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The Gay Gene


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One mistake throughout the thread is that people have assessed normality at the individual level, not the population level. If you ask someone whether they are gay, more likely than not they are not. However, if you look at a population as a whole it is normal to have a percentage of that population who are gay. So at the population level it is normal.

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My sister was married for several years and produced 3 children before she split up and she now lives with another girl and hase done for nearly 20 years. We don't talk any more but that was not the reason for us not talking, that was based on how she treated the family after the split.



I do not believe that it is normal. Wether you believe in god or not , we have always adapated as a human race over the many thousnads of years we have been in existance, yet we have not adapted physically to allow a male/male or female/female relationship to be "complet".


However, let me be clear:-


Should people be persecuted for their sexuality?- no


Do people have any choice in it, no not really, like my sister they can supress their feelings for a long time but ultimately they will come through.


My perosnal view is live and let live. I can't say i like to see same sex couples kiss in the street but i also don't like to see straight couples kisssing each other's faces off in public. Call me old fashioned it's just me.


I've rambled a bit so in summary i do not care if you are gay, straight, BDSM fetish fan, swingers etc. Youir private life is yours. I work with several gay guys/girls and a gay couple run our pr agency and as long as they keep their life to themsleves as i do mine then no problem, live and let live.

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My sister was married for several years and produced 3 children before she split up and she now lives with another girl and hase done for nearly 20 years. We don't talk any more but that was not the reason for us not talking, that was based on how she treated the family after the split.



I do not believe that it is normal. Wether you believe in god or not , we have always adapated as a human race over the many thousnads of years we have been in existance, yet we have not adapted physically to allow a male/male or female/female relationship to be "complet".


However, let me be clear:-


Should people be persecuted for their sexuality?- no


Do people have any choice in it, no not really, like my sister they can supress their feelings for a long time but ultimately they will come through.


My perosnal view is live and let live. I can't say i like to see same sex couples kiss in the street but i also don't like to see straight couples kisssing each other's faces off in public. Call me old fashioned it's just me.


I've rambled a bit so in summary i do not care if you are gay, straight, BDSM fetish fan, swingers etc. Youir private life is yours. I work with several gay guys/girls and a gay couple run our pr agency and as long as they keep their life to themsleves as i do mine then no problem, live and let live.

ok. Edited by unapalomablanca
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I suppose our society has accepted that a man and a women can get married in a church in the morning followed by a couple of blokes in the afternoon. Maybe being a man and having sex with a man is perfectly normal as two women doing the same,although it will never produce children. Do you find that in a lesbian couple you sometimes find a women with a mans hair doo and comes across a bit blokish? whats all that about and the odd gay man sounding a bit like a woman. Does being gay affect a mans vocal chords?. Woman come with some bits that suit men bits, what happens when two gay men make love to each other? do they use Tharse?

Edited by merlin66
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My sister was married for several years and produced 3 children before she split up and she now lives with another girl and hase done for nearly 20 years. We don't talk any more but that was not the reason for us not talking, that was based on how she treated the family after the split.



I do not believe that it is normal. Wether you believe in god or not , we have always adapated as a human race over the many thousnads of years we have been in existance, yet we have not adapted physically to allow a male/male or female/female relationship to be "complet".


However, let me be clear:-


Should people be persecuted for their sexuality?- no


Do people have any choice in it, no not really, like my sister they can supress their feelings for a long time but ultimately they will come through.


My perosnal view is live and let live. I can't say i like to see same sex couples kiss in the street but i also don't like to see straight couples kisssing each other's faces off in public. Call me old fashioned it's just me.


I've rambled a bit so in summary i do not care if you are gay, straight, BDSM fetish fan, swingers etc. Youir private life is yours. I work with several gay guys/girls and a gay couple run our pr agency and as long as they keep their life to themsleves as i do mine then no problem, live and let live.


Very, very sensible. If anybody can't buy into that then they are, inmho, sad. I am a Christian so in some respects could look negatively on Gays but am also Christian enough to respect their decisions.

