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Bullied at work

Big Marty

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My oldest son has started his first job on a building site,there is a man he works with seems to be enjoying making little of him and getting a laugh at his expense..Really feel for him cause its really getting to him and hes talking about leaving,theres not much out there and jobs are hard to come by..Worried that if I step in it will make it worse.. Any ideas on what I should tell him to do.........

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tell him to do the same as the bloke whos been an **** or stand up for his self, we take the **** out of our apprentice all the time, if he carnt take the flack then he maybe isnt cut out for the building trade.


tell you son to get a hammer and 4 nails, when the bloke has his dinner put his trowel on the gob board nail two nails behind the trowel and one on each side and cover the trowel blade with gobbo.

Edited by cockercas
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When I was an apprentice carpenter I used to hate the blokes at work, until I just manned up I knew they where having a laugh with me, so I took the mick back, one of them took it a bit far and let me catch a treble roof truss that was falling over, hurt my back, site foreman saw it and got instantly dismissed off site. I used to wind them up in the end and they got bored, it is called "charachter building" but sometimes it can go a bit too far on building sites. Many a time I used to get my own back and nail their dinner back into the floor, or put cable ties on their pushbike brakes and around the wheel spokes just as we where leaving, used to be a right, "take that" at the end of the day, eased up in the end! :good:

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When i was acting as site manager and site agent when things were quiet on the rail engineering side i always made sure i knew what was going on and took great happiness in bouncing the bully off site and revoking his cards, one of the biggest causes of accidents on building sites is a bully or a joker.

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Starting to think he might not be cut out for it,hes very very ouiet lad..



When i was acting as site manager and site agent when things were quiet on the rail engineering side i always made sure i knew what was going on and took great happiness in bouncing the bully off site and revoking his cards, one of the biggest causes of accidents on building sites is a bully or a joker.


if your thinking that your right, takesa certain kinda person to do that type of work, no offence but the soffter side need not apply, a shame but thats life, best remove from there soon as, yeah i know its not fair but neither is life right....


good to see someone takes a stand though, getting rid of that kind of person is better for the rest, your not looking over your shoulder all the time.


hope your lad find something that suits him.


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It may be the making of him - to be honest it goes on in all walks - the oil industry makes a building site look tame as you have to live with the guys for 2/3 weeks and cannot get away! it's a big step to make for newcomers but he may need to bite back to gain some respect - if the guy is pushing the boundry of a practical joke I would be dissapointed that others weren't stepping in - I still see it with guys that work offshore for us now but always make sure I have a quiet word with the senior person if i think they are pushing the newbie too hard.


Hope it works out for him...





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It may be the making of him - to be honest it goes on in all walks - the oil industry makes a building site look tame as you have to live with the guys for 2/3 weeks and cannot get away! it's a big step to make for newcomers but he may need to bite back to gain some respect - if the guy is pushing the boundry of a practical joke I would be dissapointed that others weren't stepping in - I still see it with guys that work offshore for us now but always make sure I have a quiet word with the senior person if i think they are pushing the newbie too hard.


Hope it works out for him...





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much like gixer has said, its always gonna happen, i took a lot of grief as an appretice, and now enjoy passing this onto the new ones. Just make sure he talks to someone if its going to far, which it appears to me, and most genuine folk should back down a bit, there should be a new kid along in time, and the focus moves one :good:

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much like gixer has said, its always gonna happen, i took a lot of grief as an appretice, and now enjoy passing this onto the new ones. Just make sure he talks to someone if its going to far, which it appears to me, and most genuine folk should back down a bit, there should be a new kid along in time, and the focus moves one :good:

Think it might be down to me but,I used to work as a bouncer in a local bar and I put this chap out on his ear..So think he hasnt the balls to speak to me and is taking it out on the young lad.....

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Think it might be down to me but,I used to work as a bouncer in a local bar and I put this chap out on his ear..So think he hasnt the balls to speak to me and is taking it out on the young lad.....



thats a little different then,,,, maybe you will have to "politely remind" him of his manners in treating your son right.


never did like the revenge thing,,,,,,, your brother beat me so i'll pick on the little guy, cowardly practices


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Definitely don't get involved, that would make things worse for your son.

