in a very large puzzle. Hopefully over the next decade or so these pieces will begin to fit together and we will firmly be able to prove "the combination of gene 'x' on chromosome 'y' makes you gay as a ghost!


Simple answer is we just don't know yet. But stand by for an answer in the next 10 years(ish)

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They do seem to favour skinny drainpipe jeans ?

maybe thats a symptom or a cause :)


The way anyone dresses and adorns their body is purely a social construct. The same way shooters all tend to wear expensive wellies and drab coloured clothing..


Its part of finding a social group and fitting it. So I think you are right to say its a 'symptom' of being gay. The underlying issue is the sexual attraction to the same biological sex.

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I think its in aftershave, fake tan and hair products, You never see a smelly scruffy haired one, Essex is a breeding ground for them it starts with the aftershave, then excessive hair products then out comes the fake tan and guy liners and all of a sudden your arranging flowers, watching loose women and colour coordinating!

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You got something to tell us?


And yes, you're talking absolute ********, of course you are born gay, it social pressure,stereotype and lack of understanding of 'migrating' sexuality that prohibits young people from making an informed choice of preference.


Nobody chooses sexuality, unless you want to loosely couple bi-sexual people who 'choose' what they 'fancy' whenever.


And sexuality is a mental state? You are treading on thin ground, is that how you akin your sexuality? I presume not or you wouldn't be asking, are gay people mentally programmed to like cock or muff (using homosexuality as a whole dimension, not just gay blokes that you seem to single out)?


Of course not, they are programmed to like cock or muff just like how any other sexual orientation prefers cock or muff....how can you differentiate that?


Look into 'diversity courses' on the interwebs.

Yes, quite an heroic response from you! I dident say i thought anyones 'sexuality' was a state of mind, i said i thought being gay was a state of mind and asked for opinions. Try reading and stop your dramatic 'you are treading on thin ground nonsense'. Its just a democratic free question and point of view, like being gay is!

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It can't really be genetic as such otherwise it'd be passed on through generations would it not? :oops::hmm: More likely hard wired in mentally, a bit like the type of women you happen to like?! I don't think it's a choice, just luck of the draw.

Edited by Hamster
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I can't really be genetic as such otherwise it'd be passed on through generations would it not? :oops::hmm: More likely hard wired in mentally, a bit like the type of women you happen to like?! I don't think it's a choice, just luck of the draw.


Alleles do not always have to be expressed, they can be recessive requiring both parents to carry for a chance of expression. Its also not as if there is a 'gay gene,' its more likely to be an interaction of many recessive and dominant alleles that exist all over the place.


And I totally agree with your statement, it really seems to be luck of the draw, much like being ginger. Who would choose that...

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I thought the evidence was on a chromosome imbalance that is synonymous with the camp / effeminate gay man aka man of Suffolk.


Not too sure where the big burly YMCA types fit into the gay picture aka man of Herts.


Actually, I've sussed it - if you were born or live outside of Essex then you is batty innit

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I believe homo sexuals become homosexuals because they ate to many dib dabs as a kid . I just dont want it pushed down my throat as being normal, as I will bite it off .


Harnser .


I hear some blokes are into that, stick some cards up the the local phone boxes if the pension doesn't quite cover the bills this winter!



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