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Supposidly clever people


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Can't help thinking a university education would be more productive if students didn't start it until they were 30. Completing your education before you have experienced fending for youreself in life strikes me as putting the cart before the horse. A precision instrument needs to be tested before it is polished and boxed and declared fit for service.

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I think the answer is if you aren't very practical, just make sure you earn enough to pay people to do everything for you.

I am practical and clever, so I can choose to do either :P

Surely tongue in cheek


Can't help thinking a university education would be more productive if students didn't start it until they were 30. Completing your education before you have experienced fending for youreself in life strikes me as putting the cart before the horse. A precision instrument needs to be tested before it is polished and boxed and declared fit for service.

You're a boy you are gim. You got a line for every situation.

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I am a student, and everyday I am shocked at how some of my fellow academics have made it so far in life without wandering into the sea and drowning.


I preferred to take things apart and 'test them to destruction' rather than do my homework as a lad so hopefully I have found a happy practical/academic medium.

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As for the spellcheck well...... english was never my strong point, maths and science was more me. :P


I just hope more people laughed than were offended.


No offence, just an observation.


I did a degree in Zoology and in the third year one of my classmates asked me if penguin were a fish :blink: so it just goes to show that not everyone with a degree is the sharpest tool in the shed :lol:

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I work in a famous University, it is amazing how little common sense the academics have. Many need their hands hold for anything outside their area of expertise.

This week the young lady that works with me said her husband who has just begun working in another department was called to an academics office because his radiator wasn't working. When he arrived he found the radiator to be working perfectly. He asked the guy if he had felt the radiator? He said he hadn't but it was very cold in the office. It was then that he was informed that the window was wide open. I laughed all day.

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I heard some female bellend on the radio yesterday banging on about how great it is that a D pass at GCSE (easy o level) is going to be considered a valid grade in future instead of a cut off point at grade C. Everyone seems to have A levels nowadays, yet 30 years ago they were the preserve of the strictly academic. I know that people aint getting cleverer, i meet divvies every day who can barely speak let alone take .79p out of a quid and give you the correct change instantly. :no:p.s you can tell how thick people are by the explosion in tattoo parlours, they are everywhere. Biggest u.k. growth industry. Says something.!!! :no:


There is a direct correlation to how thick people are based on whether they have a tattoo? Ignorant much? (and no, I don't have a tattoo).


On another note, I work in a school too. The teaching staff there are so far from practical it's quite unbelievable (not all of them, but the majority for sure). An example; when asked why the mathematics teacher opened the copier lid half way through a print (thus causing a jam) she replied with "I was in a hurry, I thought it would speed things up"



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I did a degree in Leeds Uni in Textiles. When started work,found Textiles was not for me, so did a number of other things that I found interesting and rewarding. And although I did not do what I got a degree on,I still don,t regret going to the University or consider time spent there wasted.

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This thread reminds me of an old guy i worked with when i started in the steel industry. He said you could always spot the graduate because he could tell you the weight/volume/capacity of a jam jar but couldn't get the ******g lid off. :lol:


:lol: :lol:


That could have been from the mouth of a former colleague from one of my past gigs. Coming out of college for my sandwich year the guy was so anti students it was hilarious. I worked there after graduation for a few years and I was called the college whaller almost to the day I left. The chap felt very threatened by whipper snappers stealing his thunder I think. We became good friends.

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how do you interpret intelligence??


A.to be able to dictate some thing that you have been told.


B.to be able to work something out for ones self.


i was working at Manchester uni last week and talk about the educated idiots .for one if you see a 5 tonne peace of steel being lifted in to the air wold you A walk through the barrier and cram yore self between a wagon and a fence and under the load on a crane after you was told not to go that way. :hmm: or B walk around it following the walkway that had been put in place :no: 7 times this happened and one was a professor

Edited by fruitloop
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Mate of mine was a photocopier engineer and had a job in a school office - He had all bit's on table and teacher walked in and went Oh! "Is copier not working":? Yes said my mate - teacher came over and put paper in then after a few seconds said "it isn't working" - I told you that a moment ago :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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Can't believe this thread has got to 3 pages without a list of the rich and famous who didn't go to university. :lol:


I also don't know how people can get so polarized by a thread which I consider to be light hearted, just read Zapp's 1st post (on P1) and you've got the whole subject in a nutshell.



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No offence, just an observation.


I did a degree in Zoology and in the third year one of my classmates asked me if penguin were a fish :blink: so it just goes to show that not everyone with a degree is the sharpest tool in the shed :lol:



:lol: :lol: Thats a classic of stupidifying proportions..the bloke must have been a utter numpty. :yes:


Surley everyone knows its a choc bar.


FM..BSc.MSc.Pg Dip(Law)

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I work in engineering and am in the final year BEng hoping to do MSc next year. I swear I second guess myself more since doing my degree, dont know why. Maybe you have to take on board all the wizardry at university you kinda forget practicality...

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I work in engineering and am in the final year BEng hoping to do MSc next year. I swear I second guess myself more since doing my degree, dont know why. Maybe you have to take on board all the wizardry at university you kinda forget practicality...



Are you a mature student BK?

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