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Security for the olympics


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Iv'e been thinking about this,the plan is to use fighter jets,surface to air misiles,12000 personel and one huge mother of a ship to "protect"London from terrorist attacks during the olympic games.If it's going to be so dangerous should we really be having so many peopl put at risk?

The risk not only comes from some wanna be terrorist but from what the government plans to do to protect everyone.Do they honestly plan to shoot down planes over inner London if some idiot tries to hijack a jumbo and threatens to fly it into the stadium,where do the expect the debris to fall ?

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The politicians will be worrying about their own safety/protection while sitting in their freebie seats more than that of the public and the athletes.


That is pretty simplistic. What they are really worried about is the negative political impact of a successful terrorist attack on the games.


An successful air attack (which could be anything from a 747 to a microlight or paraglider carrying explosives), an IED that is emplaced and functions causing casualties or major damage/disruption or a shooter in one of the venues would be a success for the terrorist groups and a major blemish on UK prestige. This is what they are scared of.


Rapier and HVM deployments in and around the M25 represent a very visual deterrent, on top of the less obvious ones posed by the armed police and military options that terrorist planners will know are in place.


If it really comes down to it, a countered threat (even bringing down a hijacked passenger airliner) is 'better' than having the same aircraft hit a packed venue.


Security on this scale is very cold-blooded and not a nice business, but when you are dealing with a stark choice between hundreds or thousands of dead and injured, normally utterly unpalatable options suddenly become very real indeed.

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Rapier and HVM deployments in and around the M25 represent a very visual deterrent, on top of the less obvious ones posed by the armed police and military options that terrorist planners will know are in place.



Whilst I agree with the rest of your post, I dont think a visual deterrent of you will be killed has any impact on many of them. most of the terrorists realise it is a one way trip when they strap on a bomb of fly aircraft into something. TBH if an airline took off from LHR, or city airport, by the time it was over the games and they had realised what was going on, I doubt they would have time to react...


its all a little too much for me, TBH, its a bit like they are saying the world is soooo dangerous we are going to need missiles to protect you... however after the games, you are once again *****D, carry on...


I am just glad that invading iraq made the world so much safer... :lol::lol:


I for one will not be watching the games, will not be supporting them and will be staying as far from any of it as possible...

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I think the whole exercise comes under the heading of "deterrent", it is intended to deter anyone from having a go.


Be honest, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't.


Absolutely right. That's why we've heard so much in the press about it, they want to show us that they are proactive and, heaven forbid, something does happen then they can say that they did as 'much as they could' to protect the games.


It is a pretty big target though, I'm not sure I'd like to go myself.

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Whilst I agree with the rest of your post, I dont think a visual deterrent of you will be killed has any impact on many of them. most of the terrorists realise it is a one way trip when they strap on a bomb of fly aircraft into something.


True, but their objective is not simply to die. They want to die whilst successfully executing an attack, so the presence of air defence units adds another layer of complexity to carrying it off, which may be enough of a deterrent to make them choose a less "high risk" (in terms of the likelihood of success) approach.


Also bear in mind that the stranger security measures being undertaken could be counter to a direct, credible threat that we, the public, are not aware of.

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Its good, you can never have too much security, but the idea of hundreds of armed American service personnel on the streets of london is a bit OTT. the Yanks insisted on it and we said OK. Designated traffic lanes, another US insistance, rubber stamped despite the fact that it will grind traffic to a standstill.


The Olympics will be a huge terrorists coup if they can pull off something. My guess is they will try. Its too tempting not to.

Edited by Vince Green
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Its good, you can never have too much security, but the idea of hundreds of armed American service personnel on the streets of london is a bit OTT. the Yanks insisted on it and we said OK. Designated traffic lanes, another US insistance, rubber stamped despite the fact that it will grind traffic to a standstill.


The Olympics will be a huge terrorists coup if they can pull off something. My guess is they will try. Its too tempting not to.


Where did you read about "hundreds of armed American service personnel on the streets of London", thats a new one to me.

I also thought the "designated traffic lanes" was a requirement of the International Olympics Committee.

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Where did you read about "hundreds of armed American service personnel on the streets of London", thats a new one to me.

I also thought the "designated traffic lanes" was a requirement of the International Olympics Committee.


Its a new one to me to.

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Where did you read about "hundreds of armed American service personnel on the streets of London", thats a new one to me.

I also thought the "designated traffic lanes" was a requirement of the International Olympics Committee.


There's a bit about it here.





How credible the website is though is another matter.


The fact is I doubt anybody will know the exact security details for the Olympics (apart from those implementing them).


It would defeat the whole object of the exercise.

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Where did you read about "hundreds of armed American service personnel on the streets of London", thats a new one to me.

I also thought the "designated traffic lanes" was a requirement of the International Olympics Committee.

You can be assured its true. The traffic lanes, you are correct, was a requirement of the IOC but the US has pushed it further than that insisting on complete road closures 24/7 and lots of other conditions. The US are very unhappy about it being held in London, they think London is full of radicals and extremists and its too big an opportunity for them. I just hope they are wrong but the more I think about it the more I think they might have a point

Edited by Vince Green
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