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Here are my two Pence that may offend you - but hey, the Gay agenda offends me.


In my humble opinion, our genes let our basic human sexuality attach to anything. That means, any human can find just about anything erotic. By anything, I mean a Man or a Women can become sexually charged with the same sex or different sex partner, or with boys, girls, animals, inanimate objects and even dead people. Humans have shagged and been shagged by most of the above through history. Always leading to the collapse of the family and then society at large.


In the ancient world of the Greeks, Romans, the samurai of Japan, and other cultures – homosexuality, paedophilia, and bi-sexuality was rampant. There was no gay thing to deal with as everything was in the open and everything went. And so went those cultures down the drain, washed away mostly due to their rampant perverted life style. In such cultures the family (the corner stone of any society) suffers, then fails – and then the rest of society collapses.


It was Judeo-Christian principles, starting with the Jews, that started to change peoples attitude toward an anything goes sexual culture. And for the record; Jews and Christians are not prudes or old fashion when it comes to sex. They just believe that it is a gift from God, and that anything goes for a married couple of one man and one woman. God created Man & Woman to be in a dedicated monogamous relationship with each other. This loving heterosexual monogamous relationship is the best way to have and raise children, thus creating a stronger society.


Anything other than sex within a married heterosexual relationship leads to problems that we are all too familiar with. Boys without dads joining gangs as they look for a family bond; girls looking for a stong father figure in the wrong places getting pregnant multiple times by multiple males thus creating more boys and girls that get into more trouble, trouble that we all pay for in terms of high crime rates, dole payments for single Mums and unproductive people who take more than they give back.


All that said, homosexuality has everything to do with genes as our genes tell us to copulate everything and everyone, of any sex or thing, that we may fancy. It is a choice to be hetrosexual, Gay, or Bi, or a paedophile. Most choose to be "normal" and have a desire for a monogamous heterosexual relationship due to a proper upbringing in an in-tack home that promotes (either consciously or unconsciously) Judeo-Christian values and beliefs.


About sexual choice, and how some same it's not a choice: I would say that the very strong desires people have, maybe since birth, to be gay, bi, etc, may seem like anything but a choice at all because those desires are so strong. Nonetheless, it is still a choice to sleep with a same sex partner, or any sex partner for that matter. It is not a choice to not eat, sleep, be black, white, asian, or have a bowel movement. It is a choice to have sex with someone.


If you have the time, and if I had not put you off, listen to these two podcasts. You may find them interesting.


http://kenspiro.com/audio.php Click on "World Perfect"




So exactly where do the Roman Catholic priests fit into all this religious purity? I picked this article purely as I thought that the Telegraph might resonate with you.


Roman Catholic Priests Sex Abuse

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As for normality , there is an abundance of homosexuality in nature In many, Many species. Homophobia(not saying any of you are..) tho, only shown in one species.


What i do get with the religious aspect is the bible is filled with rape, incest, Stoning disobedient children, Slavery is okay, sexism , killing witches , killing people working on the Sabbath (off the top of my head) But people ignore (mostly) this, saying we have moved on/changed . but we just cant let homosexuality go ?

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Are people born gay or do they become gay? Thats the question. I often hear gays talking about being 'born gay'. I must admit i dont believe it and there is absolutely no evidence of a 'gay gene'. I think things happen during the upbringing of a man and maybe confusion sets in, or a fear of women or something. I am pretty sure that its akin to a mental state like for example anorexia develops due to a mental state, which then manifests itself as an anxiety towards food. If people want to be gay then thats up to them and i know quite a few gay people and several have been with women but prefer men.


The reason i think its a choice is because the amount of people who say they are gay seems enormous and i just cant believe that so many people are wired this way. If this post offends then i apologise but maybe the forum could be the place to convince me otherwise.




1967 Homosexuality Bill in the House of Commons ......Members decided to pay it.

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Thanks AVB, i am also a christian, originally brought up Catholic, but now more C of E as my wife is a regular churchgoer and it makes it less confusing for my daughter.


