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Anyone on here breaking the Law?

Vince Green

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The problem is that for many young drivers it's the only way of affording insurance. It's not perfect even if it wasn't illegal, as the second driver usually doesn't get a NCB - but it gets them on the road. If insurers made the prices affordable, it might happen less.

What probably hasn't helped things - Jeremy Clarkson said it was a good idea on Top Gear once, without mentioning that it's not legal.

Edited by bedwards1966
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thats a mega problem these days, a new driver might be looking at 2K for insurance on a £500 banger. And a lot of scumbags think why spend 2K when i can buy a jalopy for £100 and if i get caught they crush it and get a £200 fine.



2k they wanted 4/5 k for me . or if it went in parents name a nice lovely 1.5 k, ill just stick to getting a bike :good:

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got my boy a scooter for his 16th , last year . being 16 he cant have a credit account on insurance so i had to pay it in full on my credit card , no big deal , we have a deal that if i dont have his 40 quid on the 30th of each month there is another lock on it ! as its not insured to ride .

but at least the insurance is in his name to start ncd which is what its all about .

i darent start a multi car policy as i have 75% on my merc , and it would break my heart to pay full insurance !

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got my boy a scooter for his 16th , last year . being 16 he cant have a credit account on insurance so i had to pay it in full on my credit card , no big deal , we have a deal that if i dont have his 40 quid on the 30th of each month there is another lock on it ! as its not insured to ride .

but at least the insurance is in his name to start ncd which is what its all about .

i darent start a multi car policy as i have 75% on my merc , and it would break my heart to pay full insurance !


ashame ncd dont go over from bikes to cars

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Very well known fact that fronting is illegal. High insurance costs don't help but nor does getting hit by someone and finding out their insurance won't pay out because they were untruthful when buying it. :oops:





3rd party will always get paid out.


If the person fronting was fully comp and had a crash that was there fault and somehow it came to light that fronting was occuring, then at worst the 3rd party would get paid out but the insurance wouldn't pay out for the person at faults car.


Even if you obtain insurance by deception, not declaring points/convictions/modifications etc as long as you actually have insurance then the innocent party you hit will get paid out.

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My Lad has his driving test on wednesday,if he passes I am faced with a £3033 insurance bill to pay.

Alough I dont condone it I can see why people do it,just out of interest I wonder if any insurannce company has ever been able to prove a fronting case

atb Jim


I think it's only an issue if you already have a car which you drive daily then front your son or daught on their own car! If they can prove that you son or daught drives their car more than you, as you already have one then they can catch you that way! Obviously if you and your child share a car even if you dont tend to use it they cant prove anything!



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My lad is 17, has a 1.2 clio and is paying £2450, we looked at all other options, car in my name, car in wifes name, but the insurance in his name was the only lawful option. my wife is named driver which dropped £400 off, and we went with Adrian Flux insurance who specialise in young drivers, the AA wanted £7500 and most of the others wanted over £4000, its a joke. :hmm::hmm::hmm:

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Me and the misses nearly got caught out years ago! Basically I had my own car in my name and I was the main insured driver with my girlfriend (the now misses) as a named driver! She had the same setup on here's, but her car was a banger!!! Anyway I moved to a different military camp and at the time was driving 160 miles a day round trip so I started using here's and she was using my new car! I ended up having a bump one day and writing the misses car off when some women hit me but due to road works we were both on each others side of the road so the insurance said it was a split 50/50 claim! They then asked why I had been driving her car when I had my own so I told them!!! It was a night mare getting them to pay out as they were trying to wiggle their way out of paying as I was now driving it more than the misses!!



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My Lad has his driving test on wednesday,if he passes I am faced with a £3033 insurance bill to pay.

Alough I dont condone it I can see why people do it,just out of interest I wonder if any insurannce company has ever been able to prove a fronting case

atb Jim



I know of a case when a Police man pulled over a Lad, asked if it was his Car, he said yes, he then asked if anyone else drove it, he then said no. His insurance was fronted, so the insurance company didn't cover him after he admitted it, and he got done for driving without insurance.

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3rd party will always get paid out.


If the person fronting was fully comp and had a crash that was there fault and somehow it came to light that fronting was occuring, then at worst the 3rd party would get paid out but the insurance wouldn't pay out for the person at faults car.


Even if you obtain insurance by deception, not declaring points/convictions/modifications etc as long as you actually have insurance then the innocent party you hit will get paid out.

I worded that very badly but yes, you are correct. :good:



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If the car is in the parents name (on the log book), they insure the car for them driving and add additional people as named drivers, which may include their spouse, child or whoever with an estimate, if required, of who will be doing the majority of driving (but it's only ever an estimate, to the best of your belief and knowledge), the job's a good un.


Aside from questioning all your neighbours or conducting surveillance prior to a crash (!!) there is an infinitesimally tiny chance of an insurer ever pursuing this, let alone proving it.


It's a risk you may or may not wish to take, but until insurers get real on new drivers and charge something close to a reasonable price, it's a risk people will happily take.

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ashame ncd dont go over from bikes to cars


Direct Line did it for me, 3 years NCD from moped/big bikes when I passed my car test made a world of difference. I've always said the way forward is a bike beforehand, its great experience and teaches about road surfaces, observation in a way that car driving doesn't. And the insurance premium benefit (for me at least) was in the 1000s.

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You have to be careful with insurance. Ive never found any of the search engines to give a good quote like compare the market etc we have always found directline to be best. My 19 year old niece has just passed and has got a 206, not the cheapest to insure and pays 1400. When I first needed insurance I bought a new citroen saxo with 1yrs free insurance then from then on it started at £600 and went down fast. Im paying just over £200 now fully comp with my partner on it with legal protection, work use and all that guff. If I do a quote for something silly like a lambo/ferrari its still under £500.

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I know of a case when a Police man pulled over a Lad, asked if it was his Car, he said yes, he then asked if anyone else drove it, he then said no. His insurance was fronted, so the insurance company didn't cover him after he admitted it, and he got done for driving without insurance.


This isn't correct, he could be in trouble for obtaining insurance by deception, but the fact that he had an insurance document stating that he was insured on the car means he cannot be prosecuted for driving without insurance.

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I was driving my mums car :yp: for the first year after passing my test, it was the only way the insurance was realistic as soon as i got a year driving experience under my belt the insurance come down to a still eye watering £1500. Now i am 22 I am still paying £850 but on a Terrano and i did have a crash last year. The car was in my mums name on the log book and it werent too bad for us as she had a 2 seater convertible so could say my car was for when she needed more space if anything ever happened. I was very careful as also done nothing to the car to make it look like a 17 year old boys, everything was bog standard including the stereo.

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it's like ALL motoring related news in UK -- we're all being screwed either by the government or the insurance companies no wonder honest people have to resort to this sort of this to protect their family's and at least it's better than the whores who don't even bother to insure their cars at all ! :no:

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