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tia body found


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its seems this case wont take long to solve, the fact he had lots of convictions and when he done a runner he got as far as a park and a bottle of vodka suggests this man is a bit thick. i doubt his excuses will stand up long also i bet theres been weirdness going on there for a while bet social services knew them.

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When these things happen it always seems to be the garden is all overgrown and the front wall is knocked down it just makes me think people that live like that are not to be trusted and quite why it took the police so long to find her body in a little house like that where could you hide it the only place is the loft.


They searched the house thoroughly twice...they obviously brought the body back thinking they would not again.


I suspect the police knew that granny and her Boyfriend were involved somewhere...


God only knows what that poor child must have gone through.


Dont worry about the death penalty...a few months in Prison and they will wish they had never been born anyway..someone will get to them and administer proper justice.


What staggered me was when the press announced that the boyfriend had the right to be examined by a Doctor to see if he was fit to be questioned...


Hes obviously not fit to breath...

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They searched the house thoroughly twice...they obviously brought the body back thinking they would not again.


I suspect the police knew that granny and her Boyfriend were involved somewhere...


God only knows what that poor child must have gone through.


Dont worry about the death penalty...a few months in Prison and they will wish they had never been born anyway..someone will get to them and administer proper justice.


What staggered me was when the press announced that the boyfriend had the right to be examined by a Doctor to see if he was fit to be questioned...


Hes obviously not fit to breath...


So let me get this straight after the police had searched the house with the police still guarding the house and this same house is surrounded by reporters and tv people the


killers whoever it was managed to carry the body of a 12 year old girl back in to the house and concealed it up in the attic without being seen and people are saying that the


killer was stupid it sounds more like he/she was a bloody magician.

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So let me get this straight after the police had searched the house with the police still guarding the house and this same house is surrounded by reporters and tv people the


killers whoever it was managed to carry the body of a 12 year old girl back in to the house and concealed it up in the attic without being seen and people are saying that the


killer was stupid it sounds more like he/she was a bloody magician.


That is why the neighbour has been arrested, think they might of moved it from loft to loft, as them kind of houses have access to other peoples loft space

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Why is it always these types? uneducated simpletons? They normally have a low IQ, or some sort of sexual inadequacy. All this stuff talk about criminals being very clever and quick witted makes me think its a mental issue rather than smartness. The average "normal" bloke wouldn't dream of doing something like this. That's my view anyway.


Sorry but a Paedophile could be anybody whether their rich poor smart or dumb.


RIP Tia.

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The news coverage of previous convictions etc is not going to help the prosecution of the case. In any deprived area you are going to find a higher than average proportion of people with numerous convictions but it is for the courts to establish guilt, not the media (or an Internet forum for that matter). What happened to that poor kid is terrible and the person/people who did it are scum who deserve everything they get and probably more.



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Such a shame and a waste of a young life. Who knows what went on, and how the poor soul met her end. It is sad, but I feel it really emphasises the need for a stable, loving family. The words 'grandmother's boyfriend' put together demonstrate the issue, in my opinion, anyway.

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Sorry but a Paedophile could be anybody whether their rich poor smart or dumb.


RIP Tia.


I do agree with you there from what I have herd about these people some of them not all but some can seem to be really nice people take Fred West he was a builder and may well have been very good at his job and no doubt some of the people that he did work for was very happy with his work and thought that he was a nice chap except when he was not working his hobby was killing young people.

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Very sad for the poor girl. It looks bad that he was suspected and disappeared, but I'll await further information before Playing judge and jury.


The worst thing is that she appeared to have been born into a simply terrible family and had no way out.


born into a simply terrible family and had no way out. Its a heartbreaking story for the little girl but isnt this what social services are for ? Is this a case of everybody knowing about a problem and nobody doing anything ? If so, just as bad as the killer IMO

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Please don't drag this thread down that route.


Why ? Its a valid comment. I cant figure out why, if found "bang to rights", we should pay a fortune to imprison somebody for the rest of their lives when there is NO CHANCE they will ever be a useful, contibuting part of society...........

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They searched the house thoroughly twice...they obviously brought the body back thinking they would not again.


I suspect the police knew that granny and her Boyfriend were involved somewhere...


God only knows what that poor child must have gone through.


Dont worry about the death penalty...a few months in Prison and they will wish they had never been born anyway..someone will get to them and administer proper justice.


What staggered me was when the press announced that the boyfriend had the right to be examined by a Doctor to see if he was fit to be questioned...


Hes obviously not fit to breath...


a few months in Prison and they will wish they had never been born anyway..someone will get to them and administer proper justice. Want a bet ? If there's sexual offences involved they'll be locked up in a nice secure nonces wing

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I have had a number of dealings with social services and have generally found them to be very professional but extremely overworked. Individuals carry huge responsibility for the most vulnerable in our society but are given little or no time to deal with the problems and even less money to help. They are damned if they act too soon, being accused of doing so without justification, and damned if they leave it too late and a child or other vulnerable person is abused, neglected or murdered. When their actions and decisions are judged after something like this happens, 20/20 hindsight offers a clarity not apparent at the time. It is a job that I could not do.



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I have had a number of dealings with social services and have generally found them to be very professional but extremely overworked. Individuals carry huge responsibility for the most vulnerable in our society but are given little or no time to deal with the problems and even less money to help. They are damned if they act too soon, being accused of doing so without justification, and damned if they leave it too late and a child or other vulnerable person is abused, neglected or murdered. When their actions and decisions are judged after something like this happens, 20/20 hindsight offers a clarity not apparent at the time. It is a job that I could not do.



Have to agree entirely.Damned if they do,damned if they don't.I've no doubt the Social servises are just as capable of errors of judgement and incompetence as the rest of us,which is all part of being human unfortunately,but just think how some of these people must feel,many of whom have children of their own,who go home at night thinking 'if only I'd done this' or 'if only I'd done that'.We're all qualified in hindsight.Not an envious occupation at all in my opinion.

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