The Catholic Church is very black-and-white on homosexuality unlike the Church of England.


Do I find it abhorrent, that would probably be too strong a term that as I will stated I don't think it's normal mind you I don't think it's normal to go out and get drunk, cause a fight or make oneself ill and block up a and e so normality is in some ways a personal view although as I have already stated normality tends to be what nature or religion makes it.


The issue of homosexuality in the Armed Forces is a very interesting one look at the para officer who has now gone through a sex change. Is he any less brave or masculine than anybody else in his regiment. I know that doesn't mean he is necessarily gay but you see my point.


As long as everybody case themselves to themselves what of the lifestyle they choose to lead who am I to complain as long it is is legal, between consenting adults and is conducted behind closed doors as all relationships gay or straight should be.

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What sometimes makes me feel for what might be termed the older generation, and I'll leave you to decide who exactly that is, is that until (comparatively) recently homosexuality was illegal in this country. Now, it's a 'protected characteristic' which effectively means that people are protected from discrimination (e.g. at work) on the grounds of their sexuality. If they can successfully prove that such discrimination has happened...in fact scratch that, if their employer can't prove it hasn't happened they can be in for some hefty compensation and the person committing it can be sacked, vilified and prosecuted.


So my dad for example (who's 72 this year) has seen gayness go from being illegal and punishable by imprisonment, to being protected by law in various ways. Morals and ethics aside, I wonder how much the moral issue is driven by the legal one, or is it vice versa?


It's quite possible that in a generation or two's time there will be laws and attitudes that the then 70-odd year olds (like me) will find equally perplexing.

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Resisted the temptation to post on here thus far but I've spent quite a bit of my spare time over the last six months in the local gym and this thread led me to ponder this...


Why is it acceptable for a man who may or may not be homosexual to share a changing room with a man, or number of men, who might be homosexual or bisexual but it's unacceptable for a man who may or may not be homosexual to share a changing room with a woman who may or may not be me lesbian or bisexual?


It's a simple enough question, somewhat trivial in nature, but does in my view lead to some interesting points of view.


Clearly the accepted "norm" is that men and women changing rooms are partitioned on the basis of sex rather than sexual orientation. However given that homosexuality is now generally accepted as more normal than it used to be, is there an argument to challenge that norm?


(I am doing my best to be serious here and avoid inappropriate comments but I think on balance, and provided I did not have to prove it, I would be prepared to falsely declare myself gay in order to be allocated changing facilities with hetrosexual or lesbian women. Clearly in order to be fair, straight and gay women would need to be kept apart too.) :lol:

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Good point thunderbird, this is the part that winds me up. Not content with equality, the gay community in some ways (not all) now want positive discrimination.


I have found it hard to accept homosexuality, but if it doesn't trouble me personally then despite protests actually I have nothing to complain or worry about.



Despite protests from certain quarters, a gay or lesbian person is no more likely to abuse children than a straight person and this was one of the big concerns when it came to gay adoption etc.


This is one of those subjects that has created a wide and interesting number of replies, probably second only to the debate on benefits. It's a pity there isn't a large pub close to lose all where we could carry this on over a pint.


I think what made my mind up was when somebody said to me assuming these people go about their own life not bothering anybody, why should they be persecuted. If we do persecute people for race colour creed or sexuality we are actually no different than the Nazis

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Why is it acceptable for a man who may or may not be homosexual to share a changing room with a man, or number of men, who might be homosexual or bisexual but it's unacceptable for a man who may or may not be homosexual to share a changing room with a woman who may or may not be me lesbian or bisexual?



That's so easy to answer I'm falling off a log as I type. It's a question of perceived threat and his/her ability to deal with it. A man in a room full of undressed females will instil an unavoidable feeling of threat towards many of those females, a room full of naked men however will not feel intimidated physically from someone who may even be known to be gay.

Another good reason of course is that we're all such bloody simpletons we'd have long ago all signed Declaration of Gayness to be allowed the bliss pass to female changing rooms :yes: . Personally I'd be prepared to learn a few gay moves if it helps.

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