If he's not being physically abused, then try to get him to stick it out as he will need to grow a thick skin to work on a building site. Moving jobs has no guarantees that it won't be worse.

Bullies thrive on weakness, and if your son is a little timid that's why he's getting it. Once he makes friends with some of the other guys I'm sure someone will stick up for him and tell the bully to shut up.


It's tough being a parent.....

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Think it might be down to me but,I used to work as a bouncer in a local bar and I put this chap out on his ear..So think he hasnt the balls to speak to me and is taking it out on the young lad.....



well that makes it totally different, from standard workplace banter, to an obvious personal issues, an is rather immature on the bullies part. Needs to be told to grow up a tad! he probably dislikes on site by others, and your lad will soon find a place amoungst the lads, and will recive support! just make sure he tells him where to go as often as he can and he'll soon get bored!

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My oldest son has started his first job on a building site,there is a man he works with seems to be enjoying making little of him and getting a laugh at his expense..Really feel for him cause its really getting to him and hes talking about leaving,theres not much out there and jobs are hard to come by..Worried that if I step in it will make it worse.. Any ideas on what I should tell him to do.........

tell him to keep his head down and carry on job wont last for ever he might get moved to a different job.not worth loosing a job because of a bully .worked on site for over 28 years seen all kinds of bullies but there is always some to sort them out one way or another stick in there its a job mate :good:

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I agree you need a thick skin on a building site, and have to dish it out as well as take it - but as others have said there's a difference between banter / mickey taking and outright bullying.


The guy in question quite clearly has an issue with you, and is taking it out on your son. Not very sensible really. :no:

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i left school and straight on the road gang concrete and kerbs and i was a very quiet lad who ran away from trouble and was bullied for it. big bloke on our site used to push too far, told my old man and he said grow a pair or shut up.... i did grow a pair and used a house brick in the guys face to make sure he knew i had a pair...from that day on i swore no one will extract the urine again and they haven't

i am not saying he should do the same and i firmly think kids are not what they used to be they are very emotional these days and the worlds changed in some ways not for the best......my nephew was bullied in work too and i went into the machine shop and called the guy out but he bottled, again i don't think my way is the best way it's just how i am

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I think it happens in all areas of the construction industry. When I first started as an apprentice joiner I was about 10 stone wet through and would not say boo to a goose. And yeah I got picked on because I was the little guy. But a a few years on and I take **** from no man! Not because I got any bigger but because I got wiser!

Anyway building sites are a lot different nowadays if the top brass get a whiff of bullying or even worse "discrimination" they will be papping themselves and your bully's actions will soon be nipped in the bud.

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Point out to your son that if 'yer man's giving him a hard time it's only because he hasn't got the balls to

confront you.


If your son realises he's just a small minded petty little ******, even though he's more 'senior', it might

make the 'stick' easier to take.






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been there and done this....3 ways you can deal with it....


If you think its due to you chucking him out one night I would go down and have a quiet word with the gent concerned


Leave your son to deal with it as I have the **** ripped from me all the time I was on site (and now) and I gave it back just as good..they soon got bored


or tell your son to have a word with the foreman on the side and explain whats going on...and see how he deals with it

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Starting to think he might not be cut out for it,hes very very ouiet lad..



im sorry, i cant beleive im reading this :angry: have you never heard of harrasement and bullying in the work place??? sweet bloody jesus!!! some of you lot should be ashamed!!! just because he is quiet, it does not mean he should be the focus of the site gob****e. he should not have to put up with this, nobody should. report this idiot to the H&S or the site PICOW.

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im sorry, i cant beleive im reading this :angry: have you never heard of harrasement and bullying in the work place??? sweet bloody jesus!!! some of you lot should be ashamed!!! just because he is quiet, it does not mean he should be the focus of the site gob****e. he should not have to put up with this, nobody should. report this idiot to the H&S or the site PICOW.


never worked on a building site then???

As said have said some industries its part and parcel of the job to take the bejesus out of each other..but when it gets personal and taken you far then have to act....some people can take it..others cant....

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