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Exciting new decoying gadget - FREE trial available!


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Lovey Dovey Pigeon Pheromone Attractant Spray


The use of olfactory senses (smell) in homing pigeon navigation is well established. But it has recently become clear that woodpigeons use their sophisticated sense of smell on a daily basis too. Scent'imental Shooting Ltd had a hunch that woodpigeons would likely rely on the same cues as their cousins the homing pigeons, and having enlisted the help of scientists this link was confirmed!


Scent'imental Shooting have used this research to develop a spray which has consistently attracted woodpigeons. What is really exciting is that this new spray can be deployed in the field to pull pigeons directly to the shooter, and this has been tested in hundreds of successful field trials across the country. Based around a concoction of pheromones, this spray really gets the birds going wild.


The instructions for use are very easy, and best of all it is the lightest decoying accessory you will carry! Simply apply the spray to your decoys one hour before setting out pigeon decoying, and before you know it they will come flocking to you. The best bit about this product is that the pigeons are more interested in the prospect of love than feeding, and so even if you can't get permission on the field they are feeding simply set up nearby and start spraying!


The normal price is £29.99, however we have arranged a deal with the supplier which is open for the first 50 Pigeon Watch members who will receive a FREE SAMPLE! To claim yours, simply visit the here.


Note: Lovey Dovey Pigeon Pheromone Attractant Spray works best in the Spring and Summer months (at the times of the peak breeding season).




Order your FREE SAMPLE today .







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I hope the post brought a smile to a few faces this morning! There is a hint of truth behind the story, which can be seen on wikipedia


However, the whole thing was a cunning ruse thought up by Nicky T (who also had a lot of you fooled last April with the mysterious large donation trick)! In this Nickbeardo was chief architect and graphic designer, whilst huffhuff developed the 'sale' page for the product on Nicky's website here: http://www.justchoking.co.uk/products/scentimental-spray/


If you enjoyed it then please consider making a donation to the Pigeon Watch Charity this year Different Strokes - I have set-up a page here: http://www.bmycharity.com/PigeonWatch (they aren't on JustGiving).


Now amazingly we actually have one bottle of Lovey Dovey which has been made up, and it is hoped that we can auction or have a competition for this in order to raise a few more pounds for Different Strokes. Watch this space on that one...


Lastly registrations for the Charity Shoot will be opening very shortly - Saturday 2nd June is the date of the shoot - so keep it free!!



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