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Plastic and fibre


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Plastic gives a more consistent shot pattern but all the places I shoot insist on fibre wads to avoid the issue of the spent plastic littering the place. Fibre pretty much disintegrates and the remains break down very quickly. Thus it is not a case of choice.



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Plastic gives a more consistent shot pattern but all the places I shoot insist on fibre wads to avoid the issue of the spent plastic littering the place. Fibre pretty much disintegrates and the remains break down very quickly. Thus it is not a case of choice.






Never been a choice for me either

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Fibre because (a) every clay ground I've been to insist on 'em and (b) I ain't a litterbug.


I do, however, shoot a small amount of buck and slug.


Also, the Yanks seem to think that shootin' plaswads through a Powerpac choke on a Higgins M20 would be a Bad Idea...





Edited by ChAoS
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When, around the 1960s, plastic wads first came out the manufacturers were very keen to swich over to using them because it made the loading process quicker and cheaper for them. They also realised that shooters were a bit set in their ways and would resist change.


So they embarked on a massive and sustained advertising campaign to promote the "advantages" of plastic wads and a lot of claims were made and a lot of pro- plastic wad articles appeared in the American magazines telling wonderful stories. Much of it was hype but the belief, once established, still lives on.


The real truth is that automated loading machines can run up to four times faster with plastic wads so the manufacturers prefer to load them.

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Guest cookoff013

plaswads do help retain pressure. fibre wads bleed alittle. plas wads have better obturator sections, better flex in the leg section, more versatile, because they can be squashed to fit.

they reduce shot scrubbing on the barrel wall.


i shoot mainly fibres except one clay ground.

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I have always shot at grounds that insist on fibre/felt.Have only ever used fibre on permissions whether or not land has animals.Only exception is non toxic where I use hevi shot which is plastic.I believe all/most non toxic is in plas wad to keep hard metal contact with barrels to a minimum.If you are shooting clays then at some grounds you will have the choice,if you v.serious competitor then I would simply say top shots use/chose plas wads.My habit has always been to buy and stick to fibre,can't stand the plas wads mess,but I guess if I ever got serious(which I toy with occassionally) and wanted to get competitive then I would convert to the darkside for clay competitions.But for normal club clay presentations fibre work fine. What and where do you shoot?Do you have the choice?

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I admire the "greenness" of you guys!!! I do shoot plastic and they are an eyesore when you shoot the same farm for a few years for Starlings and Pigeons as they don't breakdown. I do realize a benefit from the plastic wads but see the downside as well in terms of litter. If it became necessary to switch over to fiber I would do it and be glad for the change environmentally.

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The syndicate shoot that I'm a member of quite rightly insist on fibre wads, we shoot over a livestock and arable farm. It does however become a problem when you try to comply with non toxic shot for ducks and fibre wads. I did overcome this last season by obtaining some Gamebore Silver Steel with Bio Wad, only available at the moment in 12gauge.


The clay club that I'm a member of also insist on fibre wads, again we are on a livestock farm.

I've always shot fibre wad pigeon cartridges, I simply don't agree with littering the countryside with plastic when a viable affordable alternative exists.

I do occasionally shoot plastic wads at the odd clay grounds that I attend where they allow them, but thats simply to save a few bob. I'm not so good that I notice tighter patterns etc. if you put the lead in the right place the clay will break. I recall an article some years ago which dispelled the myth that plas wads throw tighter patterns etc. but I can't remember where the article was, if I get a chance I'll try to search for it.



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I only shoot fibre as grounds I shoot are fibre appart from one. Even if I was able to shoot plastic on all of them I would sill only shoot fibre as I would not like to think of all the spent plastic littering our country side.

:good: Most of the grounds I shoot on insist on fibre, thus I always use the same cartridges for consistency, regardless of what's allowed.

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Maby because im a new ish shooter but i have tried to tell the difference but cant, dependant on which of my guns i use but i would say the plastic cartridges in my SxS thump more than fibre.

No, thats an easy mistake to make. fast burning powders thump the shoulder more than slow burning powders. But fast burning powders require less powder, typically 19 grains against something like 24-26 grains for a slow burning powder. For a cartridge manufacturer loading thousands of cartridges a day this represents a 25% saving in powder cost every day. Similarly a plastic wad is cheaper than a fibre wad. Nobody has ever convinced me it was better


So, cheap cartridges use fast burning powders and plastic wads to cut costs not for any shooting advantage. Its the same with shot. the standard load is 32g (1 1/8oz) in ww1 they reduced that to 30g (1 1/16oz) to cope with war shortages and it stuck after the war.


Now they are flogging 24 g loads and trying to make you believe thats OK. If I wanted to shoot 20 bore loads I would have bought a 20 bore. Don't believe all the cartridge manufacturers are telling you. Nine out of ten people walking into my local gunshop ask "whats the cheapest cartridges you do?". They never ask why they are the cheapest. Buy cheap and you are just buying less. Less powder, less shot and the cheapest wad on the market.


Buy some Hull Three Crowns Fibre* - treat yourself and see what a real cartridge shoots like. If you don't think they are better send me your empty cartridge cases and I will give you your money back. Thats a serious offer, I really mean it. Thats how confident I am that you will appreciate that they are better. We have suffered from cheap rubbish cartridges for years. when I was first buying cartridges with my pocket money the cheapest cartridges were Sellier & Bellot Mk2 or Baikals. Both were streets ahead of the rubbish now being knocked out at discount.




* or Eley Grand Prix even better if they are paper

Edited by Vince Green
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I only shoot fibre wads simply because 1, they are acceptable on all shooting grounds 2, I can't see the value of leaving plastic wads all over the place and in field shooting leaving them for animals to possibly choke on. At the end of the day when I am shooting in the field a pick up my empty cases as much as possible so wht pick up the cases but leave the wads on the ground.For my shooting standard I havent noticed any real differance and so what I ocassionally miss the odd extra clay. Personally I think there is only one choice

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I am new to shooting only starting this year and I cant tell the difference what so ever. I have mainly shot 28grm kent velocity in both plastic and fibre, the other week I was mix and matching and couldnt tell the difference between the two for kick. I will normally pick up fibres though as all the clay grounds allow them, i only bought the plastics up at the Norfolk Flush and can use them at one other local ground.


I must admit though when I am having a bad day shooting I think it might be the difference between the cartridges either that or my chokes. :P

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