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Help protect shooting and angling by voting NO in web poll

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I'm surprised that this isn't one of the longest threads on PW.


Over 20,000 members, yet only a handfull of posts indicating that they have supported the cause by clicking and voteing NO.


It takes a minute or so to vote, please click the link above and vote NO



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I'm surprised that this isn't one of the longest threads on PW.


Over 20,000 members, yet only a handfull of posts indicating that they have supported the cause by clicking and voteing NO.


It takes a minute or so to vote, please click the link above and vote NO




Problem is if it doesn't affect them directly they don't care. Reminds me of when the hunting ban was being discussed I asked a couple of anglers I know if they would support pro-hunting they both said no, I asked would you support a pro-shooting group, again they said no. Don't people realise theres strength in numbers and only by supporting each other can threats be fought off. Hunting has already gone don't let shooting and angling be taken apart bit by bit.

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Over 2,500 people have now voted no, and the web poll stands at 78% against the Marine Bill. The yes votes are still coming in but the no votes are keeping pace.


At 10am tommorow BASC Northern Ireland and Countryside Alliance Ireland will be in Stormont giving evidence to the NI Environment Committee about the Marine Bill. The results of the web poll at 10am will be referred to as part of our evidence in recommending that certain clauses need to be dropped or reworded.


Thanks to everyone on the forum for that has voted so far and especially to those that passed the message on to others.


If you havent already done so please click the link below and vote NO by 10am tommorow.




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The recent vote NO campaign was organised jointly by BASC Northern Ireland and Countryside Alliance Ireland (CAI). Can I just say on behalf of all the people involved, that we are hugely grateful for the solidarity shown by members of the pigeon watch forum.


A special thanks is due to those of you that forwarded messages on to your contacts, and please do pass on this message of gratitude to them in acknowledgement of their efforts - the campaign reach as far as New Zealand.


On 10th May BASC NI and CAI gave a joint presentation to the Environment Committee on the contents of a draft NI Marine Bill. We highlighted our concerns in relation to a number of clauses, with particular focus on Clause 24.


Clause 24 would allow the Department of Environment to create byelaws that would prohibit or restrict the killing or taking of animals (ie. a ban on shooting and angling) within Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs). The clause would allow for these MCZs to be created not only along the coast but anywhere else in Northern Ireland.


The web poll on the NI Marine Task Force website stood at 79% against the draft Marine Bill with 2,600 NO votes cast at 10am on 10th May, as we began our presentation to the Environment Committee. That result, which was discussed during the presentation, helped make a strong case for changes to be made to certain clauses in the Bill.


Thanks to your support the key objective of our vote NO campaign has been reached. We have sent an important message not only to the task force but to civil servants and political representatives in NI that a Marine Bill has to consider people's needs as well as those of wildlife.


Click here to find out more

best wishes


Edited by Conor O'Gorman
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