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Biggest 3" load?

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OK so is 52g of BB/1 shot the biggest in a 3" cartridge?


Only purpose would to be to put my cousin on his ****.........


Fiocchi Magnum is the biggest i have found any bigger just for a laugh...or are there better ways to spend £15?


OK there is a 53g Winchester but at almost £40 a box not bothered by the extra 1g for that tho......

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For this 'limited' application, 50g BB/1 Saga carry a fair old kick and are quite cheap.


To really enhance the shooting experience could let him try these through a 2 and 3/4 chambered O/U!!!


:o Above suggestion withdrawn to comply with Health and Safety guidelines.





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For this 'limited' application, 50g BB/1 Saga carry a fair old kick and are quite cheap.


To really enhance the shooting experience could let him try these through a 2 and 3/4 chambered O/U!!!


:o Above suggestion withdrawn to comply with Health and Safety guidelines.





Tidy :lol:

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Recoil energy into the shoulder is as much a factor of gun weight as load. try a heavy load through an old single with full choke. The belt is a lot harder than a heavy eight bore. If you want someone on thier back let thier feet sink into the mud stood astride then get then to shoot a goose, that tends to put me on my back :rolleyes:

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3 & 1/2" mag 66g through a nice lightweight gun. After checking the chamber will accomodate it of course.


Thats the largest cart I have done. Not as bad as people made out but couldnt do 100 clays with them :no:


You could always stick two 42g in a D/T gun and wire the triggers :lol:

I had a D/T O/U and had 2 36g carts in and when I pulled the front trigger the rear sear spring gave and ended up letting both barrels fly. I near crudded myself but it was funny looking back. Took months to find a new spring in the end had to get rid of the gun :no:

Edited by Lord Geordie
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3 & 1/2" mag 66g through a nice lightweight gun. After checking the chamber will accomodate it of course.


Thats the largest cart I have done. Not as bad as people made out but couldnt do 100 clays with them :no:


You could always stick two 42g in a D/T gun and wire the triggers :lol:

I had a D/T O/U and had 2 36g carts in and when I pulled the front trigger the rear sear spring gave and ended up letting both barrels fly. I near crudded myself but it was funny looking back. Took months to find a new spring in the end had to get rid of the gun :no:


In my last job I made bomb disposal robots and they were often armed with a shotgun so I had to find the worst case recoil for the mounting bracket and it was these 66g carts. I put them through my Maxus and although there was a lot of recoil it wasn't of bad. I wouldn't want to put them through an O/U though.


I did aim at a flying crow with them thinking it was well out of range bu I dropped it dead in the air so they work well too! Bit expensive for pest control though.

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was in the same situation as you about a year and half ago so simply put a 52g magnum fiochhi though an xf choke , the only prob was the lad did drop my gun! but fortunately i did catch it ! it pays to only put one in at a time :)the poor lad wasnt expecting that after his first shot was with a hull comp x lol :) gotta have a laugh. if you have an old shotgun you dont care much for barrel wise look up dragons breath on you tube... now thats funny :)a lot better than the old black powder gag...

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I've chugged through 50+ 50g #1's in less than 10 minutes and barely felt it, and i'm only 5'9" medium build! Save your money and make him shoot ANY 3" load weak shouldered, the poor/awkward mount will give him more of a jolt than any 'heavy' cartridge :yes: OR you could be a right **** and make him do a heavy cartridge weak shouldered . . . :oops:

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why on earth do people think choke gives more recoil?



that and why do they treat guns like toys, this smacks of being a particularly stupid thing to do. were the person to drop it or react badly to the first shot there is a second one there waiting to go. These things are dangerous and need treating like it

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Over the years i have shot 1000s of 3 and 3.5 inch magnum shells and all this talk about recoil is pretty rubbish. In a 3 inch magnum load of 50 gr shot through a properly weighted and balanced gun normally you feel no more recoil than a standard 30 gr game load in a 2 3\4 inch gun. The only time I have felt any serious recoil has been when taking a directly over head shot with 56 gr and 1 9\16oz buffered magnum loads and even then not every time. The body does not have the "give " with an overhead shot.


Normaly if you feel serious recoil it means you are not holding the gun correctly or the gun does not fit you. I think the worst recoil I ever had was shooting 28gr loads through a gun that did not fit me and resulted in bad brusing of my trigger finger.


To talk of trying to give a mate a bad kick from a shell is very childish and potentaly dangerious. Guns are not for little boys to play with.

Edited by anser2
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Over the years i have shot 1000s of 3 and 3.5 inch magnum shells and all this talk about recoil is pretty rubbish. In a 3 inch magnum load of 50 gr shot through a properly weighted and balanced gun normally you feel no more recoil than a standard 30 gr game load in a 2 3\4 inch gun. The only time I have felt any serious recoil has been when taking a directly over head shot with 56 gr and 1 9\16oz buffered magnum loads and even then not every time. The body does not have the "give " with an overhead shot.


Normaly if you feel serious recoil it means you are not holding the gun correctly or the gun does not fit you. I think the worst recoil I ever had was shooting 28gr loads through a gun that did not fit me and resulted in bad brusing of my trigger finger.


To talk of trying to give a mate a bad kick from a shell is very childish and potentaly dangerious. Guns are not for little boys to play with.


Agree with everything anser has said above.


I use quite a few Remington 3.5" steel loads and never have a problem with recoil. Admittedly I wear fairly thick clothing when 'fowling but even with the odd dodgy mount I've never really felt much.


I once used some Gamebore Black Gold 28g steel clay loads. Now they rattled my teeth. Horrible things. :huh:

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