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Quick query... are cuckoos on the general license?


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Knowledge is a wonderful thing , at least Welsh Lamb had the sense to ask the question and check the licence ,she now knows they cant be shot and has stated that she is not going to do so.

All she was looking for was a answer to a honest question not a sermon.

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Cuckoos are elusive and in decline.2009 arrived 24 april, 2010 arrived 24 april ,2011 arrived 24 april 2012 arrived 4 may...but at least arrived! You will often hear tehm but much less likely see 1.Can be mistaken for sparrowhawk! Either way please admire not fire.


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Offcourse its fine to come on here asking for advice but as has been pointed out when it comes to shooting something on the GL the shooter has a responsibility to read the GL, therefore the op should already know the answer to this question :yes:

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if you read the op's post it was just a question ! get off your high horse's about wanting to shoot it because it's there .

it's remarks and posters like this that have made pw loose good members ! pathetic little jibes .



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I suspect antis and Bill Oddies all over the country will have already linked to this thread, as an example of what field sports are "all about" :rolleyes:


The Cuckoo has to be regarded as one of the most high-profile examples of a species in decline. Historically, despite their unpleasant breeding habits, they have always been one of the most loved birds in the British countryside, recognised and commented on by ordinary people, not just rabid twitchers.


A very weird post, almost as if it was done just to be "controversial". Not a great idea (once again) if we are trying to uphold a respectable image for shooting sports. <_<

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