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Tips on crow shooting


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Looking for tips on crow shooting


Bought a caller & 4 decoys. I have a hide & net already as i do pigeon shooting already.


I have frozen pigeons for bait if that's useful ?




only move when you take your shot, otherwise the crows will be off, :good:

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What sort of caller do you have?


I echo the sentiments of staying still 'til the last possible moment. They aren't the quickest things at changing direction so just pop up and let them have it at the last moment. Dead crows I tend to find are the best thing to bring them in as they are naturally curious.



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i use a slit open dead rabbit(belly facing upwards)1 jack pyke flying crow decoy on its cradle/pole and maybe 5 flocked decoys ,and a couple high up to act as sentrys(as mentioned before no shinny plastic decoys),a face veil and gloves and last of all(in my opinion!!!) my sam neyt ft2 crow call and mid call,these are awesome and the only true european crow call they never fail me and dont jam with saliva like cheaper calls do...ps stay still right up until they are in the killing zone,its also possible to call them back after being shot at...ive really "got into crow shooting "of late and i find it great sport go out and try things and find what suits you

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Any advice on what caller/decoys, ive seen fuds and sillosocks are they any good.


Get a Primos Power Crow caller, and learn to use it. Once mastered, it has to be about the best on the market. I use mine with great success, and can call in crows,Jackdaw's and Rooks.

Flocked decoys are about the best. I have just bought a dozen of them and they are far better than the other non flocked decoys that I have.



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I would give the FUDS a miss i got some and they are more blue than black.

I was thinking of covering them with black tight's. :hmm::good:


I agree they do look a bit naff up close, but they've worked for me every time i've used them, and from a distance I think they look pretty natural.


One learning curve though is not to overshoot a permission. Always give plenty of time before returning to the same spot, or even considering moving the hide to another location.

Keeping still is a must and always cover your face :good:

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Thought I'd tag on a similar question rather than starting a new thread. I've been asked be a local farmer to go blast some crows that are doing huge damage to his lambs - went to check it out last night and there is a 'good' amount of crows around, along with occasional dead lamb.


I've done a fair bit of crow decoying before, but mainly over crops. What's the score with this scenario please? any tips?


I've asked the farmer to keep any dead lambs for me to include in the pattern. Will that work? Where should I place it?


I want to get rid of as many as I can, for obvious reasons, and the farmer has fantastic winter rough shooting, so want to keep in his good books. :)


Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



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Thought I'd tag on a similar question rather than starting a new thread. I've been asked be a local farmer to go blast some crows that are doing huge damage to his lambs - went to check it out last night and there is a 'good' amount of crows around, along with occasional dead lamb.


I've done a fair bit of crow decoying before, but mainly over crops. What's the score with this scenario please? any tips?


I've asked the farmer to keep any dead lambs for me to include in the pattern. Will that work? Where should I place it?


I want to get rid of as many as I can, for obvious reasons, and the farmer has fantastic winter rough shooting, so want to keep in his good books. :)


Any insight would be greatly appreciated.





What I tried and it worked was used a good clump of wool from the sheds, cleaner the better and bought some pigs liver from Morrisons for only 53p.

Moulded the wool roughly a long oval shape and slapped some liver in the middle, this was meant to mimic a dead lamb, and it seemed to work.

It bought them in anyway and gave me the opportunity to take a few down.


I only used about five decoys on that day didn't over do it, somehow a dozen decoys didn't look natural enough.





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What I tried and it worked was used a good clump of wool from the sheds, cleaner the better and bought some pigs liver from Morrisons for only 53p.

Moulded the wool roughly a long oval shape and slapped some liver in the middle, this was meant to mimic a dead lamb, and it seemed to work.

It bought them in anyway and gave me the opportunity to take a few down.


I only used about five decoys on that day didn't over do it, somehow a dozen decoys didn't look natural enough.






Was wondering about the amount of decoys, and that does make sense, as it's more of a confined feeding pattern, basically. Thanks for that.


Diolch 'bardd trwm o dan bridd tramor'.



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Well, it turned out pretty good. Got to the field for around 11am on Saturday. I was a bit late so didn't get a chance to pick up a dead lamb for the pattern. Found a load of sheeps wool instead and clumped that into the middle of the decoy pattern, which seemed to work a treat.


Shot until 4pm, but they really started to wise up by then. Tried changing the decoy pattern a few times, took down the bouncer etc. but nothing really worked. Anyway, got 31 for 56 shots by this time so decided to call it a day.


Took a drive around and found some more patches of corvids on neighbouring fields, so decided to go back up yestderday for a few hours.


Got 15 for 22 shots from the first field then 9 for 14 shots on the second field. Not bad for around 3 hours shooting.


Ended the weekend with 55 corvids (mainly carrions), which the farmer was over the moon about - he lost some 30+ lambs to them last year!! :o


Will get back on them over the next 10 days or so with a little luck.



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Well, it turned out pretty good. Got to the field for around 11am on Saturday. I was a bit late so didn't get a chance to pick up a dead lamb for the pattern. Found a load of sheeps wool instead and clumped that into the middle of the decoy pattern, which seemed to work a treat.


Shot until 4pm, but they really started to wise up by then. Tried changing the decoy pattern a few times, took down the bouncer etc. but nothing really worked. Anyway, got 31 for 56 shots by this time so decided to call it a day.


Took a drive around and found some more patches of corvids on neighbouring fields, so decided to go back up yestderday for a few hours.


Got 15 for 22 shots from the first field then 9 for 14 shots on the second field. Not bad for around 3 hours shooting.


Ended the weekend with 55 corvids (mainly carrions), which the farmer was over the moon about - he lost some 30+ lambs to them last year!! :o


Will get back on them over the next 10 days or so with a little luck.




Well done Snipe, us Welshies are Kings of the Corvids ;)

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