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arm our police or not

mr williamson

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how do you guys and gals feel about our police being armed? Personaly i feel all or majority of them should be. Every day theres something on the news that realy gets my back up! Like these gangs of tenagers and men running around with semi automatic handguns and knives. And from what i can see no1 can stop them. If the police were armed and trained in to tackle these situations would england not be a safer place?

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No chance. I see half of the coppers round here and I wouldn't give them a cap gun.The training needed would be unbelievable and in these days of cuts backs impossible.Also,considering that the most interest shown by plod is towards driving related crime then weapons are not required as the average driver just takes his hit.

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I see your point Mr. Williamson and to an extent I agree that arming the police might deter some of these "thugs" and "Gangs" but I somehow doubt if it would make any "significant" difference! Much of the problem would lie in these armed police being in the right place at the right time, and we all know that with all of the government cut backs meaning (In some cases) less police to watch over our streets etc this would be a near impossible task!

You could add to that the few shooting of innocent people by the armed police units that we hear about and are brought to our attention by the media now and then - Because of this I suspect that many would be against the idea of arming our police force in case we ended up with a few too many that turned a bit "trigger happy"!

Then of course you have another side of the argument that I believe could happen - If you arm the police are we not likely to see more of the "criminals" arming themselves "just in case" or "to balance the odds"?

I personally don't know if I would want our police force (In general) armed or not to be honest, I have "mixed feelings" on the matter!

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I can see where both of you are coming from and i respect your veiws. I just wish there was something we as a country could do, because the crime we see is getting worse. I have 2 children of my own and i dred to think how bad things will be when they are my age. When i think more about it arming police could prove disasterous but i wish we had some way of putting the fear of god into these thugs if they break the law. I seen on the tele lastnight a group of men hanging around a park, when 1 pulled out a semi autamatic

handgun and started firing at a rival. This was in broad daylight too

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The truth is the country is a mess something needs to be done and needs to be done right away. The crimanal justice system is a joke aswell. Slap on the rist and pathetic sentances. As for the prisons ther more like hotel rooms no wonder they do what they do. Lock serious criminals up and throw away the key. This should be the attitude of our government and lets see whos keen to comit these crimes

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I think we should get back to the traditional old beat bobby,cycling about and keeping an eye on things.The country was a much better place and all he needed to do was give the yardies,poles,Lithuanians,drug dealers,paedos,armed robbers,murderers,WELSH and IRISH a wee skelp on the ear or threaten to tell their parents when they were up to high jinks and everything would be fine.

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True but if we tightened up on our laws maybe they would stop the criminals or at least reduce them significantly. There was not a quarter of this crime around a hundred odd year ago. Because they would have hung for it. And i truly beleive that this country is to tolerant. And parent or no parent they no what there doing is wrong

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I've yet to meet one I'd take clay shooting, let alone arm with a handgun or similar


True but if we tightened up on our laws maybe they would stop the criminals or at least reduce them significantly. There was not a quarter of this crime around a hundred odd year ago. Because they would have hung for it. And i truly beleive that this country is to tolerant. And parent or no parent they no what there doing is wrong


Rose tinted glasses...

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they dont need to be armed


i was watching a program about west mids firearms police and they had NEVER as a force had to fire a single shot in a non training scenario!


no need at all to arm them, however they should "arm" members of the public with better laws in which to effectively effectively defend themselves and their property/family

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The general princible of arming the police I haven't got a problem with, however as previosly said if it was going to be routine then, I think they need a evaluate prob about half of them to see if they are fit enough to let out with cs gas spray, let alone anything else

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Absolutly not. They have already proven themselves incompetent and dangerous with firearms on many occasions.

Until they accept that they need outside help and training, and seriously change their ways it's a no, even with the problems we have.


Who would/could give this outside help/training ? , just interested as to whats available and suitable for civilian police .

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Mixed feelings myself I would certainly not want to see some the cops I know around here armed with more than they have now.


However we are seeing an ever increasing rise in gun crime in our major cities,without the support of a decent judicial system that will hand these scumbags appropriate and detterent sentences some police may just decide to save the taxpayer the cost of a trial.


Not a situation anyone would want.


Got this from friend, she was told it was true....doubt if it is but it does highlight the differences between cops from other countries.


Three policemen, English Australian and American were asked a question:-

If you were out with your wife and kids and saw an obviously deranged man armed with a butcher knife hurrying towards you, how would you react?


The English cop replied “I would get my wife and kids away, after evaluating the situation under health and safety rules. I would also attempt to delay and apprehend the man to make time for my family to escape whilst calling for help on my radio.


The Australian cop making a gesture with his forefinger and thumb said “BANG”.















The American cop made the same gesture and said………………………………………………….





Our own police policy re armed response units is probably about right but maybe we should have a few more.

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There seem to be a few misconceptions here: immigration has always been an issue and crime levels in the poorer areas (which is where most immigrants settle to start with) has always been higher - the difference since the 1950/60's is that race is more varied and is still obvious after one or two generations here; if you discount gang members attacking each other, and frankly that does not bother me, violent crime has actually gone down; reporting of crime has gone up with the media attention being national rather than very regional as it used to tend to be local, leading to a perception of increased crime which does to stand up to analysis.


As others have pointed out, there are armed police available when required. The selection process is pretty rigorous and many individuals are rejected, even if they make otherwise excellent officers. Things do go wrong and with tragic and serious consequences, which is all the more reason to be cautious about advocating change.



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they dont need to be armed


i was watching a program about west mids firearms police and they had NEVER as a force had to fire a single shot in a non training scenario!


no need at all to arm them, however they should "arm" members of the public with better laws in which to effectively effectively defend themselves and their property/family


The problem is when they need a firearm and don't have one. Unarmed police had to stay back and wait on armed response when Derrick Bird, killed 12 people. If they had being armed they could have stopped him earlier. The problem with armed response the name says its response usually after the incident has happened to late. The police in N Ireland are armed and its not a problem. As for training firearms training would be a very small part of their training, in the PSNI, i would not get to hung up on training they manage it here. After saying that seeing how the armed response units operate in England would not give you a lot of confidence in their ability. Common sense seams to be missing form their training. PS. The question is they manage to arm the police in this part of the UK why could they not manage it in the rest of the UK if they wanted to ? .

Edited by ordnance
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I'd like to see the police force armed. Simply because they are not a "force" as they are now. They can quite easily become targets themselves when the **** hits the fan and that's not right.


The comment about the English, Australian and American cop sums it up for me. With the correct training a sidearm would be a huge benefit to the police. There are many countries with armed police who are much more restrained. Using the Americans as an example isn't the best outlook. They go about most daily routines in a way that causes ammusement to the more laid back people in the world!

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